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Author Topic: Civil war in Ukraine, 1st October, Kievsky District of the Donetsk [NSFW]  (Read 36914 times)

John Porno

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Re: Civil war in Ukraine, 1st October, Kievsky District of the Donetsk [NSFW]
« Reply #40 on: October 21, 2014, 12:54:25 PM »

and the Russian paratroopers crossed the border on accident?
you mean this one military convoy this one guardian journalist said he saw which wasnt actually there but the kiev regime and major newspapers released that anyway and then when it turned out there wasnt any convoy at all, kiev said, well, there is none cause we already destroyed it, and then when noone found any wreckages and the russians denied it too, everyone just forgot about it.

>russian paratroopers
>not talking about american mercenaries
>or german soldiers
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Re: Civil war in Ukraine, 1st October, Kievsky District of the Donetsk [NSFW]
« Reply #41 on: October 21, 2014, 02:50:57 PM »

and the Russian paratroopers crossed the border on accident?

hali gali para trooper nam s tobou bylo super


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Re: Civil war in Ukraine, 1st October, Kievsky District of the Donetsk [NSFW]
« Reply #42 on: October 21, 2014, 02:56:57 PM »



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Take one thing in consideration: Russia's government had only two options when ukrainian government were overthrown. Either annex as much territory as it can, or give everything up and wait until "peaceful protesters" will demand exclusion of Russian military garrison and naval base in key strategic point. Not to mention of any opposition.
Now Ukraine trying to enforce blockade on Crimea, and exploit any weakness or disagreements on peninsula.
Donbass is whole other story. It is tied to Russia industrially, and this bond is very strong. Like they build a lot of relatively cheap and quality heavy industrial parts and machines that can be sold only in Russia. Really. Not even in Poland and other eastern Europe. So, aside from all imaginary, or not so imaginary ideological threats from new government to people of eastern Ukraine, there is a HUGE economical treat for them if relationship with Russia become worse.
Worst thing that new ukrainian gov. is antagonising Russia economically from start, that was the main idea of "euromaidan" And without any suitable replacements for markets in Russia, Donbass would suffer greatly. Maybe even more than now.


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WWIII is happening.  War against Ukraine and Russia. ISIS vs a lot of other countries.  Terrorist in Africa. And a bunch of others I forgot about.

don't be silly Isis in Syria and its already fighting the whole world they cant advance to Russia that way impossible oh also i forgite they fighting Irag to

+ Russia also against Isis
« Last Edit: June 10, 2015, 09:41:56 AM by Frost »


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you all know that the USA created ISIS therefore ISIS is an american terrorist group. We arrest many americans for allegedly leaving the country "to join isis"

All of these wars are paid for with TAX MONEY and government banks COUNTERFEITING MONEY

the governments are the enemy


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you all know that the USA created ISIS therefore ISIS is an american terrorist group. We arrest many americans for allegedly leaving the country "to join isis"

All of these wars are paid for with TAX MONEY and government banks COUNTERFEITING MONEY

the governments are the enemy

no  Isis is old terrorist group but it were weak they why none know anything about them in long time but when they showed up they were already advancing that why america fear them even the NATO leader talked about them do you know how much cost america for plans and other support to fight Isis ITS A Great threat to america to be honest and fighting america means you fighting the whole world


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Bro governments directly supply them with money and gear. Especially the US government. trust me dude the revolution is my life.


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I wonder what happens if EU really form their own independent military force, aside from NATO. Which is unlikely though. I like how Israel have their own self sufficient military, one of most advanced ones and with nuclear weapons. Whatever happens, they won't go quietly. Also have a great respect for a Kurdistan militia. One third female, equipped with junk, all their lives is a fighting for survival against genocide. And now ISIS... Crazy.


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If the government reacts to a threat then it is protecting itself. No government in history has done a single thing to prevent tragedy to the people. That would be a paradox. Sad that people think of governments and businesses as if they were people. The people are mind controlled (the definition of government), so they passively allow "corporations" to be tried and punished INSTEAD of the people who operate them.


