Author Topic: Holotape found in the sand  (Read 8470 times)


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Holotape found in the sand
« on: September 11, 2014, 04:08:13 PM »

This is a diary of some of the events that happened (or will happen) to my character. All of it is true (for a given amount of truth). I encourage anyone that met my character in an interesting way to add an entry. I also encourage moderators to cull this topic from time to time from off-topic comments if they should ever appear.

WARNING! Explicit Content!

The fallowing text may (or may not) contain:
-Bad Language
-Fear / Horror

Spoiler for Hiden:

If you're listening to this, then I'm probably dead... But more likely I've lost this damn tape. AGAIN! Or maybe I just gave it to you, or maybe you've stolen it. Or maybe I just don't care anymore? Who cares anyway? You got the tape, got as far as to plug it into a PipBoy of sorts, so you might as well keep on listening.

I should probably start with telling you who I am. Well, I'm just a girl from Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciúncula, the city they used to call L.A... now they call it The Boneyard. Maybe you've seen me around, but even if you did, I doubt it that you'd remember or even notice me. I'm not all that noticeable, you know. Most people looking at me soon regret that decision - I'm not the most pretty, even by the wasteland standard, but hey! You want to judge me? Do You!?  I'd just like to see how YOU would look if you where born and raised as close to the Crater as I had! You'd be lucky to have one head and a even number of limbs! I know how I look and I don't need the likes of you to remind me, and if you call me Ghulgirl - I'll stick a gun up yer ass and blow yer fuckin' eyeballs!!! Capisci?

Now. Where was I? Oh, right L.A. Once I just disliked it, now I can only hate it. IT killed my family. Can you imagine that? In a city swarmed with floaters, centaurs, mutants ghuls and all the scum of California, the killer turned out to be the city itself. You see, my family where scavengers, and one night the only thing they brought home was radiation sickness. Belief me if I never again see someone dying from radiation it will be too soon. To be honest, I only saw my father get to the stage where your intestines turn into a bloody goo and you drown in your own melted lungs... mom got the fast, one way ticket outta here. Well two tickets - I needed to be sure. Always double tap.

So, I think it's clear now, why I left L.A., right? But why did I go east? Where else should I go? South? There's nothing there, just the Glow, all the way down. North? To join the NCR-VS war? Right, like I'm in favor of any of these nazi-states. West? C'mon, did you ever look at a map? You even know where L.A. is? Even if i didn't here about Phoenix I had nowhere else to go.

CHAPTER 1: Hello, human.
Spoiler for Hiden:

It sure isn't what I expected. Don't arsk me what I expected, ok? It's just not IT. Not that IT's bad.

The first thing I notice coming to Phoenix where the robots. You don't see much of them in California, well not for long if you want to live. Here, they've got a town full of em. Strange, but let me note this - I didn't get shot at there. Not even once. So maybe robots are not so bad...  people are.
There are 4 gangs here, they call themselves with pretty names, they tell you all sorts of shit about ideals, brotherhood, common goals and a bright future. Right. In the end they all are gangs, just like that. People ganging up on other people. Cutthroats, killers, gangbangers, each party a wretched hive of scum and villainy. But the thing is... once you're out there, would you rather fight against all of them, or just some? I'm in for the later. I went for the Family, they are mobsters, but at least they are honest about it. As sure as hell I ain't gonna be a brahmin boy, I've got enough self esteem issues without people calling me a boy...

CHAPTER 2: He had a French accent.
Spoiler for Hiden:

Things where great, juuuust great. I have no idea what they expected. Should I scare me enemies to death? Or maybe let them laugh themselves to death at me? C'mon, how should I do anything without a gun? It's not like I can shoot well, but I know what side of the barrel I should be looking at, and I tell you this - it was the wrong side. Scavenging in L.A. was simple - here everyone wants to shoot me, and I have nothing to shoot back with. 

