FOnline: Ashes of Phoenix

General section => General Discussions => Topic started by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on October 09, 2015, 12:00:18 AM

Title: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on October 09, 2015, 12:00:18 AM
 I kind of want to do a trailer video for AoP since it has none I believe.

So I need some ideas of what I can include in it.

So far I thought of PvP, multiple builds/classes, dungeons, enhanced tactical methods, the core, legendary weapons, scavenging, and that's all I thought off :P
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Stem Sunders on October 09, 2015, 12:47:45 AM
Disclaimer: Before I type this I just want to say that it is not my intention to bash other peoples work.
I'm sure the trailers I'm about to use as examples had much time effort and thought put into them.
I only want what ever is produced to be of the highest quality possible, as I believe a good trailer could defiantly increase the amount of interested parties.

+1 to the initial idea, of course.

That being said....This....Actually makes me (The viewer and potential player) want to not play.

(The Reloaded trailer is not view-able for some reason, but i do specifically remember an ad for Bandi-cam being present on screen. And it being generally the same trailer if slightly worse on the quality side)

It feels like an assault on my eyes. Harsh, yeah I guess, but I cant really tell whats going on.
Also I can hear people on voice comms during the trailer.

I get what anyone without a budget can do is obviously limited and if you want it to accurately portray the game-play, then something like an animated cut screen just wont do.
I've thought about it and have ideas myself, but I digress.

May I suggest using an actual voice in the trailer?
Maybe writing up some kind of script that explains the basic premise of the game.
Instead of fast moving images and text popping up on screen saying things like...

"You can do cool stuff in the game"
"Find stuff"
"Kill stuff
"Loot stuff"

Try not to use the word "Stuff". It really doesn't sound or read well in something that is supposed to be convincing people to play. (Maybe its just me)

A voiced video will also better correspond with the videos that are already present on the AoP YouTube channel, that have essentially been acting as the games trailer up until now. Even they are outdated now anyway and the information in them isn't 100% accurate anymore.

Don't just use random footage of the game (Lord knows you have a lot of it). Record purpose captured footage that accurately goes with whatever is being said/read in the trailer at that time

You could even go so far as to have a group of others working with you that script the scene and play it out to be recorded.
Kinda like AAA titles do these days, hah.

The most important thing I can say is.
When You're making it, try to think about what someone who doesn't know what FOnline is or even Fallout 1 and 2 are will require to understand and be interested.
Its easy for us to look at some PvP or any footage of the game and quickly understand what is going on.
This isn't true for non-FOnliners I have shown people the game and they had no clue what was happening on screen. So that might be something to keep in mind (Yes I called us FOnliners, what?)

That's my two cents, its all just opinions and suggestions.

I too will think about this. Ask me if you think I could help in any way.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Kurwier on October 09, 2015, 03:26:51 AM
fonline2 trailer awesome btw , we need that LOOT KILL STUFF ADVERTISMENT HERE
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on October 09, 2015, 03:33:55 AM
Very well written! A voiced video would be interesting. I'm just curious who or how I will voice it. I'll probably use some voice changer to sound cool and entertaining to grab people's attention. Or maybe ask a youtuber to say lines for me xD

It would also be hard to find a group of players that want to help me shoot some footage, especially V-Tec since they all hold grudges and mega butthurt, especially players like the bitch AKA paragon, hellmoi, andy, and ramon. Of course I won't use random footage, I'll try finding or make my own footage the corresponds with the text. However it will be hard since AoP is like way too different for your average FO2/Reloaded player. I'm debating of making an actual trailer or an informative video on what Ashes of Phoenix is all about. A trailer would have to be short and there's a lot to cover for AoP.

fonline2 trailer awesome btw , we need that LOOT KILL STUFF ADVERTISMENT HERE
Well AoP is pretty much about that xD
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on October 09, 2015, 03:34:37 AM
Reserved for storyboard
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Niamak on October 09, 2015, 03:47:56 AM
Stem used to do some voice stuff.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Stem Sunders on October 09, 2015, 04:16:59 AM
Stem used to do some voice stuff. - Yes...I have a voice. If it would serve, the offer is there. I could "ham it up" as much or as little as is required.

