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Author Topic: Big Gun Snipers needs buff  (Read 25317 times)

John Porno

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Re: Big Gun Snipers needs buff
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2017, 06:22:44 AM »

Man whole array of different weapons are used.

I saw Aek, Laser Rifle Ext, Minigun, SCAR and many others for less than 1 hour of play.

AEK seems to be the go to shit weapon that is most popular.

Today what suprised me today was the plasma pistol.

You are right I just wanted to show that we closed ourselves in narrow section of weapons when we have so manny other, good weps that's all I mean there. anyway you were right about that as50 build ( I got max shoot for 35 ap, can't get lower without leadership ) and it brings doom O.o thank you for you help here
The general weapon choice is influenced by these things, among others:
- Map
- Total playercount in fight
- Disparity of playercount between teams
- Knowledge about enemy weapon- and buildchoice
- Skill of your teammates and your enemies
- Personal preference
- The fact that personal preference changes over time

Also, here are some Hyptheses which will surely entice some shitposting further down:

No player or dev is omniscient nor completely rational.
-> Everyone's decision is to some degree subjective.
--> Opinions will change over time.
---> The meta is essentially a network of subjective opinions based on, but not strictly governed by hard gameplay mechanics
----> The meta is constantly changing even without the game changing.

Bonus fact: Since everyone has limited mental capacity and only has a limited amount of data available, with both of those parameters being different for every single player, errors will be made which further contribute to the changing of the meta. Even a hypthetical perfect hard balance would result in subjective meta.

My own personal conclusion out of these thoughts is that a perfect balance is not even something to aim for. Instead, I would say as a dev that it's much better to concentrate on "enabling" players to react to the changing meta in more than one way. Even if that case was hypothetically the case, it would still merely "enable" players to do so but not "make" them do so.

In other words, if you think the meta is fucked, try to find ways to change it yourself. I am 100% confident that we have supplied ample game mechanics allowing everyone to do so. However, hard factors like playernumber will naturally affect this process in ways that we as devs cannot control, unless we tried to scale mechanics and weapon stats with playercount, which we obviously dont cause it's a stupid idea.

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« Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 06:24:47 AM by John Porno »
"if i was a dev i would just stop server, and nobody hurt"


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Re: Big Gun Snipers needs buff
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2017, 02:43:09 PM »

scale mechanics and weapon stats with playercount



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Re: Big Gun Snipers needs buff
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2017, 06:14:37 PM »

scale mechanics and weapon stats with playercount, which we obviously dont cause it's a stupid idea.

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John Porno

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Re: Big Gun Snipers needs buff
« Reply #23 on: February 06, 2017, 01:11:48 PM »

why is the least important point getting all the attention oh wait
"if i was a dev i would just stop server, and nobody hurt"


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Re: Big Gun Snipers needs buff
« Reply #24 on: February 09, 2017, 02:09:47 PM »

that is why everyone (except devs and some cunts) want to rollback to season 1, we got better balance and more diversity

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well all I wanted to see in battlefield more wepons than just reapers, aeks, and pancors...and I know that particle and big snipers was op in big battlefields but now your online is max 30 ppl and fight is like 5vs5vs3 or something like that....just want to see more wepons here, 'cause gatlings, sonic and plasma cannons still are usefull but this ones ( now I mean big snipers ) aren't but thx for every information - I will try out to find that build

You're forgetting Flamer, plasma rifle, FN scar, and gatling. Which most weapons are just spam, spam spam spam and enemy dies. You're not spamming? You're dead. Why does anyone want to play at its current state where the only good weapons are just spam weapons, like wtf. As this piggy cunt said AEK go to weapon. Why? Because its the most easiest and doesn't require much effort. enable hold click to shoot and bam, you're gonna win most fights.

Low AP cost, high weapon capacity, spam or die. Most of the times I've died was from plasma rifle or AEK. Now there's so many fucken weapons when I came to play for a bit, I had no idea what was good or what was bad, I took milkor and was just completely obsolete and inferior to all these other guns. I saw dragunov or was L96 better, but dragunov was tier 9 wtf  :o

Session 1 was way better cause you had almost anything, even in small scale fights but before small scale fights were like 11 vs 10 vs random lolyers, but sometimes more people will come resulting into more bigger fights. You had DSRs/AS50s, small gun snipers, melee, fucken miniguns, AUGs, pistol spammers (deagle, 14mm with simian warfare = insta KO :D), sneaks which needed tweaking but were decent.

