> most Lawyers went to FO2
Who exactly? I knew almost only 1 organized band in lawyers which made the whole ZC for them - New Order, and they didn't go Fo2 but Requiem AFAIN. It was just 5-6 experienced guys to the end with help of randoms. I think also there were BBS? Following new order mostly, and not active in zc by themself.
One of the reasons to leave: no stable / not enough opponents to fight.
> Same with BB
They had several organized _clans_ almost without randoms. Mostly Russians, with help of several different bands (Pistoleros, Mushroom's), which didn't last long because clans had different perspectives on how to play the game.
Later Mushroom joint family but didn't succeed to make any of the randoms to be sustainable fighters and left because couldn't fight against organized / experienced / swarming lawyers and v-tec.
Pistoleros joint v-tec and played with us for a while, then left because "had to play with noobs" and no stable / not enough opponents to fight.
Russian platoons were separated and outnumbered then, and BBoys as ZC faction didn't appear for a month. Now there's playing 1 Russian platoon, which can't communicate effectively with others, so they feel outnumbered and outgunned (although they are comparing to v-tec).
Those clans would glad to play this server, but low player base and some "noob/have to play with people I hate issues" for them were the reason to leave. Server where to doesn't mean anything.
Quite a lot of gangs tried but didn't succeed in communicating with each over, what leads to current 20 players online, where v-tec is dominating and nobody can't oppose anything, so v-tec get bored and stopping to play as well. So you'll have immersioned komrade and bunch of other players which doesn't try to play the team game as a team (implying family and other randoms which are not "clan" and not trying to be).
Now as I said I consider myself as an experienced players and currently play with 90% new people I've never talk to before I joint AoP. You can call us "clan", because we are trying to be organized and have a common leaders. This process is natural and it's great that there's such a possibility for it as pre-arranged factions. But, if v-tec has no those experienced leaders, people don't really play / able to play. And experienced leaders are not going to play if it's boring (no decent pvp like currently).
In time of many players pre-arranged gangs had 20+ players in combat, no clans usually can gather so much, so they won't be able to "bull" anything.
Again, I'm not telling that other servers faction system should be applied fully in AoP (although I don't see any harm from it IF "open pre-arranged factions" have leaders and manpower), but it's obvious that you don't understand the situation that well as you think.
In the same time as there're a lot of stuff is going to be added which will bring some old / new players back, as far as I know one of the things will be expansion to 8 pre-arranged factions which actually should mostly solve the problem.
(but someone in the Internet wasn't correct, so I needed to fix it)