You also have others to work with. Together we are two....Courier makes three.

There are other players willing to contribute to it, I'm sure. Its not just helping you shoot the footage. It helps us all in the long run.

"AoP is like way too different for your average FO2/Reloaded player." Yes, but that's the beauty of it.

Yes a trailer needs to be short and sweet, but there is nothing stopping you making the information videos as well. They can be a little less formal and you could pretty much just play the game while giving information on what it is you're doing.

FOnline Reloaded has "Adventures of Jon Noob"
I made the audio track for that but what they were going for would have been better voiced imo.
When I made the track I was told it was for a trailer. Not a game-play video.

Something similar could be made for AoP, but with actual informative dialog.

Whatever you choose to do, I hope it works out well!
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: naossano on October 09, 2015, 04:17:41 AM
MrStrange should be able to describe the whole game in 30 seconds.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: MARXMAN on October 09, 2015, 04:24:11 AM
MrStrange should be able to describe the whole game in 30 seconds.

That's on a bad day

Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on October 09, 2015, 05:13:28 AM
Alright, I'll just point out some ideas in order for a video :P

- Video starts with AoP logo, talk about where AoP takes place
- Que in worldmap while talking about the core (why its the main place)
- Show faction bases 1 by 1, goals and enemies for each one.
- talk about joining a faction with your character
- Que in character sheet and talk about possibilities with SPECIAL, traits, tags, and different character possibilities and briefly describe changes compared to other FOnlines and new tags
- communicating with other faction members, forming platoons, squads, and TS/mumble
- show player scavenging while saying why its important, player gets  into a firefight with enemy faction members. NPCs backstab enemy faction while saying core is dangerous place.
- Show arsenal of weapons with different abilities and purposes
- Que in ZC video from GM perspective while talking about fighting for dominance in the core, show map from pipboy while constantly changing colors
- ZC leaderboards and legendary weapons, talk about why PvPing is beneficial
- For PvErs, talk about dungeons to do, show roleplayers ingame/forum
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Stem Sunders on October 09, 2015, 05:30:35 AM
- Video starts with AoP logo, talk about where AoP takes place (OK)
- Que in worldmap while talking about the core (why its the main place) (OK)
- Show faction bases 1 by 1, goals and enemies for each one. (OK, but season 2 and the changes that brings need to be taken into account. Why not have a video entirely on the factions and inhabitants of Phoenix?)
- talk about joining a faction with your character (Ok, but again. Changes need to be taken into account)
- Que in character sheet and talk about possibilities with SPECIAL, traits, tags, and different character possibilities and briefly describe changes compared to other FOnlines and new tags (That is more on the information video side of things I should imagine. It wouldn't serve to mention and compare other FOnlines in a trailer)
- communicating with other faction members, forming platoons, squads, and TS/mumble (Again, more of an information thing rather than a trailer)
- show player scavenging while saying why its important, player gets  into a firefight with enemy faction members. NPCs backstab enemy faction while saying core is dangerous place. (Love it)
- Show arsenal of weapons with different abilities and purposes (Would this not be best for a video of its own?)
- Que in ZC video from GM perspective while talking about fighting for dominance in the core, show map from pipboy while constantly changing colors (Again, Love it. Especially the changing colors)
- ZC leaderboards and legendary weapons, talk about why PvPing is beneficial (Information)
- For PvErs, talk about dungeons to do, show roleplayers ingame/forum (And again, information)

A trailer really doesn't have to go into some of these things.
It needs to set a mood and give a small glimpse of what to expect and tell people where they can find it. Being vague is sometimes the best option as over facing players with information is bad. (Especially the ones that are new to FOnline)

Buzz words like "Phoenix", "Core", Factions (And their names) Should all be said as much as coherently as possible

Ever heard of the mic trick? The trailer for the division uses it to great effect. Its basically players talking in game but in a scripted manner. So imagine were wandering the core and chatting about what we see, where were going and why. Then the enemy shows up and we have to chat all tactical and, well...act basically.

