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Changes:-Mozambique now only applies to pistols.
Only pistols? I feel like Mozam was a good addition for many different weapons. At least keep it on Assault Rifles and SMGs, none of the ARs to my knowledge have crit strike, so this pretty much rules out the AR for torso spammers. I'm curious to observe how the changes to the remmy go, it was already a pretty powerful weapon. I can't anticipate how removing mozam and giving it a better RoF will affect balance, so I guess we'll see.
No needler nerf
Nice update!Have the white slug ammo modifiers been fixed too?
Quote from: MARXMAN on July 27, 2015, 05:34:21 AMOnly pistols? I feel like Mozam was a good addition for many different weapons. At least keep it on Assault Rifles and SMGs, none of the ARs to my knowledge have crit strike, so this pretty much rules out the AR for torso spammers. I'm curious to observe how the changes to the remmy go, it was already a pretty powerful weapon. I can't anticipate how removing mozam and giving it a better RoF will affect balance, so I guess we'll see.400->600
The Tenova patch.Fixes:-Fixed the crippling display, now correctly displaying first level cripples.