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Author Topic: ZC isn't the only PVP people  (Read 30954 times)


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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #40 on: October 16, 2014, 02:01:10 PM »

so, you contend that this server is NOT for pking, but only for group pvp in zone control? Where does it say that? Where do you get that from? This is pvp server and PK is obviously huge part of it. I dont think anyone will disagree, except you


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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #41 on: October 16, 2014, 02:11:36 PM »

Going to scavenge in the core as a bluesuit alone should be suicidal in the game without help from our hunting groups. Let us be honest the core is a dangerous place according to the lore and you go there without a weapon and without armor ? that's pure stupidity that you should pay for.

Go and scavenge in a group if you can will be more fun and rewarding in the long run. Also the vtecs really don't care for anything except zc and the chance to outnumber the enemy. Rarely I have seen them sending a response force against us except if it is their zc group that come mostly 10+ to drive our 4-6 hunters that stand in their gate.

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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #42 on: October 16, 2014, 02:14:46 PM »

I think for most of the players that ZC the problem for random PvP in the core is "lack of reward" some people don't see the loot as the only pay off i guess they want that xp?? Maybe if you were rewarded points within your faction that could be traded for gear, caps or xp? you would acquire this score by your valor and courage in none zc fights maybe even small rewards for killing your rival factions npcs but with a twist maybe?? Like you acquire this score while your in the core but you have to make it to base to turn it in say if another faction killed your that player would get your score?(kinda like a bounty on a High value target) maybe if someone is in the core and has a high score it would warn the rival faction that someone is out killing their guys and what his score is. I mean word of mouth does this already it doesn't take long for someone to say in faction i got killed by a guy with 10000+ score guys lets get em.


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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #43 on: October 16, 2014, 04:25:51 PM »

so, you contend that this server is NOT for pking, but only for group pvp in zone control? Where does it say that? Where do you get that from? This is pvp server and PK is obviously huge part of it. I dont think anyone will disagree, except you

Sir please calm down, did i claim anything like "this server is NOT for pking" ? No.
What i tried to explain is outcome of your PK behaviour to potential increase of population. Its part of fonline ofc, but its part which parasites on the game itself.

Lets say i am more kind than you, becouse i dont support activities which degrade new players, so basicaly i can do PVP  in ZC without damage to server population. Thats all.

But feel free to run PK hunts on stupid bluesuits.


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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #44 on: October 16, 2014, 08:27:44 PM »

so, you contend that this server is NOT for pking, but only for group pvp in zone control? Where does it say that? Where do you get that from? This is pvp server and PK is obviously huge part of it. I dont think anyone will disagree, except you

Lets say i am more kind than you, becouse i dont support activities which degrade new players, so basicaly i can do PVP  in ZC without damage to server population. Thats all.

But feel free to run PK hunts on stupid bluesuits.

If you think keeping your sorry ass out of the core is not damaging the server population, think again. We don't run hunts looking for bluesuits, they usually just happen to be in the way.  We run hunts looking for players like you who should be there making sure your own faction's newbies don't get stomped. By "Not harming the server" as you say you are by only doing ZC, there's no one to make sure bluesuits don't get killed while they're looting in the areas you've taken. More just lack the gumption for possibly being caught with your pants down.  One of the major reasons Family runs core patrols are so our own scavengers have an easier time not getting killed.

I'm not disagreeing with you that the PK-Centric universe of Fonline is parasitic to players, but you could damn well do something about those new players getting killed and deterred by PK behavior if you're worried about it; we do. Makes the game more fun for everyone, bluesuits included.

Stem Sunders

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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #45 on: October 16, 2014, 09:17:04 PM »

Hee guis I nt gna kil ppl wen I c dem in city nymore cuzz it urts severe poplation.


« Last Edit: October 16, 2014, 09:28:32 PM by Stem Sunders »

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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #46 on: October 16, 2014, 09:31:41 PM »

C'mon...Would you let a blue suite walk past? whether you were with your team or not. we're not actively seeking out blue suites nor is that all we find.

Today we killed 1, count it 1 BB blue suit. You know what happened?
they sent a squad of 6 or 8 well armed players immediately.
Job done were dead BB bluesuite are free to roam for a while.

Nice teamwork from BBs there.

And guess what, the fight was awesome!

But war, war never cha, Ah you know the rest.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2014, 09:40:54 PM by Stem Sunders »


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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #47 on: October 16, 2014, 09:42:56 PM »

Great, now instead of pking bluesuit, try to touch flag at nuca cola factory. Your endeavour to improve your game skill brings results, still you need some guidance. Keep up good work.

