TLA's market in Den was ok, wasn't it?
I don't see any indication in TS's message that he wants an auction, he said "own shops, own repair-services" as of on FO2 (the first part).
I mostly want a constant supply of ammo for caps on delivery to my platoon, to save running down to buy ammo between ZC, assignment or dungeon - maybe I'm just lazy. If I know I've got to buy ammo or med supplies, I know I've got to work to pay the bill.
But I also like the idea of a market on the world map, which has high security, maybe BOS, which doesn't completely rule out PVP, but doesn't make it easy by any means. Scavenger players can give to the faction merchants and take a cut of the profits. Engineer players can go to market and offer to repair or craft gear/weapon even to other factions, but maybe at a rep cost.
And then when we're bored at 4 in the morning we can wipe out the market with V-tec swarm.