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Author Topic: cars suggestion  (Read 16560 times)


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Re: cars suggestion
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2016, 06:05:53 PM »

Right but mechanics-wise, how many hexes large/long do the cars ocupy?how does turning works? what speed does it travel to? can you just run-over players with your hummer? Can you fire from the windows while inside and be totally immune from ennemy fire until car itself gets destroyed (like in Tactics)?

Seems to be a lot of stuff to work out, and probably the reason original fallout devs abbandoned the idea.

Also some gates would be much harder to navigate trough....that forest in fam gates and all the junk and narrow alleys in Church gates for example.
all of these should be directly ripped from fot
and no one gives fuck what other gates have cars should wreck the trees

Okay, but as i mentioned we are NOT running on the tactics engine, so it's not possible to simply copy paste everything from there. And cars didnt wreck trees in could ram a bush with your tank and you'd just got *Bang* Stoped.

the engine isnt completly reworked,some things may be compatibile. also you cant stop on a bush,i have tested it. i may not be right but those things are just what i think
« Last Edit: June 11, 2016, 06:08:54 PM by Pancake »
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