Specific: "If you have a small bit of awareness, you would notice it". By it, I mean that you're wrong in your opinion of "You do it every day since months."
Not necessary every day, but more often than the opposite. Almost every day. Still, layers aside, the problems remains.
Sorry, you can not (should not) reference some events to people if they can't notice it, because it makes no sense - they won't react to it anyway. That's why your "you don't have a small bit of awareness" and attempt to persuade players to check online makes no sense in combination.
So, let's consider the unlikely and say that not a single V-TEC ever checked the number of players online for 5 months. Let's pretend they cannot, unlike others. Still, they should notice that if no one, or almost no one showed up on their first timer, there is no need to start 20 other timers. And if no one showed monday and tuesday morning, no one would wednesday morning. If their goal was to PVP, they should have split in teams that would fight each other.
I've noticed a lot of time v-tec fighting with less people than enemy. As a pattern enough.
As a pattern ? Just to remind you, the V-TEC are the guys in blue colors, you know, those who outnumber the other teams.
I don't remember bboys being active in month before spearmen ragequited anyway.
There were the faction with the lowest number, but they were active. Sometimes, they were allied with family, sometimes they were alone. Sometimes, they were visible, sometimes they were sneaking, but they were there.
Balanced number in 4 factions isn't supported by current mechanics of the server,
That we agree about. We should definitely have more features to improve the balance between the factions. 8 factions seems a move toward the right direction. Otherwise, there are some interesting threads in the suggestion sub-section, that you might be interested in. You can even participate if it really interests you.
but instead swarm is nerfed by new mechanics of bigger paycheck per less active people.
I like that you get paid according to your reputation, but it isn't a swarm counter-measure. The number of people active (those who have high reputation) is meaningless in a swarm discussion. The only number that matters is the number of people you can actually gather in each ZC, no matter their individual ID.
You can have 60 invidividual players with high reputation. If six of them come to one ZC, then leave, then six other come to another, etc... you would only have a number of 6 players for each ZC. If another team has only 12 individual players, who would come in all ZC, you will have more money for each members, as the number of "active" players is lower, but you will still be swarming the other team.
I can spend 24h/day explaining people that weapon is unbalanced or they are wrong in their opinions, but it's up to the to understand. So what's the difference?
Fortunately, I'm not in the faction that have twice the number of other, so I have no reason to move (:
I thought you were amongs the V-TEC.
Anyway my proposal isn't just for you, but open to any V-TEC that wouldn't mind wearing BBoys colors. You just happen to be the most vocal in the denial. I find unlikely to see guys like you, Teela or Andy leaving the V-TEC, as you are amongs the core members of the faction. But it doesn't mean there is nothing you can do. You can certainly do more that faction with lower number. It would only worsen the situation if those factions disapear or lose members.
Yes, I was in swarming lawyers in the beginning of the session and changed to v-tec.
So, you left a faction that had many players to join a faction that had even more players. And you consider it as working toward balance ?
I wrote http://fonline-aop.net/forum/index.php?topic=2092.msg16186#msg16186 as a solution which no one ever tried to answer. Although it's not actual anymore.
Now, we are talking. To be honest, i totally missed out your thread at the day it was created, and present you my apologies for that. (the thread had answers from others, although. I even catched up weeks later)
It seems an interesting move, in my opinion. If you try something like that again, i hope there would be more involvement. I can't guarranty people will trust you at the first second, because of past issues, (reputation don't change in just one day) but it doesn't mean it has no future.
Although, allow me to point out that, it might also has limits, for those who don't check forum or plan their connections.
Also, i don't think that you can always prevent swarms. Sometimes, it just happens without warning.
On the other hand, you can act on patterns. If you notice that you spent an entire week swarming the other, and that the issues doesn't resolve on itself, you should start to act on it.
If you start a few timers and see no one, you should also understand that now is not the time.
It can happens 1-2 times by mistake. If it happens too often, it is a sign that something must be done.
(not saying that Suff is always responsible of that. It is a faction issue.)
> "I pointed out some of your recent reaction?"
Reaction to what? xD
Crying about spears, while outnumbering everyone.
> First, they mention you as the prime responsible.
Well, then you're the prime responsible for unbalanced factions.
You seems to forget that people wrote a lot of post explaining why. It is not just one sentence.
> Second, They disapeared
Not my fault as I said before.
I didn't say, you forced them to leave. But that you have some responsability, a responsability that you didn't seem to act agains't or counter by other actions.
> Third, considering you outnumber other faction, you can easily tell 5 of your guys to move to BBoys and still have enough people to face Lawyers and Family.
I with my team do not outnumber other factions _often enough_. I'm not in charge with people decision where to play. Although I can TK hellmai if he continue coming as a v-tec (: I'm not having "enough people to face Lawyers and Family" _often enough_.
I am not saying that pressing a button would solve the situation. But you have more ways to solve the situation than we have, and didn't seemed (from what you let us see) to act much on it, seeing how long that situation lasted. But aware of the problem would be the first step.
> When i cheered you to not swarming that one time,
Was the moment my team clearly seen that you don't have enough information to judge us.
The point is, you complain about nobody caring about you when you make good move, but you take it wrong when they compliment you. I don't how to make you believe that compliment other than saying again that i was honest about what i considered a progress at that time.
> tell us what you did to bring people into the server,
I'm pretty proud with my work over interface at least. I've heard a lot of complaints about uncomfortable controls, and fortunately was able to make them not actual.
It is nice to have modding skills, but what does it have to do with players issues of balance between factions ?
I am talking to the V-TEC players. I don't expect the V-TEC to mod the game.
The fact that some do it is irrelevant at best, suspicious at worst. (possible conflict of interest if you take front stage in both)