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Messages - RazorRamon

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Suggestions / Re: Sneak Boys
« on: May 31, 2016, 01:08:07 PM »
"I love to complain about things i have no fucking clue about"

Then equip a minigun and walk around in sneak and see for yourself

Suggestions / Re: Sneak Boys
« on: May 31, 2016, 12:41:36 PM »
Do you see where i'm going with this?

I see that you dont even play the fucking game.

Try to equip a minigun loaded with ammo and walk around in sneak

Suggestions / Re: Sneak Boys
« on: May 31, 2016, 10:35:52 AM »
Weird, because i take smokes and stims and an epipen to every single battle.

Suggestions / Re: Sneak Boys
« on: May 31, 2016, 10:06:59 AM »
Sneakers equipment is generally cheaper than a full blown combat character. Full sneak attire is probably around the 2k caps mark. (you can farm most of the weapons, wakis, automags and Metba(?) and just need to buy armour and a stealth boy). Stealth Boys are too cheap I believe. Full Combat character should be around 4k.

I dont see how this is a valid argument. If you neglect easily farmable weapons and consumables, then sneak is in fact more expensive:

CA mk3 = 1875 caps
CLC + sneakboy = 1875 + 180 caps

Stealth boys are too cheap, agreed. But Combat leather coat is too expensive for what it does, nobody that isnt a sneaker would ever buy it at this price.
So if you increase snekboy price, reduce CLJ and CLC price to compensate.

Suggestions / Re: Sneak Boys
« on: May 30, 2016, 02:10:27 PM »
He doesnt need to play aop 24/7 to point out that most of Stalkers forum posts are crying and whining when it's the truth

Suggestions / Re: Sneak Boys
« on: May 30, 2016, 01:53:05 PM »
Quote CA?......wielding miniguns?..... :'( Yup, this is the end.
wait... what?

Dont reply to trolls clochard

Suggestions / Re: Sneak Boys
« on: May 29, 2016, 01:41:43 PM »
i wish i could make cunt matthew invisible for little cost

Suggestions / Re: Sneak Boys
« on: May 29, 2016, 09:08:41 AM »
remove them

General Discussions / Re: A letter to potential developer
« on: May 28, 2016, 01:15:43 PM »
I miss how changelogs looked when paragon was on the team:

 - reworks of game mechanics to pander to forum whining (cirn0)
 - nerfs to your favorite weapon (john)
 - quality of life updates like ~freeshoot to make 20 year old shitgame less painful (paragopnik)

Logically, only nerfs and reworks remain today

Bug reports / cross faction defib
« on: May 26, 2016, 02:41:53 PM »
why is this shit possible

did we time travel back to 2014? (but only pick up the worst features along the way)

Suggestions / Re: ~find 'player name'
« on: May 24, 2016, 06:32:20 PM »
~find Hellmoi

'Hellmoi is online, Vtec Enterprises Toilet #4'

General Discussions / Re: where is everyone?
« on: May 24, 2016, 05:39:24 PM »
Been trying to play but game constantly freezes every 30 seconds
screen not refreshing even though the game is still running (playing sounds and everything)?

i had that after some GPU driver update in march

only thing that fixed it was turning on windows aero for some reason

General Discussions / Re: TRIGGERED: FONLINE
« on: May 22, 2016, 09:45:28 PM »
Unlimited rerolls add another layer of skill. Your team can be full of big gun snipers in one fight, and in the next one where your enemies think they will be fighting a stationary enemy you bring melee weapons and cover yourself with smoke grenades.
I can take a next tier legendary weapon to one fight, the enemies see this and some will reroll to sneakers and try to kill and loot me. Now i'll think one step ahead and reroll to a build that hunts sneakers.

If you dont agree with this, there is plenty of alternatives to choose from. Servers where you can be happy with your character's build forever and grind caravans in peace.

General Discussions / Re: TRIGGERED: FONLINE
« on: May 22, 2016, 07:09:52 PM »
"We have no minigunner"
"No problem guys, ill just reroll and fill the gap in our teams composition"
^ current aop

"We have no minigunner"
"Fuck this, we can't compete, let's log off then"
^ Weasel aop

General Discussions / Re: TRIGGERED: FONLINE
« on: May 22, 2016, 01:45:28 PM »
free rerolls

You keep using that word
I do not think it means what you think it means

Changelogs / Re: 05-20-2016 Changelog
« on: May 20, 2016, 04:05:31 PM »
Bonus rage of fire

Spoiler for Hiden:

Changelogs / Re: 05-15-2016 Changelog
« on: May 17, 2016, 11:17:28 AM »
Also remember no grinding is a feature not a mistake ;)

The problem is there's nothing to fill that void with. There is no activity to be done that keeps the server population filled between zc cycles.

Pvp is the only worthwhile thing doing right now (Until the dungeons start popping out T10 gear at least).
And sometimes even pvp isnt an option when you're outnumbered and your squad disconnects 1 by 1 because you keep losing.

In Counter Strike you can just go and play on public servers if your team isnt online for some real matches. In Street Fighter you can still go into practise mode and improve there if you cant find any real enemies. But in aop if there isn't any zc going on it's [??]

Well sure you can go and scavenge the core, but as Seki said in another part of the forum, with proper routes you can make 30k caps in 1-2 hours and that should be enough for at least a week and after that it's back to [??] again.

Changelogs / Re: 05-15-2016 Changelog
« on: May 16, 2016, 02:40:19 PM »
If you want to play a game that requires SKILL, go 1v1 me on reloaded.

Changelogs / Re: 05-15-2016 Changelog
« on: May 15, 2016, 10:04:30 PM »
Download fonline SDK and make your own server without sneak and melee

Changelogs / Re: 05-15-2016 Changelog
« on: May 15, 2016, 02:10:52 PM »
Spin it however you want Ramon. If sneakers have ability to attack they are still in need of better nerf.

Go play a different game if you dont like it

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