i was thinking about making video like that, speeded up and with talking about efficient scavenging but seems like its not even needed because someone was faster

my few cents..
most important thing when scavenging is proper ROUTE
connecting your or nearby gate with alot of containers and buildings close together, hotspots and exiting by sewers
people which scavenge randomly through core are very inefficient
you have to look a bit on map and find some route by yourself, best dont share it with anyone otherwise you might find it often empty or you may get killed
- avoid all npcs fights, its just waste of time = waste of money, this few points of experience wont give you anything and their weapons are usually in very bad quality
- 10 ST, strong back, buffout is must have for max carry weight, rest of build doesnt really matter, just something with decent fov and survivability
- caps can be exchanged by barter with ammo or armor merchant to faction currency
- loot only perfect quality weapons/armor, relics (80 each), leadership modules (400 each) and some resources which are worth it
- you can science non prefect quality weapons for some science points in hallf of fame (

), resources which you can either keep or also sell.. alloys, metal parts and electronic parts are worth 20 caps each when selling ! (you can science without workbench in everywhere core now)
- by effective scavenging you can make about 20-30k caps per hour