

There are 4 NPC factions in the game :

- The Lawyers

- The V-Tech

- The Brahmins Boys

- The Family

After the tutorial zone, player will have to choose between one of these 4 factions.

Every faction has it own natural orientation, depending on their background.

Enemy Faction :

The Lawyers and The Family are naturals enemies.

The V-Tech and The Brahmins Boys are naturals enemies.

Neutral Faction :

The Lawyers and The V-Tech are neutrals.

The Family and The Brahmins Boys are neutrals.

Being part of the faction will impact your reputation with other factions. Fighting your natural enemy faction, neutral faction or allied faction players will impact your reputations.

Revision as of 11:24, 27 February 2014 by Kink (Talk | contribs)

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