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Messages - faopcurious

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General Discussions / Re: Whered the music go?
« on: May 02, 2016, 02:40:05 PM »
ok ok ok, no need to lynch cirn, I know he has some real problems to deal with now :P

General Discussions / Re: TY
« on: May 02, 2016, 12:26:33 AM »
This picture is something like an AoP session start symbol now?

plz no.

Suggestions / Armors again.
« on: May 01, 2016, 10:09:03 PM »
Still 90% of players using combat armor, these are all supposed to be the same tier right?
Should see an even distribution of leather armor, leather jacket, CA, and metal armor, and whatever armors you add.

The other armors need better perks, maybe bleed resist, or something useful, people just don't give a @#$# right now unless it is CA.  Would be nice to see diversity.

General Discussions / You changed the xp system for npc's?
« on: May 01, 2016, 07:06:09 PM »
You had a perfect system, kill stealing wasn't a thing, you get xp depending on damage done, which you still do, but now you get so much xp for doing damage to a monster, and bam 400xp just for being the guy to deal the final blow.  WTF?  I swear you are going backwards.

General Discussions / Re: So New Wipe?
« on: May 01, 2016, 01:21:43 PM »
duno but i really like how start works. You are lvl 1 stako and your main goal is to run run run get some xp and hope to live until you can start killing , reality is harsh
Like I said, it's a nice concept, it's just not that conducive with current game.  Maybe if there were more lone NPC's to kill, heck even the lone savage with a knife will tear you apart in 3 seconds before you can even get him to half health =/.  Don't get me wrong, I like the huge mobs, because when you are rolling with your faction it gives you something challenging to fight in the core, and adds to ambiance/immersion/good xp, but t here needs to be something for the level 1 loner as well.
Floaters were the best xp, just shoot and run, maybe cripple, centaurs and other things too dangerous. And I only found like 2 of those guys on the way  to level 8

« on: May 01, 2016, 01:15:29 PM »
No, no, no.
Old score system was terrible, it promoted team killing because when a robed wanderer with a zip gun came in he would get killed so he wouldn't be fed to the enemy.  Even with no team killing, noobs will now be fed to enemy, both are bad outcomes.
This isn't COD.  Highest kills/score doesn't win.

General Discussions / Re: Whered the music go?
« on: May 01, 2016, 01:11:19 PM »
Why the bloody bloody bloody hell would it be turned off by default?  stupid devs.

Not to mention hounds gate gets you a full load of loot!   You don't even have to go anywhere, and get enough stuff to make a metal armor.  Very biassed gates. 

General Discussions / Re: So New Wipe?
« on: April 30, 2016, 11:07:17 PM »
Get to level 24 in 3 hours, then I will believe you, no video editing.  Proof, or it didn't fucking happen.
I think your 30+ hours statement is more accurate.
not in three hours, i said few hours

Force them to do what all over again ? According to you it's possible to get lvl 24 in few hours. Where's the problem? Items have to be wiped anyways.
actually yeah i agree

So what's a few hours? 29 hours? :P

General Discussions / Re: So New Wipe?
« on: April 30, 2016, 10:56:48 PM »
there are players which played 30+ hours and you want to force them to do all this again ?
lvl above 24 is not any advantage and you can lvl up from 1 to 24 in few hours, some npc gives thousands of exp for killing

however i completely agree with item wipe

Get to level 24 in 3 hours, then I will believe you, no video editing.  Proof, or it didn't fucking happen.  Until then, don't talk out of your ass.
I think your 30+ hours statement is more accurate.

General Discussions / Re: So New Wipe?
« on: April 30, 2016, 10:28:46 PM »
Server right now looks more beta than it was on first session.

I was thinking the same thing, but was not going to say anything :X

General Discussions / Re: So New Wipe?
« on: April 30, 2016, 09:03:28 PM »
Suuuure, if you are a small gunner there is tons of loot, like 4 guns per square inch.  Bit if you are melee or big guns good luck.
Which is addressed with the tech advancing to last season's guns.

melee selection was fucking horseshit last season too though

You joking ? We had ripper and ripper and ripper and mpf and ripper.