I was just about to give up. And I don't know, maybe head to Nevada... one here stories about Vegas... but then He appeared.
He said "Don't say Sugarman thrice" (or something like that) and I can't say if the words started me more or the way he said them. He had a French accent, if you know what I'm at... but with my looks? No, don't get me stared...  He did help me though. He gave me a gun - an AK, not bad but kicks like a mule - and a cool looking armor (I do have curves, you know, I'm ugly in other ways), shown me how scavenging is done in this part. And even though it didn't work out all that good - I've learned a lot.
We worked as a team, killed a few tribal folk, and looted their corpse - not that it was much loot, but if you have nothing then even a few knifes, a nuka cola and a condom counts. Yeah, the condom... I asked him if I can take the loot, and made sure to mention the jimmy hat twice. 'Sell that shit' - that's all he said. Not that I blame him, imagine me needing it. Even some old fart at the camp send me off to find him a hooker and didn't look twice at me. Well, life's a bitch, wish I could say 'that makes two of us'.

Stem Sunders

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Re: Holotape found in the sand
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2014, 08:58:30 PM »

Did you write these? very nice man, thanks for sharing.

(EDIT) Really enjoyed these keep them coming.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2014, 09:02:30 PM by Stem Sunders »


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Re: Holotape found in the sand
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2014, 05:07:22 PM »

Yes, very interesting. Keep going I want to read more... :)


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Re: Holotape found in the sand
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2014, 04:09:11 PM »

CHAPTER 3: I am many, we are one.
Spoiler for Hiden:

D'you ever heard of split personalities? Right, didn't think so. Well, imagine there's like two people living in one body at the same time. Strange, huh? But you ain't seen nothin' yet! Imagine this - today I've met one person that lived in many bodies, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start from the beginning, or at least 'a' beginning.   

At the beginning there was me, standing stupidly at the hotel neon, looking puzzled at my new, self-made, shitty... I mean shiny gun, with not a single cap or bullet. If things work here just like in L.A. then to earn some caps I need to kill someone or something, to kill something I need to shoot it, to shoot it I need some ammo, to get some ammo I need to have some caps. In other words to get some caps all I need is to have some caps. Bummer.  Now, if I has one of them beach-blond bunnies, I'd know how to get my hands on some caps, without ever leaving bed. Too bad I'm just a petite brunette with skin like sandpaper.

Desperate as I was I started to ask around, and surprise, surprise! I found some help - again! Things like that almost make me regret not having any faith in humanity. Almost, and you'll soon see why. A few Family members took pity on me and gave me a brick of ammo for my gun. I'm saying 'a few' but that's not the whole truth. You see I was speaking with one of them, he told me to wait where I was, and he headed for the hotel, then after a minute or so another guy comes around from the camp, hands me some ammo and keeps on talking as if he was the same guy that just went inside. I didn't care much then, I needed ammo, I got ammo. And it was good ammo. It was the best kind of ammo you can get. FREE ammo. Things got strange later on, but I'm getting ahead of myself again.

So, why wasn't my faith in humanity restored by this act of compassion? Well, one of these generous guys, led me to a nearby mine for some target practice. I was thinking I know what I'll have to face - defending miners from rats. I tried that before and failed miserably. Boy, was I in for a big one! We went down into the mine, he pointed at one of the miners and told me to shoot. I took me o moment to realize that these were slaves - human cattle, chained by the ankle, collared, branded, forced to work in the dark with no hope for a better life. I took out my gun, checked the clip, chambered a round, clicked the safety lock and pointed the gun at the slaves head. And I couldn't do it! How could I kill an unarmed man in cold blood and look myself in the mirror in the morning? But how could I back out now? I remember what one of the mobsters said about weak people... I didn't want to end up myself as another bead on a slave chain...

