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Author Topic: 14.09.2014 Changelog  (Read 29943 times)


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14.09.2014 Changelog
« on: September 14, 2014, 01:36:08 PM »

- Phoenix Archives dungeon will be back after next server restart. Check wiki page about dungeons before going there!
- Mining Missions now autosplit reward to players in the zone.
- Fixed doctor AP cost (for real this time).
- Fix to Family maindoor bug.
- Drop all into container via alt-click menu now checks if target is a container.
- Spears now utility slot-throw-able.
- Bug fixes related to drugs.
- fixed npcs grenades not having explosions.
- New platoon names SHOULD now FINALLY be automatically added to the list. ( ;) )
- Random assignment bug fixes.
- map fixes.
- Dialog fixes:
-> all warmasters
-> Tony Vivaldi (briefcase) (Family)
-> Father Pablo (doc) (Family)
-> Free building guard (books) (Lawyers)
-> Vault scientist (briefcase) (V-Tec)
-> Butch (rubber boots) (Brahminboys)
-> Jackson (tanner) (Brahminboys)

- Assassination missions: VIPs wandering depends on difficulty, Alarming the camp will result in the VIP attempting to fleeing the zone.
- Miners no longer give EXP.
- First aiding and Doctoring message no longer obscure user's name.
- Zone Control Finish message now tells how much experience, reputation and caps you gained.
- Mob stats tweaks: aliens, deathclaws, primary centaurs, ancient floaters, ghouls and mutants are slightly stronger.
- Deathclaws speed increased.

- Decreased price of MK I armors but increased price of MK III.
- Increased price of hightier BG and EW weapons (Minigun, RL, .50cals).
- Increased 40mm grenade box price from 40 to 100 caps.
- Increased stock of low tier ammo merchant.
- Decreased kevlar cost for crafting Mk III armor from 6 to 2.
- Moved all Grenade crafts from Workbench to Scientific Instruments.
- Decreased crafting cost of normal Stimpaks.
- Increased experience gain for some chemical and explosive crafts.
- Howitzer Shells are now sciencable.

Equipment-related changes:
- swapped around plasma pistol and its ext. cap version's damage
- fixed thrust aimed mode on different bladed melee weapons
- fixed armor trait progression and weight on Support Combat Armor
DKS-501 Sniper Rifle
        -replaced Ignore AC armor perk with Piercing Strike
Grenade Pistol
        -increased reload ap from 45 to 60
Remington M870
        -decreased damage from 80-100 to 70-95
Milkor MGL
        -increased AP cost from 70 to 75
        -increased grenade travel time from 15 to 35 (35ms per hex)
Milkor MGLS
        -increased AP cost from 70 to 75
        -increased grenade travel time from 15 to 30
        -decreased range from 60 to 55
        -decreased damage from 27-37 to 25-35
        -increased reload ap from 180 to 200
Wakizashi Blade
        -decreased damage of first attack mode from 40-55 to 30-45
        -decreased damage of second attack mode from 80-90 to 55-65
        -added Revealtime of 1200ms
        -changed weapon perks to:
                1:Knockout strike
                2:Better Criticals
                4:Better Knockouts
                5:Silent Death
40mm grenade
        -added DRmod of 15%
7,92x57mm Mauser (mg42)
        -decreased DRmod from -15% to -10%
5,3mm AP (minigun round)
        -decreased DTmod from -100 to -90
- Added equipment (T2 armor and weapon) and level (6+) requirements for all characters to enter a zone while ZC timer is on. This will be tested and changed again if necessary.
- M240 and Avenger Minigun are now craftable. The Avenger minigun uses a special reload script which doesn't require to actually reload. In order to use it properly, put the ammo into the second active slot for it to feed your weapon automatically.
- new command ~dropsquad to remove self from squad (temporary fixes for any stuck in squad issues).
Added player context menu, Alt click players to:
-> 'Untag' to remove target from tagging you;
-> 'Squad Invite', invites target to your squad.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 04:34:03 PM by cirn0 »


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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2014, 01:39:40 PM »

Naaice now to edit for wiki :p


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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2014, 01:42:53 PM »

Added stuff (T2 armor and weapon) and level (6+) requirement to enter a zone during ZC timer.

What about dead players returning to grab their gear?


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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2014, 01:43:19 PM »

Take a LJ and a gun with you.


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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2014, 01:43:44 PM »

Added equipment (T2 armor and weapon) and level (6+) requirements for all characters to enter a zone while ZC timer is on. This will be tested and changed again if necessary.