Sure, its not organic but it sure would beat

"Move Stem you're blocking the door"
"Fukin Ramon, dont let Ramon escape!!"
"Fkin Swarmz"
"Cri now. Cri now you sad bastard"

You know what I mean? I don't mean to step on your ideas I'm just trying to offer honest help.

The only reason I suggest some of that be left to a video of its own is because adding all that will add a large amount of time to the video and if you were to split it up, you can spend the amount of time each topic really deserves.

And again, Season 2 must be taken into account. Or run the risk of all the effort put into making the trailer wasted by it becoming outdated.....Future proofing! That's it!
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on October 09, 2015, 05:50:26 AM
For season 2 we're gonna need some dev sneak peek and it will have to be only for season 2 since that's when players will come back. Also good criticism

Also I just got the idea of making an informative video series instead of a trailer :P (for season 2 though)

Topics can be
- Weapons and their different abilities. Weapon perks and traits. Minigun for example, sneaker spots group of enemies, RTS points them, 2 guys with minguns attack from different angles and gets them all.
- Character, traits, perks, leveling up.  New skills (outdoorsmans, engineering, persuasion, leadership, etc)
- 4 factions and talk about the 2 new ones, also the group for solo players.

That's all for now, I must sleep xd
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: John Porno on October 09, 2015, 06:13:55 AM
we should not include pvp filmed by stalker unless he stops playing aop 1998-style
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Caboose on October 09, 2015, 06:19:53 AM
-Trailer for AoP consists of SRALKER and Cryier killing new players in their gate when they first start playing the game.
-Cannot see trailer for AoP as SRALKER uses so much smoke, you can't see the action yet calls it MLG play.
-Trailer for AoP is confused for Mexican fast food advert as it's voiced over by Warner Brothers' 'Speedy Gonzales' and server is joined by over 1million Mexican immigrants looking for work.
-Cryier emerges from his basement and falls in love with SRALKER's Mum and becomes his new step dad.

Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: paragon on October 09, 2015, 06:54:01 AM
Shut up and take my money.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Count Matthew on October 09, 2015, 08:06:47 AM
we should not include pvp filmed by stalker unless he stops playing aop 1998-style

Explain this? Unsure what you mean!
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Teela on October 09, 2015, 08:16:40 AM
Some reference material:

Too long to read so to summarize. I liked this one from the ones mentioned in the article:

For AOP trailer this would mean:

Trailer lasts 1 minute
Trailer doesn't have any text captions


fade in
"No Name Yet Team Presents"
fade out
fade in/sound effect
Ashes of Phoenix logo
fade out
fade in/music starts (mix in some voicecomms audio if needed for max epicness)
30 seconds of game play footage that works towards an epic concluding shot.
fade out


Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: John Porno on October 09, 2015, 08:17:31 AM
dont forget to include footage of gm aboose and general "trollish devs"
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: paragon on October 09, 2015, 08:19:31 AM
and irc
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Niamak on October 09, 2015, 08:32:05 AM
Too much information is boring. You should make a trailer first then make informative videos after IMO.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Stem Sunders on October 09, 2015, 08:46:25 AM
Some reference material:

Too long to read so to summarize. I liked this one from the ones mentioned in the article:

For AOP trailer this would mean:

Trailer lasts 1 minute
Trailer doesn't have any text captions


fade in
"No Name Yet Team Presents"
fade out
fade in/sound effect
Ashes of Phoenix logo
fade out
fade in/music starts (mix in some voicecomms audio if needed for max epicness)
30 seconds of game play footage that works towards an epic concluding shot.
fade out


This! Is how a trailer should be structured. Thank you Teela!
That is pretty much what I was trying to get at but you know me....I ramble, and often overshoot my point. Thanks for the reference material.

Yes Niamak is right, trailer should come first. Even if its just a teaser.
Followed by informative videos. Not only would a trailer be easier to do but the information videos may take longer to produce and will probably require more information on certain things than we have right now.
Anything in the videos shouldn't be based on something that might be happening. It should be concrete first.

