btw when we are at leveling.. many players are asking me how did i leveled that quickly..
1. alot of experience, preparation, readed whole wiki, asked for mechanics..
2. i wasnt sleeping for over 40 hours after release
3. few hours after release i had 2x more exp then next guy (all #5 players most xp was from bbs at that time) by abusing tutorial, when you completely logged out (after few mins being off) and logging back you was on new tutorial map because they are deleting when being empty, that map had ofc again all npcs and loot

but it wasnt really abuse because i reported that like 2 weeks before release but one of gm team told me that it was intended to reduce lags on server and its okay because there is some kind of exp diminishing at higher levels (didnt noticed

after that few hours GMs teleported at me and told me to leave tutorial, to reduce lags on server and stop abusing it..
after doing this for few hours i had 20k exp really quickly even through lags and when i left tutorial i immediately had awareness because there was enough geckos for it after 2-3 resets of tutorial and also ~750 caps for selling misc items
4. after leaving tutorial i joined rest of bbs which was doing assignments, it was going slowly but next day when we had much bigger group (of 7-10 players) we started doing them VERY quickly, like 3-5 mins / assignment
5. crafting, as i said above its way to go if you know what to craft, i will not spoil more about this

6. when assignments was limited with 10 minutes cooldown we was already geared and leveled enough to do assignments from heart, we was timing them almost every 10 minutes, during meantime ofc crafting, scavenging for max efficency
thats all, now im going to finally reach level 24
and dont forget that this game isnt only about level