I looked over all perks and traits pages and made sure they were tabled up and lists removed where appropriate. Looks like everything's pretty close to tidied up there. I've begun an exhaustive process of tabling weapons. All the information is important, but I've decided to focus on the 5 following parameters where appropriate: strength required, range, damage, ap cost, reload cost. Ammunition barely missed the cut as all the others were just barely more important at a glance. A short legend will follow, since certain things will be abbreviated and certain liberties are taken. In order to fully properly compare two weapons, you'll have to really look at both and consider modes and their different costs and effects.
As such, I tried to pick the most basic means of attack. For Big Guns that require deploying, the attack cost after deploying is shown. Bleed values aren't taken into consideration, though notation will be made where appropriate. For instance, the category of Flamers, Launchers, etc in Big Guns could be prefaced that all explosions cause knockbacks and Sniper Rifles in Small Guns could be prefaced that they cause bleed. I've done most of the work on everything but Small Guns. Further editing will be required, but when I'm done it should be pretty indicative of what's missing information while providing in my opinion the most relevant information.