Great, now instead of pking bluesuit, try to touch flag at nuca cola factory. Your endeavour to improve your game skill brings results, still you need some guidance. Keep up good work.
Lol, nice backtracking.
We tried ZC today, we won it too! Then we lost it immediately because we simply can't hold it with 7 players while vtec and law wanders around with 20 plus.
Personally for now I'll stick to hunting in core to find more manageable numbers.
I like how you bitch at us for not doing ZC when we get smashed every time without fail, when if you were in the same situation I highly doubt you'd do anything different.
The funny thing is, the players that form these "hunts" as we like to call them, are the exact same and
only players willing to ZC (I think theres around 10 of us but were never online at the same time). And we do try but the moment we leave it simply belongs to someone else.
Forgive us for not being stupid enough to touch nuka flag when we know that 15 mins after touching vtec horde and law come and fight each other.
Who wants to stand around for 15 mins waiting to die? Even if we win the zone we are simply massacred on the way out and the zone belongs to enemy team once more.
Numbers count for a lot, and we simply don't have them. We can and
do spend 30 - 40 whole minutes trying and still only manage to get 5 people willing to go to the core and time we more its not a lot...You can't work with that, Especially when that timer goes up waiting 30 mins to gather is obviously not an option. However setting a quick trap for the stragglers and returning reinforcements is, since they tend to travel in lower numbers.
On top of that time zone restrictions with literally 3 people willing to use TS during ZC.
So we try play in a different ways to compensate and keep things fresh for ourselves.
And you're still in the thinking that all we do is kill blue suites.
Today its has been mostly fair fights, same as last night.
If what you say is true and looking for fights we can win
(doesn't necessarily mean blue suites) damages player population, then isn't the biggest faction and controller of zones the most damaging factor of all?
After all they are going to fights they know they can win.
They are killing enemies with less numbers and worse equipment.
Thats it isn't it? its all your fault
Its like a trickle down effect.
Vtec and law win all zones and leave family and bbs no choice but to hunt less numbered enemies.
Stop taking zones and maybe the problem goes away xD
Think I'm done here though, its not going anywhere and seems to have turned into something else.
I'm all for extra encouragement to go to core, even though finding a good fight is enough encouragement for me.
But saying that us alone, looking for some action that we have a chance of winning is damaging? thats incorrect imo.
Unless you are some sort of super sensitive player that can't handle pvp games, In which case its not up to anyone else to accommodate that least of all their enemies.