Author Topic: Few things i've noticed  (Read 3868 times)


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Few things i've noticed
« on: September 07, 2014, 08:30:35 AM »

Firstly, a relatively small one, most of the pricing at shops seems well done, but I did notice that 10mm AP costs the same price as 10mm (jhp), unless there is some hidden variable i am not seeing or I am reading it incorrectly, the AP ammo is all bonus while jhp is all minuses, shouldn't the ap cost at least 1 cap more? I wondered if this might apply to other ammo types too, but it was the main noticeable one for me.

Brushing against another player or npc causes some weird shifting to occur, which gets a man killed frequently, it can mostly be avoided, but in panic situations and also when creatures/npcs actually get into melee range it is a nightmare, i'm sure you are aware of it, but this is hard not to mention either way.

NPCs all aggro on one target and it is very hard for them to break aggro at times, leading to being able to kite groups with 1 while shooting with others, while this is fine for say geckos and ants (even then they run through players shooting them to get to the original target) when it comes to humans it gets a bit weird, perhaps "intelligent" npc's should just be targeting their closest target at all times? If that is possible.

Knockdowns happen very frequently, which is understandable to a degree, but when a single knockdown usually spells a death sentence for anyone in the level 1-6 region, this high frequency can be quite frustrating, especially considering that even a mantis can knock people over with what seems like a 50% success rate.

Then, there's the very strange ap cost of a single shot comparatively to the burst cost of some weapons, I just can't see why a single shot would ever take more effort than a burst (except of course in the case of an aimed shot, but this simply adds even more to the gap), at the very worst one would think it would require the same amount of effort. This to me is most pronounced on the tommy gun where the single shot is almost double the ap cost of burst.

The healing rate (the rate at which the player regens health) seems far too high, I was bleeding at one stage, but my healing rate countered it out almost completely, perhaps an overall lowering or remove healing rate while the player is being damaged (bleeding/poison) to represent the affliction already overriding your natural healing, and the detriment of bleeding poison becomes more pronounced. Also with the ability to first aid so often and effectively, such a high healing rate is overkill IMO, the healing skills lose some effect when our bodies push the bullets out of them self like we are all Wolverine.

And workbenches, workbenches everywhere, where do they keep coming from? lol

That all being said, it is the bugs and annoyances that get attention, overall the game is fun and addictive, and the high difficulty level of the game is near perfect for the setting.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 11:02:37 AM by mAdman »

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