And super sledge, damn that thing was fun.

General Discussions / Whered the music go?
« on: April 30, 2016, 08:10:31 PM »
Whered all the music go?  No music in zones, not even that guitar one on world map anymore >_<
"Game was too awesome, we had to nerf it."

Suggestions / Re: More loot on the edge Zones, or make them smaller.
« on: April 30, 2016, 07:36:51 PM »
Yes but is very dangerous to enter some one elses gate.
What do you mean bullshit?  bullshit as in nothing? or bullshit as in good loot?  don't make me go look :P

General Discussions / Re: So New Wipe?
« on: April 30, 2016, 07:35:25 PM »
Do it like Rust, and wipe every 2 weeks.  But keep tech levels unless 1 faction is just dominating.

General Discussions / Re: So New Wipe?
« on: April 30, 2016, 06:40:09 PM »
Suuuure, if you are a small gunner there is tons of loot, like 4 guns per square inch.  Bit if you are melee or big guns good luck.

General Discussions / Make corner gate zones smaller.
« on: April 30, 2016, 06:38:43 PM »
I still think it takes longer to run to the center of the core from these corner gates, maybe if they were a little smaller to compensate?

Suggestions / More loot on the edge Zones, or make them smaller.
« on: April 30, 2016, 06:36:38 PM »
Some of the edge zones aren't too bad, like the one right from BB gate there are plenty of boxes!
But Church gate is a flipping joke, almost like you rigged the game to make church lose.
You walk in  3 zone or so and there is nothing but big huge, open areas with hardly anything to loot.  Look at lawyer gate, you get skeletons, graves, 2 lockers that always have stims or something good, and a few other things.  You get more loot in this one zone than you will see walking across 3 zones on some of these edges. I've always felt the same about a lot of the eastern zones too, just a lot of running around to loot like 2 chests, and to make matters worse you deliberately make some loot very hard to get to, like walk all the way around this B line, open 3 doors to get 1 small loot.

I mean sure, it's the edge, less loot, but make it a little more diverse.

Instead of making it so players can't join a faction until level 6 ( and they will roam around the core solo, and get swarmed by player, and npc mobs)
Maybe make it so they can join a faction right off the bat, but they can't enter the faction bases until level 6?
This way you still have this sewer faction base looting gameplay, but still have a fighting chance.

* Either that or give factionless players some other place they can go.

* or maybe even just put in some slightly less deadly NPC's roaming the cores so you can actually get kills.

General Discussions / I don't know if this was a good idea.
« on: April 29, 2016, 11:39:01 PM »
I don't think this new system is a great idea.  I'm sure when you were sitting around talking about it it sounded great, and maybe it even looked good on paper.  You have people fending for themselves in a faction based game, you can barely even go around and kill NPC's solo, let alone walk around the core for 2 minutes and not get killed by some kind of swarm.
We were a group with a teamspeak and it still took us ilke 4-5 hours just to get to level 6.  I know a lot of players were demanding factionless gameplay, but this just isn't it.
The overall idea isn't too bad, start in the sewer, you can get into the middle of the city very quickly, loot, and in theory head back to the sewer base ( when you aren't running around for 20 minutes looking for the hole that leads to base.)
It's neat that you can jump in, and start looting, but as I said, it's a faction based game, and even most NPC's are in huge hoards and will kill you in 2 seconds.  When randoms join this game they aren't going to have a chance in hell at even getting to level 3, the game just wasn't set up for this kind of solo play.
This free for all hunger games thing is a neat idea, but people are running around in groups anyway even before they could join a faction, which just makes it even harder for the factionless player.

Maybe if you can join a faction as soon as you start, but you don't get access to the base until level 6?  I will post to suggestions.

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