Bullet pointing Stem's wall
- I mostly agree with your bullets points and my sewer rat character is mostly pacifist, for now.
But the thing is, we did the most we could do on the PVE areas. From now on, if we want to keep being entertained, we have to move forward another direction. It could be some form of PVP, trading, roleplay, or a mix of all, but we have to do more that what we already did, if we want the group to keep being entertaining. Anyway, i will keep staying neutral as long as we didn't decide on anything. I don't want the sewer rats reputation decrease before we even tried something with other players.
- Take Only what you need
I am mostly taking the most i can take, with an armor, few selection of guns i need, and all the food/ammo/stimpack i can carry when stuffed. I usually have to eat if i want to run, but i never go out of food, so i am Okay. But i prefer that, than run out of ammo/healing in the middle of a fight agains't any kind of critters. The ammos decrease pretty fast and the weapons get broken pretty fast too, if you engage every npc you see.
- I don't think we were ever 10 at the same time, but our squad had 8 registered members at our peak (not everyone logged at the same time, but we were 6 in some operations), and there are few guys like Marxman that aren't in the squad, because of different timezone and stuff. Still, they are technical factionless and sewer rats at heart.
- Agree on the support. I would like stuff like factionless's faction chat, to communicate with non-squad members, but it is not needed. About working workbenches and traders npc in the core, i wouldn't mind those, but IMO, those features would benefit to everyone, not just us. They don't have to be implemented with us in mind. (anyway, we would be screwed without blueprints)
- I playing much less with lawyers these days, but i recall that we were pretty open toward newcomers, and alt from others factions, when our crew was smaller. Always better to maintain communication with everyone, that stay paranoid in its bat cave.
- Personnally, i would like that factionless thing to continue, expand and evolve into a more ambitious project. I wanted that since the beginning. But on the other hand, i didn't expected that this thing would actually exist. I though we would be 2-3 guys to try that a few days and leave it. So i made it as simple as possible. But if we get to continue, i would love add things, little by little, provided other rats are willing to try (and suggest stuff). It would be pointless to be too ambitious if we don't last or aren't enough, but if it last and we are enough, it always good to have new ideas in our bags. But, for all of this, it is only if all or most rats want it to. No point of trying to enforce things that aren't wanted.
- About scheduled meeting, i think we should keep doing it, as long as our number is quite low. We could do it all mondays and thirsday at 8pm GMT for bigger meetings, but being aware that if people might to come other days/hours they might also meet other rats... And everyone can add new meeting if there are other people willing to come. I might or might not play too during week-ends, but week-ends are usually peaks for PVP. Those interested in PVP might just join their fellow faction during these days, to enjoy it fully.
All you need to do is leave your faction. Be sure you have everything you need though. And also ask Naos and/or Marxman for more details.
I would say Stem, Wire or myself for european time, and Marxman for US time, although it would me nice that our groups merge or at least meet at some point.
About leaving your faction, sure, you can do that, but you will miss out all the fun of leveling in the core. I would rather suggest you making a whole new character that would never set a foot in a base, except maybe for awareness.