So I've been thinking about doing a new char and playing Sewer Rat-style for teh lulz.
So, what would be the best build for a self-reliant loner without a faction?
- Sewer Rats have no craft benches (so no use in relics and crafting components besides trade)
- Sewer Rats have no traders (besides other players) - also makes misc junk useless
- Sewer Rats have no companions to tank, heal or defib
- Sewer Rats have no room to stash or put containers in
- No Assigs
Here's what I got with some thinking, so far:
- CH 100% useless
- PE very useful, you will need extra ability to see people from afar. Alternatively, go low PE and keep away from open spaces through sewer crawling.
- EN vital, you don't have anyone to defib or heal you.
- ST doesn't sound useful, most guns don't require much ST and you don't need much carry weight because you will be doing quick loots and going to stash it somewhere hidden within the Core.
- For combat skill, I think the best tags are Small Guns and Close Combat. Small Guns are easy to find in the Core, ammo too. Close Combat is even easier to find the good weaponry and allows you something to scrap by if you run out of ammo.
- Remember - you can't buy ammo or craft. You have to get by scavenging, killing NPCs and trading with players (good luck not getting shot instead) - Big Guns and Energy depend a lot of trading for ammo and crafting for the best weaponry, so they don't seem to be worth it.
(throwing might be useful too)
- For secondary skills, Leadership is useless (unless Sewer Rats can enter faction squads or make squads with their sewer rat pals, then it could be useful), traps are useless (because you can't craft), First Aid/Doctor are clearly best. Sneak might be either very useful or useless, because you can't buy stealthboys and energy cells, so you essentially depend on random luck or PKing to get them.
- Sewer Rats don't get attacked by patrols (unless epic negative rep) so they can use them to ward potential attackers that are hostile to the patrol. Hanging near patrols in say, Lawyer-controlled Verde might be a good ideia.
Thinking if a Sewer Rat player is best serviced by a sniper build or a tank close-combat build that rellies on using sewer crawling and close spaces to snuff out sneakers and kill snipers out of their element or just going sneaker/CC somehow and stabbing people in the back.
- Can a Sewer Rat tag someone from a faction and go into a dungeon? Might be a nice source of items.