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Messages - Simms

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Русская территория / Re: Стена плача
« on: October 11, 2014, 07:01:39 PM »
в в-тек русофобы

А я что-то слышал про анонов с американских имиджборд, которых 40 человек за в-тек и они ходят всех убивают, но обычно русских в первую очередь.

Ландач, я думал, ты помнишь эту шавку еще с форума фо, она как гавкала, так и продолжает, только ник в третий раз сменился =)

Changelogs / Re: 07.10.2014 Changelog
« on: October 10, 2014, 10:07:32 AM »
On the other hand, it's a good idea about inflation. Here are some more things that can make the gameplay UNIQUE:
1) Tiredness. Any action your character performs (travels across the world map, uses FA/Doc, crafts/decrafts) makes him more tired. Maximum tiredness counter decreases your walk and run speed to a minimum of 1/2 normal which makes it impossible to run from NPCs chasing you and so on.
2) Weakness. For the first 4 minutes after your character logs in, he cannot use FA and Doc and he receives x10 damage from other player characters. It's made to prevent players from dual logging, very smart. If your character logs out (30 seconds), Weakness appears again.
3) Darkness. Every game day from 1800 to 0700, your Perception is down for 3 points. You can negate it by equipping an item that can't be crafted or bought and has a pathetic chance to drop.

I'm sure these gameplay mechanics will increase the server's popularity, compensate for lack of interest and bring some UNIQUENESS into the game.

If you take my words seriously, you've never played on FO Requiem and I'm happy for you.

General Discussions / Re: Known spies
« on: October 08, 2014, 08:31:02 PM »
A dispenser is a spy!

Events & Politics / Re: Drones came, V-tech no team killing time gone?
« on: October 08, 2014, 08:30:07 PM »
Unless the admins ban our characters for retaliating, I'm fine with that.

Русская территория / Re: Стена плача
« on: October 08, 2014, 07:29:23 AM »
Батхерта здесь никакого нет, просто накипело.

Challenges & Accomplishments / Re: Re: PvP Movies and Screens
« on: October 07, 2014, 02:38:16 AM »
It more like your job. We have already understood how much this all means for you.

идеальный билд, одинокий волк с пулеметом, не прокающий ничего от сквад лидера и с картонным крит резистом. Встал с утра на чужом гейте в дом с пулеметом и стоишь.

Changelogs / Re: 03.10.2014 Changelog
« on: October 06, 2014, 02:52:12 AM »
It's amazing to see that people who whine a lot about Sneak characters have actually no idea how Sneak works at all.

Developer Corner / Re: Sneak
« on: October 03, 2014, 05:52:08 PM »
I'd suggest it can be via dialog with an NPC trading your Mom's jewelry to charge it.

Suggestions / Re: BG Sniper Balance
« on: October 03, 2014, 01:18:55 PM »
Can I get a survey of sniper specials and how many of you dump AGI? I might tie aimtime to AGI.
Well, if you do so, it'll mean most of current combat characters will need another reroll. Dumping AGI is not the privilege of sniper builds -- you can do so on nearly every kind of char and in certain cases (e.g. melee + Sprinter perk on armors) 1 AGI is more beneficial than anything else as you can run faster for longer.

Русская территория / Re: Вопрос-ответ
« on: October 02, 2014, 12:01:06 PM »
У тебя была платун-база и ее видел единственный персонаж?
Если нет, то на базе нужно инициировать голосовалку за нового лидера, как только она сработает, тебя просто обратно пропишет в платун и все.
Если да -- то ипать ты ло пиши в ~help что-то вроде my base owner char lost access to platoon base due to rep loss и жди, когда к тебе телепортнется кто-то из админов. Дальше бог в помощь.

Suggestions / Re: BG Sniper Balance
« on: October 02, 2014, 11:00:26 AM »
It has been told and repeated tens of times around here:
.50 rifles are quite fine by themselves. The only problem is their abundance and abundance of .50 ammunition. I'm pretty sure every major platoon in any faction has already hoarded enough rifles and rounds to equip the whole group of BG snipers and keep them firing for a week to go.
The other thing is that not everyone is willing to do this, even given the opportunity. I know folks that find it boring and too much "old fonline"-like.

What I think is that even availability can be left as it is now, it's just a nice reason for others to invent something new against mass-DSR blobs. It may not be as easy as it sounds but it yields much more fun.

P.S. The only other thing which can be considered "abnormal" about .50 guns is their AP cost compared to SG sniper rifles. You can have 1 shot per AP pool with aimed DSR or AS50 shot, the same goes for DKS, M1C and MSG (to some extent), which are baseline SG long-range weapons of choice. With AS50, leather jacket/FLA and BRoF+fast shot you can have 2 unaimed shots per AP pool, which is also very painful as it's 2 knockdowns in a row anyway.
So heavy sniper rifles have nearly the same RoF as light ones do, yielding them considerably higher DPS of aimed shots and enormously higher DPS of unaimed shots. It'd be nice if the difference in RoF between these two groups of weapon was a little bigger, considering the range advantage and killer perks on BG rifles.

