I have to repeat again and again, making leaders being easily identified (I like idea about awareness) without introducing mechanics to make leaders stay in the zone of the firefight will make them all not-combat sneaker-like / full tank characters which doesn't even try participate in fight, but only hiding and fleeing.
E.g. inside the flag perimeter at Gun runners, FTL will stay inside the building and the only way to kill him will be to move through only 2 entrances.
In Police Department FTL will stay somewhere in the building on left top, where nobody ever walks around.
Thinking now I like the idea that LDR bonus could be shared only in field of view,
but there are problem with it:
check tick if FTL shares bonuses is about 10 seconds now, it'll bring random losing bonuses periods during moving through the doors, etc.
Making check ticks less AFAIK will turn in server productivity issue.
Did you guys ever try to change modules in battle? There's no fast button for it and it takes real time to open pip-boy, find needed module (my memory about where's the line should be in most of the cases), turn of some of which is turned on already and turn on new on.