Author Topic: Ideas for the core  (Read 10350 times)


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Ideas for the core
« on: June 06, 2016, 10:39:44 AM »

Okay so i don't know what people think about this but i have some suggestions on how to make the core a more friendly and attractive place for players:

not a lot i agree, but let's not rush, if you have brilliants ideas feel free to add them.

assignements who take place into the core:
players want assignements to lvl up quickly and i don't think the xp npc will stay next season.

thoose assignements can help making zones harder for enemies to capture (like adding little points to a global defence value of a zone)
*a zone can have like 1+1*number of adjacents controled zones+5 if it's a gate.
the more points a zone have, the more it takes to capture it.

- hunt for ressources in a random zone controled by current faction and bring back X number of X things. (very easy, would be just for lvl1 players so they can familiarise with maps)
- either ask players enlisting to kill X npcs into a random zone controlled by current faction. (easy)
- either ask players to go into a  random zone controlled by current faction and kill a special group of npcs (mini boss group). (medium)
- either ask players to go into a random zone controled by enemie faction and kill X number of guards or a spawned special patrol (hard) (this mission aim at lowering defense value of an enemie zone for example)

if the mission isn't completed in less than 10 minutes, delete the spawned npcs.

rewards of doing some missions will give ability to players to "buy" a standing faction patrol ( high price grenades who will spawn a standing still group of guards)

If the group is killed by npcs it will slowly respwan after 10 minutes.
If the group is killed by enemie players it will not respawn.

prevent any zone to have more than 6 groups of standing guards. (so no insane grid camping)

this way looters will be aible to loot in a more safer environment with a little more defence against sneakers.
well even if guards will only attack opposed faction players on sight, sneakers will feel more insecure.

Random spawns like funbox:

- special traders:

spawn a special merchant random zones for a medium period of time who will sell weapons or meds or ammo at a cheaper price than the ones at the base.

the merchant should spawn in a dedicated building and be protected by some bouncers to make him visible.
if the merchant is killed by players or npcs his inventory just vanish.

- sector breach:

spawn an heavily armed/high hp patrol with 2+ spa who patrol/or not a random zone in the core for a limited time.they should get rid of any npc easily.
they can either give some spa fragment or hard to find drugs.

fun thing could be that zone patrols would try to assault them and also die easily to make some kind of war ambiance.

-the horde

this is more like a weather system, but a moving one that go from 1 zone to another.
spawning a gigantic number of muties or ghouls from hosptital who will slowly travel to one direction untill it reach one of the core exit and vanish into the wasteland.

make random borders fights beetween 2 groups of opposed faction if they have zones close to each other. (this is also aimed to create some sort of conflict ambiance)

new loot in dungeon:

making 1 or 2 allready legendary guns spawn in secret places in big dungeons.
thoose guns will have 1 legendary perk but can not be leveled further.

Also, we need new zc forms but it can be another topic.


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Re: Ideas for the core
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2016, 11:04:09 AM »

I'm all for more stuff to do in a core and run and loot stuff sure is cool but..
How bout investigation quests similar to Secret World? But randomised (and with unicorns!)

So here's the first mad draft of the idea
Say we have quest which is in 3 parts.
1. Players are ordered to go and find something/someone which is hidden well. They are given specific (somewhat randomised) destination in core to check for clues and left with that.
2. That clue comes from a pool of different set of items/descriptions, referencing next clue destination. Perhaps for obtaining this clue players have to do certain action, find npc, kill npc, stand on specific hex and dig (hello stashes) or few other things, it ccan be tied to a weather, time etc.
3. Now to not drag this thing out, that clue leads to the end of a quest, however here we can take player to do a small puzzle including but not limited to: dialogue, minigame, trap gauntlet.
Oh and I know that this will require a huge amount of work, so I'm not even suggesting it.

Static Secret World investigation quest example
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 11:25:09 AM by Wire »
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Re: Ideas for the core
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2016, 12:08:07 PM »

I am already forming a great idea about the core and npcs and hordes of npcs and ghouls and assignments and patrols :)


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Re: Ideas for the core
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2016, 01:22:53 PM »

players want assignements to lvl up quickly and i don't think the xp npc will stay next season.

That's what i tought about free rerolls, but apparently it's now a ''core feature'' of this server.


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Re: Ideas for the core
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2016, 02:56:55 PM »

zombi swarm, 2000 unarmed gouls with 100 poisen dmg on hit,start moving from 1 side to other across city 
they shoud wisper "Brains, brains"


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Re: Ideas for the core
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2016, 03:32:53 PM »

Waves would be better, but thats not that bad idea.

Or ghoul with knife and glowing


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Re: Ideas for the core
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2016, 04:12:48 PM »

Waves would be better, but thats not that bad idea.

Or ghoul with knife and glowing

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