General Discussions / Re: Why is shooting the chest the least powerful?
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:21:52 AM »
Is your groin armored enough to stop a .50 round?

A center of mass is the most intuitive area to draw a bead on, especially talking about moving targets. No surprize it's the most armored one too.

Developer Corner / Re: Assault Rifles
« on: October 02, 2014, 09:18:41 AM »
Keep in mind that leader's DR buff is fucking up most of bursting weapons.
Except that it's fucked up in its own twisted way and, as it seems, ain't fixed yet. Some folks are still getting a -20% DR bug whenever they die, or their SL dies, or for some other totally unknown reason. And sugarmaning the SL every time this happens just freaks the hell outta me.

Changelogs / Re: 30.09.2014 Changelog
« on: September 30, 2014, 02:10:18 AM »
You could load 1 MFC in it and make a shot, which would otherwise cost 10 MFC.

Русская территория / Re: Технологисты
« on: September 29, 2014, 12:27:19 PM »
познакомишь с ними?
ищи олд спайс гая

Developer Corner / Re: Sneak
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:09:36 AM »
I'll put the sneak nerf on hold for now and see how it plays out with these bug fixes.
I saw my fortune teller and she said: "This will change nothing! Buahahaha!".
Maybe because those fixed bugs are not even close to problems listed in 3 previous pages...

Well, seeing as how being sneaked you still can achieve max view range of 100. You have to deal with these weapons.

Minigun 58 ER

And If we want to make it counter-able by hex firing on a street with no cover we have to nerf down sneak BG/Snipers sight range to just about PKS range.

Personally, I still am unable to come to a conclusion on sneak balance. I've seen the sneak strategy lose and win about evenly, one could say it takes less effort to camp sneaked but that's how I feel about sniper balls and rape trains as well.

I would like Simms opinion on the matter as I believe it is his platoon that is mainly using this strategy.

Sneak strategy is now strong, borderline OP against small to medium-sized groups (up to 8-12 including enemy sneakers). You can pick enemies off 1 by 1 from 'round the corners while being undetected by the rest of the group, maneuver freely across the map and not get cornered or suppressed to the point you can't change your position.

On the other hand, you cannot actually apply this kind of strategy to the large prime-time teamfights as it is. If you have a 20+ battlegroup and a couple of sneakers on your own, you can counter it pretty easily by
a) keeping your group tight
b) having long open ranges covered by at least 2-3 people with DSRs so it's too risky for sneaks to open up on them
c) screening your group with your own sneakers to prevent the enemy from getting closer
d) if you fight in the open, basically having more DSRs than the enemy helps a lot -- you can lose one in a sneaker attack but it'll be a suicide move for them. It applies to all sorts of rangefights, stealthed or non-stealthed alike.

Moreover, with the current defib mechanics it's not much of a problem to avoid irreplaceable casualties from long-range sneakers. If one of the group gets taken down by a sneaker salvo, you have plenty of time to revive him while sneakers change the position and restore APs.

So, basically, all-sneak and mixed (like 50%/50%) groups have slight advantage in maneuvering, but lack firepower and defence both to hold their ground and to force the enemy from their positions. When the location gets saturated by enemies, it becomes really hard to choose the terms of the fight as the zones are not really too big considering the 60-100 hex ranges the firefights occur at.

Why use combat sneak at all? It's good when you're outnumbered 2:1 (or even more) and you intend to inflict as many as possible casualties while taking as little as possible on your own. You cannot really prevent the enemy from capping the zone eventually (even if you get higher score, the zone will be recapped right after), nor can you cap and hold the zone on yourself, but you still decide when and where to initiate and to stop the fight.

Talking about proposed changes -- this:
Effective range nerf while using sneak+amplifying the damage recieved by the sneaker after desneaking, to add a high risk factor. Along with a anal train nerf
Plus, at the moment we've got a very DSR-heavy meta, "light fifties" being the weapons that grant 90% of kills every teamfight, both for sneakers and non-sneakers. Along with machineguns (up close) and wakizashis (ever closer), it's the guaranteed way to get a quick kill -- and the only one that works at all ranges and outranges every other weapon. In most other ways, there are still chances for the enemy to NOT die after a single salvo.
Changing the availability of these guns and ammo will do both things -- eliminate the DSR+sneak combo from mass usage and prevent reducing teamfights to 90-hex range wanking. To be honest, this was discussed by us on the first week of the game as .50 ammo and guns became widely available  -- you can buy several hundreds each day and they get stacked by thousands in the end.

Developer Corner / Re: Sneak
« on: September 29, 2014, 03:08:20 AM »
cirn0, you mean characters in Sneak won't count to the capping group? This might be interesting.

Developer Corner / Re: Sneak
« on: September 26, 2014, 05:53:01 PM »
You basically just need to exclude DSR, AS50, medium machineguns and other heavy weaponry from being used in Sneak at all. The rest is fine.

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