The good times  :'(
u ain't shiite retaard )0))

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Re: Big Gun Snipers needs buff
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2017, 02:51:13 PM »

that is why everyone (except devs and some cunts) want to rollback to season 1, we got better balance and more diversity

Spoiler for Hiden:

well all I wanted to see in battlefield more wepons than just reapers, aeks, and pancors...and I know that particle and big snipers was op in big battlefields but now your online is max 30 ppl and fight is like 5vs5vs3 or something like that....just want to see more wepons here, 'cause gatlings, sonic and plasma cannons still are usefull but this ones ( now I mean big snipers ) aren't but thx for every information - I will try out to find that build

You're forgetting Flamer, plasma rifle, FN scar, and gatling. Which most weapons are just spam, spam spam spam and enemy dies. You're not spamming? You're dead. Why does anyone want to play at its current state where the only good weapons are just spam weapons, like wtf. As this piggy cunt said AEK go to weapon. Why? Because its the most easiest and doesn't require much effort. enable hold click to shoot and bam, you're gonna win most fights.

Low AP cost, high weapon capacity, spam or die. Most of the times I've died was from plasma rifle or AEK. Now there's so many fucken weapons when I came to play for a bit, I had no idea what was good or what was bad, I took milkor and was just completely obsolete and inferior to all these other guns. I saw dragunov or was L96 better, but dragunov was tier 9 wtf  :o

Session 1 was way better cause you had almost anything, even in small scale fights but before small scale fights were like 11 vs 10 vs random lolyers, but sometimes more people will come resulting into more bigger fights. You had DSRs/AS50s, small gun snipers, melee, fucken miniguns, AUGs, pistol spammers (deagle, 14mm with simian warfare = insta KO :D), sneaks which needed tweaking but were decent.

The good times  :'(

^ Clueless ^


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Re: Big Gun Snipers needs buff
« Reply #26 on: February 11, 2017, 12:19:08 PM »

well i have to agree with sralker that spam weapons are favoured in current version of aop, this thunder pistol doesnt come close to 14mm meta from first season.

and there are many more examples probably... aek is the got to go weapon because it deals the most damage compared to other assault rifles, the problem there is in my opinion that other assault rifles dont offer any other perks traits which aek doesnt has... since some dev had the idea to give all ARs this accurate bursts trait lol there is no significant difference between all of them except the damage output.

milkor is completely shit also compared to season 1 , it only deals good damage against armors with low exploding resistance , if some player got this strangelove perk its even more lol , against combat armors total useless already ... in season 1 it feelt alot better. now its only good against noob people without strangelove perk or gunturret to undeploy them but other than that i dont like it ... nadepistol probably better.

the only changes regarding weapon category i really like is shotguns. but rest seems still like wip and with even more weapons we end up with less weapons to choose from ... funny
« Last Edit: February 11, 2017, 12:24:55 PM by Kurwier »

John Porno

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Re: Big Gun Snipers needs buff
« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2017, 04:25:26 AM »

Theres a reason players use aek and devs use sg552
"if i was a dev i would just stop server, and nobody hurt"


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Re: Big Gun Snipers needs buff
« Reply #28 on: February 12, 2017, 04:51:05 AM »

Theres a reason players use aek and devs use sg552

devs play their own game ?

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This No 1vs1 Noob...
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Have You EVER encountered a SWARM of AEKs ???
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« Last Edit: February 12, 2017, 05:04:23 AM by Kurwier »


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Re: Big Gun Snipers needs buff
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2017, 05:59:31 AM »

Theres a reason players use aek and devs use sg552

so they can ragequit the game?


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Re: Big Gun Snipers needs buff
« Reply #30 on: February 12, 2017, 06:23:01 AM »

Which most weapons are just spam, spam spam spam and enemy dies.

Low AP cost, high weapon capacity, spam or die.

You had DSRs/AS50s, small gun snipers, melee, fucken miniguns, AUGs, pistol spammers.

spamming was better before.


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Re: Big Gun Snipers needs buff
« Reply #31 on: February 12, 2017, 02:39:23 PM »

Theres a reason players use aek and devs use sg552

I guess it's the same reason why devs stimpak tables instead of players
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