And changing the subject here a little bit, but what about a series called "Change log showcase" Or "CLS" for short...something like that. You know...Covering all the things that have been buffed/nerfed changed or added to the game

"Hello and welcome to another, Ashes of Phoenix change log showcase"....I don't know just a thought.

I don't mean a lets play and I don't mean a how to.
I mean unbiased information set out in an easy to understand video.
Same for any information videos, they shouldn't resemble a lets play or a how to guide. Just the facts. Sure you might demonstrate how certain things work but its not about the actual playing of the game. Its about making sure the viewer gets the information they are looking for and require to have a great stay in Phoenix!

Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Count Matthew on October 09, 2015, 08:50:39 AM
Yes it shouldn't be a ''how to play''.

I think we should have that video of Data shutting the door on Stalker repeated over and over again, for like ten hours.  :-*

Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: RazorRamon on October 09, 2015, 08:57:18 AM
we should not include pvp filmed by stalker unless he stops playing aop 1998-style

Explain this? Unsure what you mean!

Not using quality of life features like ~easymove and ~freeshoot

It's like playing fps games and insisting on using a gamepad
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Caboose on October 09, 2015, 09:08:17 AM
and irc

Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: RazorRamon on October 09, 2015, 09:44:31 AM
Scenes that should be in an aop trailer:

- Sneaker using RTS mode to mark the enemy team, then 2 miniguns/rocketlaunchers step out and wipe them all
- Battle stuck in a standstill and 2-3 people go through sewers and appear behind the enemy team
- Legendary weapons showcase: 5x Slaughtershot gauss rifle instagibbing a sniperline
- robco lvl 2 event (close one where almost everyone dies and only 1-2 players survive)
- gimmick weapon showcase (Plasma cannon/grenade melting people, sonic cannon/grav grenade knocking people out of their cover and rest of your team kills them, particle accel killing someone from 100 hex,)

admins spawn gear and we try to re-enact those scenes next time we have enough players
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Count Matthew on October 09, 2015, 10:16:06 AM
we should not include pvp filmed by stalker unless he stops playing aop 1998-style

Explain this? Unsure what you mean!

Not using quality of life features like ~easymove and ~freeshoot

It's like playing fps games and insisting on using a gamepad

I don't use features. :(
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: RazorRamon on October 09, 2015, 11:36:04 AM
It shows
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Kurwier on October 09, 2015, 12:08:22 PM
gimme gm char , i can provide u with footage then how i bombard some swarm ...

and +10 to IRC , needs avdertisment that the real game is played with !d in irc becasue there are more players then in the actual game > conclusion irc is da real deal.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on October 09, 2015, 12:14:11 PM
That's good teela. I was thinking for the epic shot can be a group of players from each faction go to the core and capture zones (it will show the map changing colors over a time lapse) and finally they will all meet at Hospital coming from 4 ways and you just see them running at each other, then black xD with dramatic music of course.

dont forget to include footage of gm aboose and general "trollish devs"
I'll just show a video of what you've done to our door to get to our legendary locker >:(

gimme gm char , i can provide u with footage then how i bombard some swarm ...

and +10 to IRC , needs avdertisment that the real game is played with !d in irc becasue there are more players then in the actual game > conclusion irc is da real deal.
3 minute video of IRC PvP. Includes heavy salt and butthurt.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: antohha on October 09, 2015, 12:23:37 PM
Why not to create teaser of trailer of upcoming dev stream first?
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: cirn0 on October 09, 2015, 12:26:32 PM
We intended to do developer videos explaining showcasing AoP content that each one of us worked on but that never happened.  So this certainly is welcomed, I'll provide anything I can to help if anyone decides to give it a go.

I do think all the footage shot by various players are really good material to work with. Even if the meta is outdated, I still think it captures the spirit of the game.