Remove this for people who have been in the zone with proper gear when zone control starts. This way somoene that died can return to the battlefield and regain his gear.


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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2014, 01:50:44 PM »

That would mean someone with bad intentions can die one time and come back again for free. That's would ruin our attempt here, especially if the guy was there from the start of the timer.


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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2014, 01:53:51 PM »

Shangalar, keep it the way it is, don't listen to criers! Come to war with gear! (:


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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2014, 02:03:23 PM »

Fix to Family maindoor bug.

Best feature in 2014 year :D thanks


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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2014, 02:50:08 PM »

Could we have Alt+Click on items in the inventory which would automatically put them into a container? Drag-dropping is annoying, clicking would be sooooo much better...


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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2014, 04:35:43 PM »

- Phoenix Archives dungeon will be back after next server restart.

Quick question about this.  Are there plans in action for a server restart, or scheduling for a regular wipe of sorts?  I jumped in a little late (only a few days in if that) just in time for the tutorial to have just been removed.  It's unfortunate that the tutorial couldn't have been made a shared experience (maybe an individual map for each faction with respawn timers) but the total lack thereof left me a little at odds with what was going on.  I like a lot of the implementations of the game itself, but I felt like it left me with only two options:

1) Suck.  Hard.  Thanks to the combat timer being removed, I've been able to start low-level assignments and grind a punch or two before dashing for the exit.  Very diminishing results, unfortunately, even in Metal Armor two tribals would easily overwhelm resulting in exploitation being the only means of progression.  At least I did eventually see a level or two from this tactic, but it was never successful enough to complete even the simplest of assignments.  The one time I thought I had accomplished something I returned to be told I hadn't done anything.  I guess I should've expected a context saying I'd finished the assignment anyhow?  I wouldn't know, I haven't finished one yet... :)

2) Pony up on all the T2 arms and armors that are seemingly growing off of trees.  I've had zero luck selling anything to merchants beyond a cap at the time for junk, though it was almost worth jumping for joy to find something I could effectively sell.  Thanks to player helpfulness (awesomeness, I've seen a lot of really kind gestures from existing players to new) there's no "market" to try to sell anything to players out of the gate.  Like I said, that's awesome.  I'm really interested in party play, so I like to see it.  That said, I really like to get my bearings a little bit and self-sustain a little.  I'm not above receiving help, but I can't help but feel like it's all but required at this point. 

Level 1 characters are extremely beefy, thankfully.  Am I wrong to feel like removing the tutorial as it were skewered the ability for independent startup?  To my understanding it was removed due to exploitation.    Understandably, some people have more time to play than others and will naturally progress much faster. 

I originally intended just to ask the opener to the quote, but while I'm at it I have one more question if you please.  I understand melee/HtH options would suffer tremendously if they weren't comparable to their ranged counterparts, but should the HtH damage be quite so high?  I equipped a melee weapon and my damage actually went down.  Hopefully it evens out as the ranged character gets access to higher quality weapons, but out the gate it makes more sense to lose the weapons and brawl.  No need to reload and that most enemies starting off in low tier assignments will already close in to engage with their fists, spears, or knives makes the ranged advantage not so great.

Also, it seems weapons are randomized based on your tagged primary skill;  Wouldn't it be better to establish some standard?  One character I rolled wound up with a .44 with a nice long effective range.  Next time, I wound up with a 9mm hand cannon (can't remember the exact name) with an effective range of 15 or something similarly low.  This would be fine if there was a damage difference or even slight enough of one to make the two weapons comparable.  Half the range for roughly the same damage potential?  In the long run, it probably doesn't matter much but again this is from the get go.   

Ha, sorry for the wall of text.  To summarize, is there a wipe schedule?  Thoughts on removing the tutorials effect on the in-game economy for the new player?  Does unarmed continue to grow in damage with skill points, or is it a flat rate from the start supplemented then only by unarmed weapons?  What's the deal with randomizing start weapons?  Thanks in advance!


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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2014, 05:32:09 PM »

Did you buff the 30000+ rep vendors?They seem to be spawning more rare stuff....Don't make it to easy ;)
Check it out! Independently targeting particle beam phalanx. Vwap! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phase-plasma pulse rifles, RPGs, we got sonic electronic ball breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks...

