you guys always camp a room and die 1 by 1
The fate of the deaf.
What other tacticts are there to use without a voicechat? It's not just a family problem.
Typing where you saw an enemy 30 second ago, at best is totally worthless. For once the delay allows anybody to escape,
and half of that chatarmy swarm doesnt even read the box.
So staying in visual contact in a defendable position isn't even the worst decision. But not using VoIP is!
The new players need to understand that they - at least sometimes - are up against players that have developed tactics and routines on other fonline games over years.
Beeing forced into one large faction with nubs i wouldn't have trusted to count my ammo on other servers is an interesting challange.
What we have here is arrogance colliding with ignorance.
The way i see it, both sides need to overcome psychological barriers.
But since this is a V-tech thread, lets keep it local.
Who beside C88 has a TS/mumble wich they are willing to open to the public?
Please post here.I think at first we have to agree wich one to use as public one, and maybe a second one for the not-so public stuff.
Maybe one American one European, different timezones, different responsibilitys...just an idea im throwing here.
(Personally i would prefer using TS3 servers since you can put them in tabs, not sure if mumble can do that.)
Once this is done, the hard part is convincing more people to use the service a voicechat offers,
so the vets can tell you how much you suck and boss you around like a bad imitation of a drillseargent.
Then we can discuss build, tactics, supplys...all that good stuff.
And somewhere along that line we might even capture a Zone not by luck or more disorientated oponents but real teamplay.
What do you think?