I agree on keeping trailers short. One longer trailer just over-viewing the game and then multiple shorts about different aspects of the game would be ideal.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Kurwier on October 09, 2015, 12:39:29 PM
so what game aspects we have so far :




Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on October 09, 2015, 01:22:24 PM
Hellmoi, The only guy to be on 24/7
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: John Porno on October 09, 2015, 01:40:19 PM
we just need as much pewpewpew and dakkadakka as possible for gud vido
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Komrade on October 09, 2015, 01:58:36 PM
I hear we need to show off butthurt in game, butthurt in forums and butthurt in IRC ?
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: John Porno on October 09, 2015, 02:12:04 PM
we need to stage a big battle in a salt mine map so everyone knows whats up
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: antohha on October 09, 2015, 05:50:30 PM
Spawn x20 braindead bots for each side... no1 will see any difference.

Edit:but seriously, there were a lot of good fights at the start of the season that could be used. Alternitevly, i bet pre wipe pvp will be also epic.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Teela on October 09, 2015, 05:59:25 PM
From my experience getting sth like this together doesn't work when its a cooperative thing.

Best make a short definition of what is wanted (for example: 1 minute teaser trailer). Put some sort of bounty and have community choose from the entries.

IDK if we are a large enough community to achieve this. I do know we have loads of PVP material already here and we have people with them editing skills.

There needs to be incentive other than eternal glory though.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: John Porno on October 09, 2015, 08:37:42 PM
problem is just, that most of the material we have has

- wall+smoke+fire+fun replacer
- shitty music
- suuka bleeehd russkie of talkings

Instead, what we need is
- 1080p
- from after fmod integration and possibly even the new machine gun sounds
- game sound without ingame music or otherwise

I personally would like to have an action packed trailer, taking the best snapshots from all kinds of fights of different maps at different times, smoke rushes, hexbursting, people getting blown up by rockets, rekted by gauss etc.

A couple days ago there was a cool situation at robco with vtecs in teh bottom left corner and lawyers coming straight from vent. Both teams kinda met each other on relatively short notice and there was just a rain of bullets and projectiles flying either way through the smoke, creating a no mans land across the street with lawy being split to the right and left of it.

I think where AoP shines is that with the grenade and the sound system and the overall mechanics, it somewhat feels like an actual battlefield and not like this artificial, abstract special needs kinda gameplay we know from 2238 and onwards and I'd say it's best to convey that picture through sanpshots of organic fights.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on October 10, 2015, 02:13:35 AM
I think we can make something like that. Both Niamak and I can record in 1080p.

Maybe a scenario where a lone scavenger is looting Maryland, loots a smoke grenade but then starts hearing rifle shots. First like a couple of shots then out of no where, minguns, explosions, Gatling's, seeing all these projectiles. Scavenger opens the door and sees  V-Tec and BB fighting. Someone says deploy smoke for our power armors to move, smoke is deployed, 3 sPA with minguns move into view and they start ctrll bursting. While Vtec is yelling shoot through the smoke and shoot rockets

Then from opposite directions a BB and Vtec sandwich the scavenger while they say Vtec scum or something then scavenger says oh shit and throws the smoke grenade and runs into the battlefield then some rocket flies at him buy right before it explodes, play some dramatic exit music to black then "war, war never changes"

AoP logo
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Kurwier on October 10, 2015, 02:40:35 AM
better play this music then :

"The truth is out there."


for other funstuff like crafting , bombadation and going to war with your first crafted piperifle giving ultimate headshots i suggest something  like this :

ain#t nuthing like the oldschool !

and this when old daddy kurwier is comming into the picture of pvp video to serve some dix...

Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on October 13, 2015, 10:24:20 PM
Alright lads and blokes. I wish to record certain things for the trailer I'll make.

It will have to include some tier 3 and new weapons such as plasma cannon, sonic, Gauss, etc. Would be nice if cirno or john provided these so no butthurt/stealing happens.

I'll post a TS address tomorrow (14th) so we can discuss details there. If you're interested in helping just join the TS.

Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Koniko on October 14, 2015, 10:39:25 AM

Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Teela on October 14, 2015, 02:21:57 PM
That's nice collection. Tla mk2 and Requiem examples of a good effort while Reloaded and 2238 are shining examples of how not to do it*.