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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #48 on: October 16, 2014, 09:46:49 PM »

Great, now instead of pking bluesuit, try to touch flag at nuca cola factory. Your endeavour to improve your game skill brings results, still you need some guidance. Keep up good work.

Lol, nice backtracking.

We tried ZC today, we won it too! Then we lost it immediately because we simply can't hold it with 7 players while vtec and law wanders around with 20 plus.
Personally for now I'll stick to hunting in core to find more manageable numbers.

I like how you bitch at us for not doing ZC when we get smashed every time without fail, when if you were in the same situation I highly doubt you'd do anything different.

The funny thing is, the players that form these "hunts" as we like to call them, are the exact same and only players willing to ZC (I think theres around 10 of us but were never online at the same time). And we do try but the moment we leave it simply belongs to someone else.

Forgive us for not being stupid enough to touch nuka flag when we know that 15 mins after touching vtec horde and law come and fight each other.
Who wants to stand around for 15 mins waiting to die? Even if we win the zone we are simply massacred on the way out and the zone belongs to enemy team once more.

Numbers count for a lot, and we simply don't have them. We can and do spend 30 - 40 whole minutes trying and still only manage to get 5 people willing to go to the core and time we more its not a lot...You can't work with that, Especially when that timer goes up waiting 30 mins to gather is obviously not an option. However setting a quick trap for the stragglers and returning reinforcements is, since they tend to travel in lower numbers.

On top of that time zone restrictions with literally 3 people willing to use TS during ZC.
So we try play in a different ways to compensate and keep things fresh for ourselves.

And you're still in the thinking that all we do is kill blue suites.

Today its has been mostly fair fights, same as last night.

If what you say is true and looking for fights we can win (doesn't necessarily mean blue suites) damages player population, then isn't the biggest faction and controller of zones the most damaging factor of all?

After all they are going to fights they know they can win.
They are killing enemies with less numbers and worse equipment.

Thats it isn't it? its all your fault :P Its like a trickle down effect.

Vtec and law win all zones and leave family and bbs no choice but to hunt less numbered enemies.

Stop taking zones and maybe the problem goes away xD

Think I'm done here though, its not going anywhere and seems to have turned into something else.
I'm all for extra encouragement to go to core, even though finding a good fight is enough encouragement for me.
But saying that us alone, looking for some action that we have a chance of winning is damaging? thats incorrect imo.
Unless you are some sort of super sensitive player that can't handle pvp games, In which case its not up to anyone else to accommodate that least of all their enemies.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2014, 11:15:46 PM by Stem Sunders »


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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #49 on: October 17, 2014, 01:04:51 AM »

+ 1 on the missions in the core, maybe even 1-2 man missions, there is no pvp or reason to go into the core unless people have 6+ ppl in a squad, if they don't have that they sit in base or do missions, its lame.


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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #50 on: October 17, 2014, 03:27:36 AM »

There is nothing usefull to obtain in the core anymore, end of story.
Killing blusuits at enemy gates and waiting for larger player groups gets boring overtime, so only pvp we got is organized player groups in zc.
Sometimes you capture 3+ zones and no enemy shows up.
Lack of PVP is why i left. I don't think people are afraid of loosing equipment unless t3, but even then, they wont cry over it.
I am just bored searching through the core for one hour finding few bluesuits ? Dungeons are not rewarding that much except for advanced modules, and with 4 people you have on dungeon, it is more entertaining capturing zone. But then we are back where you have to wait for the enemy to come.



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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #51 on: October 17, 2014, 11:49:37 AM »

Lots of good stuff in the core, if you know where to look...
i think one thing that would help all the scavengers out, (especialy the new ones) Is the bases had an in-game sign up board to help you find other people, Also if factions guards went on specific runs through the core areas every so often new players could follow them for protection while they scavenge.


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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #52 on: October 17, 2014, 02:53:13 PM »

Almost everyone who has posted in this thread is dead wrong. At the same time, just about everybody is spot on correct.

What do I mean by that?

It is really simple, everyone who plays this game has their own desires that may or may not be shared by others. What you enjoy is probably shared by others, but (this is important) not ALL others. What you dislike, some others like.

To give you an example:
I am a crafter. I enjoy it. Most of my basic supplies come from missions. For my more advanced supplies, I have to go into the core. Also, most of the caps I have gotten came from the core.
I am an explorer. I have visited every zone in the core. I have visited or passed through every zone outside of the core on the world map except for four. The only black or gray on my world map are those four zones in the NW that I have not found a way into, yet. (I may not ever get into them if they are reserved for some special purpose by the Dev's.)
I enjoy PvP that has a purpose other than random slaughter. To me, Zone Control has a purpose. Blue Gecko hunting serves no purpose. ZC is fun for me, killing blue suits just seems lame, sad really.