The shot in the confined space of the mine was louder then I expected. I'm not sure if I actually saw his face in the brief flash of the shot or I just imagined it - but it was not horrible at all. He looked calm, happy to have found freedom at least in death. I realized I could do nothing to make the life of these slaves better, but I could put an end to their suffering. I wish I could say I gave them all a clean, swift death, but I will not lie - it was a mess. I'm not a good shot and my hands where shaking but after a few minutes and 3 clips it was over. Almost over. The guy that lead me to the mine smiled at me and pointed behind  a big rock - two more slaves where hiding there. I wanted to get over with it, so I put the gun against the head of nearest slave and puled the trigger. Nothing happened. I pulled it again. Nothing continued to happed. I guess the gods wanted to remind me I had an ill luck name. The gun jammed for good. The last shell got stuck halfway in the ejector window, I pulled the lock back trying to remove it but it only got worse - all I managed to do is to shave of the brim of the shell, so on the way back a new bullet pushed the empty shell sideways down the barrel - the only way I could kill with this gun was to use it as a club. Lucky I still had a knife. Lucky me, huh? The last two kills where... Shit! Why am I even telling you this? I don't want to talk about it, ok? I don't even want to remember... The look in their eyes... they didn't want to die, and it made it so much worse.

I was still thinking about it when we got back to the hotel. Can't remember what we talked about but I do remember this - I had half of a conversation with a handsome dude (well, almost handsome, but I ain't Miss Universe myself so...) and another half of the same conversation with a cheerful chick.

She said a assignment would do me much good - I must have looked terrible, because she gave me some stuff to cheer me up and I must say it worked for a while. We done a mission, it went good, so feeling cocky (as girls do on a night out) we took another job. She was doing most of the work, but I didn't stand around, I did my part... until the gods again decided to remind me about karma. The enemy had numbers on their side, but we were smart, we took'em one by one - until a loud explosion brought every god damed raider in 5 miles to the very spot where we where. It took me some time to realize what made the sound. At first I was thinking I stepped on a mine, or someone has thrown a grenade, but then I noticed the gun in my hand, or rather what was left of it - the gun exploded.

For a moment I was thinking that this must hurt as hell, but before my body had the time to check in the pain bill I heard 4 shots behind me. There was no pain - Darkness filled me and I welcomed him as a long lost lover. And just like every other lover I had, he left me alone in my bed, between bloodstained sheets, with my body aflame with pain, no recollection of how I got there, and not even a bottle cap on the nightstand.

Story of my life. Fucked again.     

Just to convince readers that all this  took place in-game, a screenshot:
Spoiler for Hiden:


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Re: Holotape found in the sand
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2014, 01:26:35 PM »

CHAPTER 4: Suicide girl.
Spoiler for Hiden:

People tell me that when I came here, I signed up for war. A war that is not mine, a war that I have no stake in, that there are no reasons for me to be here. Well maybe it was true, but it's not true anymore. I have my reasons, a whole platoon of them. That's right, believe it or not I got myself involved, and there are people on this god forsaken planet that would want to have me on their side. Ha! Self-esteem+=1

Why did I signed up? That's easy - someone asked me to, as simple as that. It's not just that I'm bad at saying 'no' (although I am), it's also that this was the first time somebody actually believed I could be a valuable team member. At least I hope that it was like that. Sure, after I agreed to join, there was a moment that I didn't think I would leave the base without giving head, but in the end I didn't have to kiss any members of the members. This time.

Anyway, I was thinking it's about time that I learn to shoot properly and to get some practice I sign up for a mission. Alone. They said it was an easy job, well that's fine with me. I am easy. I like easy. I went back to my room, took my second best gun and polished my metal armor until it gleamed. Then after a moments thought, I dragged it across the sand in the courtyard a few time so that it didn't shine so much. Advertising doesn't pay it this line of work. I left the hotel heading for the marked spot.

I started out by scouting the terrain. It was a small, tin hut in the middle of a forest. There where two guards and a watchdog. I first took out the dog - that wasn't hard, it only bit me twice. The guards would be the problem. So I waited for one of them to go around a corner, and when he was gone I pop out behind cover and fired half a clip into the second guy - It's not that I missed all the shots, the guy just didn't seem to care. As if nothing happened, he pulls out of his pants, a big, freaking ... shotgun. The shot hit me in the chest and I heard the metallic sound of lead balls hitting my armor. Buckshot! This was going to well... and the I heard another sound, a blood-chilling berserker warcry. I saw the nearby door swing outwards and I was half expecting to see Cohen the Barbarian standing there with a battle ax in each hand, but it was far worse. High heals, short skirt, knife in hand and a face that only a mother could love. If you've ever been to New Reno, then you should know what chick you can get for a single cap - and one of those just rushed me with a knife. I was so shocked I didn't even remember to shoot! She stuck the blade hilt deep into my thigh. Shit! I went down like a puppet with its strings cut, and as she struggles to pull the knife out I saw as the shotgun guard slipped two slugs into the gun. Just as he begun to pull the trigger the crazy bitch managed to pull the knife out and suddenly her body is between me and the just fired slug. I got sprayed with her guts. As I try to stand I realized that the guard fired only from one barrel. And then it hit me. Literally. 

