
Partial Armor Bypass

Partial armor bypass is a critical effect that might happen as a result of a Critical Hit. Such a hit will ignore some of the protection of your armour (if you wear any), with the likely effect that you take more damage.

The likelihood of having your armor (partially) bypassed as a result of a critical hit depends primarily on your Agility.

The severity of a partial armor bypass depends on Luck, and is further modified by the "armor efficiency" perk, as well as possible leadership boosts (both of the attacker and the target), and the "piercing strike" weapon perk.

The DR and DT values of the armor is modified by the following percentage in the event of a partial armor bypass:

partialBypass = 30 + (30 * (55 - ((21 - L) * L) / 2)) / 45

A partialBypass value of 100 means the entire armor is ignored (it's as if you wear no armor at all), and a value of 0 means there is no bypass at all.

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