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Messages - Noob Karl

Pages: [1]
General Discussions / Re: V Tech Teamkilling
« on: October 12, 2014, 09:02:16 AM »
once again another hater says a hate comment. anyways half of the people at v-tech don't even know I am a brony and half of the people in v-tech think im annoying because they think I am roleplaying and leave us bronies alone we aren't like you see us but there are some more obsessed bronies than others

wtf is a bronie? a homosexual man that dresses as/plays with toy horses? I think your playing the wrong game, maybe go touch some lollipop, ps plz dont join lawers....

General Discussions / Re: Critters balance in Phoenix
« on: October 07, 2014, 11:50:54 AM »
Group of about 7 smugglers raped me with laser weapons earlier in the core, I had no chance was awesome :-)

Game Tips & Guides / Re: Mele
« on: October 06, 2014, 06:33:24 AM »
What you guys think about my sneaker/ hth build?

Special: 5-9-6-1-10-1-10
Traits: bruiser - fast shot (or small frame?)
Tags: small guns - first aid - sneak

It's my first HtH build and need advices.
Is my special and traits ok? Which perks should i take?

mmm no HTH skill on your HTH char? sounds like a fail

it's a sneak build actually. just machete & wakizashi for melee. small guns for surprise aimed attacks and silent weapons.

Ok thought it didnt make sense, but do you not need hth skill to do aimed attacks with the wakizashi or machete?
anyway good luck with your char

General Discussions / Re: Bored
« on: October 06, 2014, 06:23:53 AM »
I have grown a little bored but I still play, it would be nice to have more PVE quests, raid enclave bases etc, random encounters and possibly a few towns that have quests?

Bring back lockpick possibly steal also, would be nice to have areas with locked containers or safes where you need a very high lockpick skill containing special loot, obviously these areas would be dangerous because other players fighting for the containers loot.

Someone else said remove crafting of weapons and armor and only allow repair of them., this is a great idea, all weapons should be found on corpses or looted in core etc would make good weapons/armors more rare and they just need repair when necessary :-)

I have no idea how hard/easy it would to be to implement these changes as I have no experience in coding srry but am happy to share my ideas and experiences :-(

Game Tips & Guides / Re: Mele
« on: October 03, 2014, 12:32:25 PM »
What you guys think about my sneaker/ hth build?

Special: 5-9-6-1-10-1-10
Traits: bruiser - fast shot (or small frame?)
Tags: small guns - first aid - sneak

It's my first HtH build and need advices.
Is my special and traits ok? Which perks should i take?

mmm no HTH skill on your HTH char? sounds like a fail

General Discussions / Re: Favorite Weapon
« on: September 29, 2014, 07:09:29 PM »
I like the Pancor Jackhammer, it looks very nice and does decent damage and low ap, decent selection of ammo also, I liked it in Fallout 2 and earlier today I gunned a V-tech down in the poiice department with it kicks ass vs blue suits lol :-)

Maybe you got keylogged, sometimes happens when you use download hacks or mods for a game.
look at 2nd post
He writed, that he deleted that(SEGA_RUS) character.

Who has done this exactly? I dont read russian but someone has changed your password and deleted your char? how have they done this exactly without knowing your password in the first place?

Maybe you got keylogged, sometimes happens when you use download hacks or mods for a game.

Pages: [1]

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