Hello Darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again.

I woke up in my room. Striped, bandaged but very much alive. I dressed and went to report my failure. As I walked down the stairs I was thinking what to say, I almost had a nice plot in my head that didn't sound as stupid as the real thing but the moment I entered the gym and heard the booming laughter of that boxer type I couldn't find a word to say.  He yelled at the top of his voice "The Suicide Girl's back!" and then I knew that everyone knows what happened. They send someone after me, when I didn't report back, found me - half dead and the girl I was meat to kill - fully dead. It would only take half a brain to figure out the rest.

To my surprise I got a handful of caps as a reward, the boxer just shrugged and told me he doesn't care how I do the job, target's dead - mission accomplished. Well, that's one way to do it - but kids - don't try this at home.   


Stem Sunders

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Re: Holotape found in the sand
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2014, 01:37:01 PM »

Really enjoyed the new story (Suicide girl) please keep em coming this makes for pleasant reading material


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Re: Holotape found in the sand
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2014, 03:59:19 PM »

More will come, when more will happen. There will be no entry for today - just some scavenging trying to learn the core and hunting gekos and ghuls, nothing to turn into a story... but if you want to you can always influence the story by your in-game activity ;)


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Re: Holotape found in the sand
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2014, 04:57:00 PM »

Very enjoyable.
If your ingame RP has as much quality as these stories I'd love to meet your character some time – What's this girl's name?


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Re: Holotape found in the sand
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2014, 05:53:18 PM »

Noone ASKED her name so far, the letters above her head say 'SubMachineGirl', but that's not the 'ill luck name'


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Re: Holotape found in the sand
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2014, 07:19:53 PM »

Noone ASKED her name so far, the letters above her head say 'SubMachineGirl', but that's not the 'ill luck name'
Oh, right forgot the screenie:) Welp, my char's name is "Relentless Doc", which is of course just something "they" call him, he's in Lawyers but that doesn't mean shit to him, he just picked one of the factions without thinking much about it, because they were so pushing and didn't let him leave..
lol now I wanna start writing diaries too..
Anyway, count on it, he will ask your name. Unless you decide to shoot him first because of the Lawyer's badge and all..


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Re: Holotape found in the sand
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2014, 11:19:11 AM »

Great! really enjoy reading those
Hope to have a chance to bring you together with your old friend some time ;)


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Re: Holotape found in the sand
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2014, 01:41:11 PM »

CHAPTER 5: Innocence lost.
Spoiler for Hiden:

I didn't expect to find one like Him in this place, but then again this place is as good as any and probably better then many other places. I wouldn't be so bold as to call it love, but we fit together snuggly. I know he's not the best out there, but for now he's all I need.

Can't really say what makes me act this way, but when I hold him in that special way, when I wrap my fingers around him, I get excited feeling how hard and thick his shaft is. As I pull my hand over him, and feel the outer layer slide over the core,  I can sense the power inside him, and if I do it just right, I know he's but a light finger touch away from spending his load, but I also know he won't. Not till I'm ready, not until I can hear my heart pounding and the rush of the blood in my veins, not until I can taste the salty taste of sweat on my lips. When I'm ready - together we make sparks fly, again, and again, and again. Seven times. I counted (You would have too). And I can feel the shivers down my spine as he jerks back each time he shoots his load... I told you I didn't love him, but who am I kidding? I love my 1911.   