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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2014, 08:08:15 PM »

Ha, sorry for the wall of text.  To summarize, is there a wipe schedule?  Thoughts on removing the tutorials effect on the in-game economy for the new player?  Does unarmed continue to grow in damage with skill points, or is it a flat rate from the start supplemented then only by unarmed weapons?  What's the deal with randomizing start weapons?  Thanks in advance!
The primary reason for the removal of the tutorial is teh fact that it slows down the server and lead to incredible lags, with everybody starting at the same time. Even now, big fights in the core take its toll on the cpu and cause lags for every player, which we are of course trying to fix.

The tutorial would have given each new chear a head start with a number of different tier 1 weapons a couple thousand xp, enough to reach 150 in a primary skill. What I suggest you to do is to lay your hand on a 10mm smg, it should be easy to craft and the ammo is easy to come by. Just use single shots to conserve ammo but when in a pinch, the burst mode (try to burst as close to the enemy as possible) can help.

The gear and equipment is much more important than character level. Armors are very important, too and they can be hard to come by in a good condition. Craft metal armors from alloys and metal parts  found in the core and craft 10mm smgs or ak-47's. With a 50% metal armor and an AK you should be able to complete assignments by yourself to level up and earn some caps to invest in 100% condition armor.
"if i was a dev i would just stop server, and nobody hurt"


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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2014, 12:05:10 AM »

Did you buff the 30000+ rep vendors?They seem to be spawning more rare stuff....Don't make it to easy ;)
Vendors sell items based on the amount of zones you control.

Thanks for that update, grieves me to not see a string with the "supersledge and ripper now both have aimed types of attack" text, but hey, at least something...
I think it's time we blow this scene, get everybody and the stuff together...
Okay, 3, 2, 1, let's jam!


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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2014, 06:53:47 AM »

Did you buff the 30000+ rep vendors?They seem to be spawning more rare stuff....Don't make it to easy ;)
Vendors sell items based on the amount of zones you control.

Thanks for that update, grieves me to not see a string with the "supersledge and ripper now both have aimed types of attack" text, but hey, at least something...

Well,other day we held all 12 zones and no tier 3 ammo spawned ,now after update when we had like 6 zones tier 3 ammo started to spawn...that's why i'm asking,it's like that npc is drunk all the time......
Check it out! Independently targeting particle beam phalanx. Vwap! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phase-plasma pulse rifles, RPGs, we got sonic electronic ball breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks...


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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2014, 01:21:24 PM »

- Mob stats tweaks: aliens, deathclaws, primary centaurs, ancient floaters, ghouls and mutants are slightly stronger.
- Deathclaws speed increased.

WTF ?? u dont think they are enough strong and speedy ? are u crazy ??


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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2014, 01:34:19 PM »

What are you talking about? There is a dedicated topic about how weak they are ^^
I think it's time we blow this scene, get everybody and the stuff together...
Okay, 3, 2, 1, let's jam!


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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2014, 01:35:19 PM »

- Mob stats tweaks: aliens, deathclaws, primary centaurs, ancient floaters, ghouls and mutants are slightly stronger.
- Deathclaws speed increased.

WTF ?? u dont think they are enough strong and speedy ? are u crazy ??

deathclaws was a joke men, right now still a joke, too slow, they need to be "deadly" no slowpoke like right now they are


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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2014, 01:39:25 PM »

deathclaws in fallout were always supposed to be super deadly AND FAST - even though f1/f2 was turn based combat, those damn DC had enough action points to catch up to you in one turn or max two if you hadn't exited yet. I think their speed should be even faster, so that if you see them and they see you and you cant exit map FAST you are in for a fight ;)


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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2014, 02:37:11 PM »

I was asked to revise mob stats by the rest of the dev team, so here we go!

In next update, many animal stats (especially hps and speeds) will be revised again. You can expect deadly Deathclaws that won't let themselves be trolled anymore. In general, the stronger mob versions will move faster than the weaker ones, with the strongest running faster than the regular human speed. That's the case for example for Patriarch and Mother Deathclaws, Grey Deathclaws, Hellfire geckos, Aliens matriarchs, Primary Centaurs and Ancient Floaters. The experience they give will be adapted (increased) to fit to the challenge they'll represent.

Spawn tables will also be changed so that you can identify with more certainty which mob family is present on a type of map or on a core map in particular. The strongest mobs will spawn less frequently in general, and that will be the same with human groups.


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Re: 14.09.2014 Changelog
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2014, 02:43:24 PM »

Will you add a timer for aggro-NPCs that spawn right on the player to be inactive for a couple of seconds?
I think it's time we blow this scene, get everybody and the stuff together...
Okay, 3, 2, 1, let's jam!
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