It is certain that for now the amount of different activities you can do is limited. We hope in the future to bring more so that you can vary before being bored and feel the grinding weight on your shoulders. But that's right as well that we did everything we could to allow low level players to take part in PvP actions, and we really wished players to just play the game and level up at the same time "without thinking about it", so to speak.
Leveling up the character is an exciting process but we don't want players to feel that they're forced to, that the content is accessible to them only after their reached a certain level of power. We believe the current gap is more about equipment than level, and that's something quite difficult to balance. Managing an item stock is easier than building one from nothing... in that aspect, the game is still much more difficult for newcomers than experienced players, and that's sort of a non-sense. Hopefully bringing the tutorial back will allow new players to gather some equipment and that way, not restarting naked after their first death. But that's not enough, and we'll have to work harder to help new players to get started.
What's really nice is that I heard many players donated stuff to new players. I hope this will continue, and would love to see some market where noobs can get gear provided by platoons.