What else did you think I was talking about? Sex? Well, no... but I like your line of thought.

Anyway I found this gun at the Phoenix core on one of my more successful scavenging runs. I started out alone, but before I got any deeper I notice that a fellow from the Family was with me. You know how it is. Boy meats Girl, and all that stuff... not that we made a organized group but we watched each other backs. And his did look good in leather (if my low standards mean anything to You).

I have no idea what he found, but for me it was mostly junk. Sure, there where some interesting.. em, well... let's call them 'toys' and not go into detail, but most of it wasn't worth more then a cap. We where just about to leave when I decided to take one last look in one of the lockers... and there it was - my gun. Mint condition, all serial numbers the same, never shot.

I hardly remember the trip back to the Hotel I was so excited to test the gun out, I just needed ammo. So after a short stop at the local pervert (if you need to ask, you don't need to know) I had a handful of caps to buy myself some ammo. The kid selling ammo told me he only had ACP ammo - it fitted, so I didn't care much for what that means, but I asked out of curiosity. I guess he wanted to play a game - you know how kid are - so he made me guess.  It wasn't Air Cooled Projectile, and it wasn't Ammunition Containing Powder I didn't dare to make third attempt and I had to buy another box of ammo just to stop him laughing. 

I took an assignment to test it out. Alone, again... like as if I didn't know how it ended last time? According to briefing I wasn't to expect armed forces, that wasn't true. So much for intel. I don't want to tell you all the gory details of that mission, I'll just say that I had to return there a second time to reclaim my gun (and armor, and stuff) and finish the job. As I'm just about to leave the hotel my squad C.O. yells at me to get in line and arm myself for we are going to take over the Polymer Lab. Damn! Why now? How was I to tell him that my only good gun is laying in the sand somewhere north-west from here? I just barked some apology, said I will be ready in 5 minutes and rushed to finish my job. They left without me. It took me almost half an hour to get my stuff back and by that time the fight was over. I headed for Phoenix anyway.

Then things got worst. As I walk into the Eastern Square, I find myself face to face with some leather clad dudes with shiny, oversize knifes. Yakuza! Shit! Again I don't want to tell you all the gory details, but as I'm entering teh Square again I silently pray, that my gun is still there. And of course it is not. I decided to look around. Maybe they put it in a desk nearby? Or maybe in these boxes here... but it's not there. I found just a hunting rifle.

I wanted to go back, but I notice some movement outside. I took a sneak peek and saw a guy in a metal armor with boots knee high in brahmin dung. To be honest my first reaction was to hide. I heard his footsteps just outside the room I was in and in a moment he was gone. I wanted to be gone just as well, but as I step outside I see him coming back and not far behind him two of my brethren. Hunter becomes prey. 

He was moving fast and if I didn't stop him, he would have escaped. I took aim and shot before he could leave the room, but the bullet ricochet of his armor. I pulled the trigger again and cursed myself. This was a hunting rifle, not my trusty 1911. Bolt-action - got to hate it. It took some time before I was ready to shoot again, just enough time for him to stop and point his gun at me. He didn't shoot. I don't know if it was for my Family brothers bursting through the door gun-blazing or he got stunned by my rare or rather raw beauty.. but who cares? I did shoot and this time the armor did him no good. It wasn't a killing shot but he collapsed on the floor like a bag of dung. Then all of us start shooting at the poor bastard like we were The St. Patrick's Day Massacre Recreation Club.  It didn't take much time to turn him into a Spongebob lookalike.
I was nearest to the carcass, so I took the liberty to loot it. Now he had some decent guns. A .50 Desert Eagle, M1... and a Colt M1 1911. MY 1911!  Just a few shots fired from it and just the right amount of ammo. This is my gun, there are many like it but this one is mine!

I still need to face my C.O... can't just one thing go easy in my life?

Stem Sunders

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Re: Holotape found in the sand
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2014, 03:18:20 PM »

Hehehehehe, I thought there was about to be some x-rated nastiness going down. Your gun is nice, but ya cant beat a good old 12g. Knocks em right off their feet.

enjoyed the read, thanks.

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