*can't actually watch the 2238 one cos copyright bullshits but its 15 minutes and since at least a part of it is about 'mining ore and mineral' I'm quite happy I can't.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: cirn0 on October 14, 2015, 11:35:52 PM

I can't believe I patched this stupid fucking forum webm embedder just so I can embed this. That fucking piece of shit.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: cirn0 on October 15, 2015, 12:58:59 AM
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Stem Sunders on October 15, 2015, 04:30:10 AM
Jedi and tesla weapons?  :D

My my you do know how to spoil us, Cirn0! Looking really cool man.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: lvhoang on October 15, 2015, 04:43:11 AM
nice! looks pretty darn fun :D
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: RazorRamon on October 15, 2015, 09:38:56 AM
buff lightsaber
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: paragon on October 15, 2015, 12:42:36 PM
> light sabre knockbacks
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: cirn0 on October 15, 2015, 12:57:50 PM
If you pause the moment I mouse over my character you'd see it makes sense.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Teela on October 15, 2015, 01:11:54 PM
Why does the electricity come out of your ass?
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: ProfessorYanick on October 15, 2015, 03:07:43 PM
Because cirn0 is our lord and god of AOP and farts with lightning and thunder.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Caboose on October 15, 2015, 04:34:51 PM
Alright lads and blokes. I wish to record certain things for the trailer I'll make.

It will have to include some tier 3 and new weapons such as plasma cannon, sonic, Gauss, etc. Would be nice if cirno or john provided these so no butthurt/stealing happens.

I'll post a TS address tomorrow (14th) so we can discuss details there. If you're interested in helping just join the TS.

Where was TS meeting? Also you can borrow my benis if you like?
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Teela on October 15, 2015, 04:39:22 PM
If he were a true God he would make the lightning come out of some other orifice rather than his ass! I mean eyes, fist, nose,  penis. This is demi-god at best. Cirn better get his fucking act together...
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on October 16, 2015, 03:36:07 AM
TS I was gonna use went down...I'll find a new one :V
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on October 18, 2015, 04:32:10 AM
Fuggun dweebs

later today around 11 AM PST I'll post TS address on IRC and here and hopefully sluts come on.

I need someone to shoot a rocket at me xD and someone with a gauss to show off tier 3

Need something like this ( to happen to me
We gotta show off things like minigun bursting, deploying, new machine gun sounds, new sound system, RTS mode, Utility slot nade throwing, smoke grenades, a couple of dungeons, and the arsenal of weapons,
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Kurwier on October 18, 2015, 10:09:36 AM
minigun show em courier shows tecs what rape means
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on November 24, 2015, 03:20:09 AM
Some random crap I crapped on a while back. This was how I was gonna make it but different music and shiet (without community suggestions xd)

What I planned doing was just showing what the game is about with the factions, core, new game mechanics and stuff then show clips of PvP and maybe some PvE.

fallout 4 hype was real. Yes its crap, piss off  :P
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Niamak on November 24, 2015, 03:41:33 AM

It's great but too much text and black screen at 0:21.

Fallout 4 game of the year confirmed by NASA.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Count Matthew on November 24, 2015, 02:05:30 PM
It's fun! :D
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: cirn0 on November 24, 2015, 04:45:48 PM
The team name will haunt me forever.

We need a new name.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: John Porno on November 24, 2015, 06:56:48 PM
Team Name Now, Yay (NNY)
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: Smalltime on November 25, 2015, 04:21:19 AM
This shall be a discussion tomorrow, I think.
Finally get that spot of business out of the way. Then the other guys can return after months and say "what happened, we already had a name"

On topic though, we'll have a trailer when session 2 is set to start.
Title: Re: AoP trailer ideas
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on November 25, 2015, 05:06:02 AM
Team Name Now, Yay (NNY)
Name Yet No Team

On topic though, we'll have a trailer when session 2 is set to start.
It would be nice if wiki editors can get some access to a server to add the new things. Like we had when AoP was about to launch. (Well, I had at least)