Hello everyone!
Game development is a time-consuming process and you can't always do what you want, even despite all the motivation of the world. No Name Yet Team members are of course concerned as everyone. We started working in October 2012 and people have often to move forward, or stay away from the project for a long period, to handle insane personal matters that we can't ever imagine. 'Ah life, ya know my good sir.' Thus, in order to properly develop
Ashes of Phoenix, we need to ensure that our team is still able to work efficiently on a daily basis, creating new game content and fixing spotted bugs.
So, we're regularly looking for different motivated people to join us and start working along on this exciting game. You can find more information about the current members of the team
on our website page.
There are
two ways to participate in the development of the game: you can apply as a
Full Member of the the dev team, or as a
Contributor. As a Full Member, you'll access to the development & game data's and have the right to add your ideas to the project. As a Contributor, you'll have access to a dedicated section of the forum and you'll be able to propose suggestions and often discuss with us. We'll also keep you informed of the available contributions and you'll pick up what you prefer. The goal of this Contributor status is to offer the possibility to lend us a hand without having to spend too much time on the project, if you can't or don't want to.
If you're interested, please
send me a PM or an e-mail (
shangalar@fonline-aop.net), with as much information as you wish to provide about yourself, including:
- Your experience in similar projects as ours, if any. You don't need to be a pro already, we'll help you progressing. But having already worked on a game or a mod would obviously help you a lot.
- Your knowledge of the SDK and its tools. It's really important that you understand decently what we're working on. We suggest you to download FOnline TLA SDK (using Tortoise) and see what's in there before thinking about joining us. You can find info about SDK installation procedure over there.
- What you would like to work on: it doesn't need to be that precise, and all tasks are not opened for more contributions, but it would be nice that you have already a strong idea of what you wanna help with: scripting; art; mapping; factions, characters and items design; dialogues... there is a lot to care about. We look for people to perform special tasks, but that doesn't mean you can't do anything else.
- As our team is composed of people from many countries, it's important that you have a decent knowledge of English (written and spoken) in order to discuss with other members and participate to debates.
- We do not ask any particular presence from our members, but it's obviously essential that you got enough free time to spend with us. Furthermore, if you need help to understand the whole shit, we want you to provide us something real in return. No promises. We do not have any time to lose

Don't forget to mention these five points in your applying message, as if you expect to be considered seriously you have to apply seriously as well. You don't need to write a novel though, especially if you apply for Contributor status.
Keep also in mind that every applicant to the team will have to go through a contribution period, in order for everyone to figure out if your goals and personality are compatible with ours. We have to ensure that the atmosphere remains good in the team and that we can work altogether, especially since no one here gets paid for his job. Thanks in advance!
We're currently looking for new team members and contributors to help us with the following tasks:- Scripter(s)/programmer(s) [Team membership]: the bane of every project, no programmer no game! Our programmers (Lidae and Cirn0) have a hard time fixing and improving the content, and we know players want more features added to the game. Having one or two more programmers would help us greatly to make sure that the content extends at a decent rate on the long term. You would start working on separated useful additions to the game before getting into more serious stuff. To apply, knowledge of AngelScript (the game language) is not required to apply, but knowing other languages would of course be helpful.
- Map designer(s)/mapper(s) [Team membership or contribution]: extending the variety of the maps is also important for the game. Two people in the team are working on that aspect (John and Shangalar), but we're also working on many other tasks preventing us to spend the long required time on mapping at the moment. That's why we would appreciate help with new random assignments maps and assistance in order to introduce the new random encounter system. To apply, you'll need to show us your knowledge of the FOnline mapper tool, which is available with the FOnline SDK (see above).
- Dialog writer(s) [Team membership or contribution]: we've barely covered all the NPCs of the headquarters, and there is much more we wanna do! We would really enjoy the help of a native English writer in order to fix, improve and extend our dialog list. That person would for a start bring more interactions with faction NPCs including small quests, and then assist us for the introduction of Phoenix inhabitants. An excellent knowledge of English is required as well as basic notions of dialog writing, we'll be able to teach you how to use the dialog editor tool if you need.
- Sound/music composer [Contribution]: as you probably noticed, we recycled Mark Morgan's OST in Ashes of Phoenix. The thing is, we had a composer in the past but he disappeared without a word before even producing anything. We would really love a new dedicated soundtrack, that would fit better to the factions and the city. We would like you to link compositions to your application so that we can hear what you like/are able to produce.
- Global forum moderators [Contribution]: game communities are vast and composed by people of multiple origins who have different opinions, but here we're also in a PvP game where players fought for a very long time against each other. We need neutral people to assist us in handling forums so we can spend our time on developing the game. This task is extremely sensible, that's why we'll take care with recruitment of moderators. We won't hire candidates we don't know, except if you can concretely prove us your experience in moderation. You also of course need an excellent knowledge of English to apply.
Thanks for reading and for your consideration, we'll keep the community informed of the recruitment evolution.