

By default, character names are colorized to indicate the faction they're belonging to. However, you can change those colors to fit to your liking by editing a file named 'NameColorizing.txt' and which is located in your client folder.

There, you can also attribute dedicated colors to any character, including yours of course.

Changing the faction nicknames color

To change a color of a faction, you will need to change RGB of valuable after the name of that faction. By default, they are added to the list. Example:

} FactionLawyers ColorLawyers

@ ColorLawyers 160 15 160

The symbol '}' means that you will give valuable to paint the faction in next two arguments.

'FactionLawyers' is the name for the Lawyers Faction.

'ColorLawyers' is the name for RGB color valuable.

The symbol '@' means that you will give the valuable some color in next two arguments. '160 15 160' is the RGB code. The RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green, and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. You can use web-sites which will help to find the exact color you need.

Changing the player nickname color

To change a color of a player, you will need to change RGB of valuable after the name of that player. Example:

@ Orange 254 102 0

> Character?name Orange

The symbol '>' means that you will give the nickname some color in next two arguments. It has higher priority than faction nickname color.

'Character?name' is the character name. The symbol '?' means that any symbol will be evaluated as the one you need. So if the name is 'Character name' or 'Character_name', they both will be painted. You can also use '*' the same way for any amount of characters.

Do not forget that you can't paint the nickname with spacebar inside (e.g. 'Character name') without '?' and '*' symbols. If you try probably you colorize will be partially broken.

Spaces between words are not considered, you can put any amount of them.

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