Here is something for you people to think about. Most of the suggestions for "improving" the game are along the lines of enhancing one type of playstyle to the point of making other playstyles worthless. In short, people are trying to force others into their playstyle. If I talked the Dev's into "improving" MY game by forcing everyone else into my playstyle (as some of you are attempting to do), how many of you would continue to play?

/slight derail... The subject of specialized builds has been mentioned in this thread.

This is just a personal opinion so don't get excited, but I have found that specialized builds are pretty much an evolutionary dead-end.
From my experience in other games and this one is that a specialized build is an individual's attempt at God-Mode when conditions are right. There are a couple of problems with this. When conditions are right, the individual will enter into near God-Mode; but when conditions are not right, they are pretty much just snackmeat. The other problem is that specialized builds are very vulnerable to the nerf bat and if the build is too good, that bat will swing hard and often.
From my experience a general build (Jack of All Trades, Master of None) survive the longest, and quite often become dominate as the game evolves.
Don't get me wrong. There will always be room, even a need, for specialists in Team PvP. You are pretty much screwed if you don't have a few Medical Builds in Team PvP. Leader Builds give an extra-edge when things are tight. Without Scout Builds you are pretty much blind.
But as soon as someone says something like, "OMG OMG OMG, I just though of the perfect build. What about a Big Gun Sneaker. The enemy will not know what will hit them!" Well... If it works as good as expected, everyone will make that build (except for me and the two guys that like healing people), and then the Dev's will take notice. You can probably guess what happens next. Yep, it is nerf bat time.



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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #53 on: October 17, 2014, 06:09:05 PM »

Some locations outside of core, like a weapon factory, that 2 groups of players can fight for would be cool.
The amount of players (5 minimum, 10 max and at least armed with tier1) that start the capture, sets the limit of attacking players. Control points to be held or zones that require you to stay within their boundrys to prevent camping the attacking players. Opinions pls.

I would also like to see Engineering skill added as a req when making guns.
Armor has it, why dont guns, id imagine they would be harder to make.
Would make crafters of more value to platoons.

AKA Ox-Skull.
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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #54 on: October 18, 2014, 02:12:52 AM »

Some locations outside of core, like a weapon factory, that 2 groups of players can fight for would be cool.
The amount of players (5 minimum, 10 max and at least armed with tier1) that start the capture, sets the limit of attacking players. Control points to be held or zones that require you to stay within their boundrys to prevent camping the attacking players. Opinions pls.

I would also like to see Engineering skill added as a req when making guns.
Armor has it, why dont guns, id imagine they would be harder to make.
Would make crafters of more value to platoons.

As it stands right now, only a crafter with a high skill in Engineering AND Science is capable of crafting a, ready to use, out of the box, high end weapon. Almost anyone can craft one, but without high skills, it will have to be repaired (quite likely, multiple times) before it is used (unless you LIKE jams and exploding weapons).



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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #55 on: October 18, 2014, 02:14:01 AM »

repairing an item up to ~70% is more than enough, and with low Engi you usually start at 50 after crafting, so it's not that hard really.
I think it's time we blow this scene, get everybody and the stuff together...
Okay, 3, 2, 1, let's jam!


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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #56 on: October 18, 2014, 05:34:49 AM »

Well someone who does like crafting will have those skills higher than the guys who do ZC more often.

If i was a platoon leader, it would be good to have someone who likes doing it, and you wouldnt have to spend all your caps on gear(throw the crafter a slice of the pie). As myakot stated 70% cond is quite effiecent. If your a crafter you should be able to make a rifle or some such and have it at 70-80 cond with 1-2 repairs.

Repairing is the best way to raise engineering.

AKA Ox-Skull.
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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #57 on: October 18, 2014, 01:45:54 PM »

Am i the only one around here who had shitload of mats and caps but lack of chitin scraps ? :D


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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #58 on: October 18, 2014, 06:41:12 PM »

Am i the only one around here who had shitload of mats and caps but lack of chitin scraps ? :D

No sir, you are not alone. Killing and looting 20 ants/scorpions for 1 armor is far more tedious and depressive than what I thought it would be
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Re: ZC isn't the only PVP people
« Reply #59 on: October 19, 2014, 12:09:55 AM »

repairing an item up to ~70% is more than enough, and with low Engi you usually start at 50 after crafting, so it's not that hard really.

Well, I would say that a weapon with a 70% condition is good enough for most people, but we do have people that are running around with a Luck of 1 or 2 and they wouldn't even be able to pick up a 70% without breaking it, much less actually use it with much success.
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