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If the government reacts to a threat then it is protecting itself. No government in history has done a single thing to prevent tragedy to the people. That would be a paradox. Sad that people think of governments and businesses as if they were people. The people are mind controlled (the definition of government), so they passively allow "corporations" to be tried and punished INSTEAD of the people who operate them.
True, but leading a ruling power is like leading a pack of hungry wolves. You show weakness or do mistakes, and you become their food. No matter how prosperous your country/corporation is, they will only get hungrier, because there is no limit for man's ambition and lust for power. There is no such thing as benevolent and philanthropic ruler. Even if they exist for some time, they will be swiftly labeled as weak and torn apart. Sometimes literally...


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twat, did you say you're from Minnesota?


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I am from minnesota. The only thing stopping liberty is ignorance. The ruling class manipulates the system so that the serfs depend on them to survive. Dependance and ignorance is not the natural state of people, they just learn it in school. US school is 90 percent the same as nazi youth camps.


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What about people who willingly choose to rely on others? Leadership is a talent that not everyone possess. And in many tough situations there must be a leader. But rulers and even elected local representatives is so distant from people, and we know nothing about them, except stuff that we have been told about them. We always vote blindly, not aware of any viable alternative.
And knowledge... It can't be absolute. Cannot be even close to cover every aspect of modern life. We need society to survive, and without anything or anyone to control this, there will be endless arguing about every little thing.
We may not need governments, but we still need leaders. We may not need crowds, but we still need society. We may not need armies and police, but we still must know how to protect ourselves.


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What about people who willingly choose to rely on others? Leadership is a talent that not everyone possess. And in many tough situations there must be a leader. But rulers and even elected local representatives is so distant from people, and we know nothing about them, except stuff that we have been told about them. We always vote blindly, not aware of any viable alternative.
And knowledge... It can't be absolute. Cannot be even close to cover every aspect of modern life. We need society to survive, and without anything or anyone to control this, there will be endless arguing about every little thing.
We may not need governments, but we still need leaders. We may not need crowds, but we still need society. We may not need armies and police, but we still must know how to protect ourselves.



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What about people who willingly choose to rely on others? Leadership is a talent that not everyone possess. And in many tough situations there must be a leader. But rulers and even elected local representatives is so distant from people, and we know nothing about them, except stuff that we have been told about them. We always vote blindly, not aware of any viable alternative.
And knowledge... It can't be absolute. Cannot be even close to cover every aspect of modern life. We need society to survive, and without anything or anyone to control this, there will be endless arguing about every little thing.
We may not need governments, but we still need leaders. We may not need crowds, but we still need society. We may not need armies and police, but we still must know how to protect ourselves.
you forgite about religion key of life and what we are really for

without it we are nothing


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you forgite about religion key of life and what we are really for

without it we are nothing
We do not need religion, but we need faith.
Being overzealous automatons won't help us to achieve anything but ignorance, destruction and slow fall into oblivion.


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you forgite about religion key of life and what we are really for

without it we are nothing
We do not need religion, but we need faith.
Being overzealous automatons won't help us to achieve anything but ignorance, destruction and slow fall into oblivion.
then we have no difference from animals live our lives to survive for nothing at all without even think what we really made to

survive and survive for what??
that what im talking about


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Religion is just a prosthetic for faith, an instrument of power for a few. A way to enforce their will. Hiding behind religious dogmas they manipulate crowds and wage wars.
And what's wrong with animals? They are not "lower" than us, most mammals have their own will, their own emotions. And they have their own purpose. If humanity will die out someday, some other species will take our place. That is the creator's will. Human species are not special.
We all just a spark from the great fire of life.
And nothing in this world can stop you from thinking about your purpose, or purpose of a human race, or whole life, or ultimate purpose of our universe. Do you really need religion for that? I didn't say one should toss it away, but following it blindly is much worse than not taking it into consideration.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2015, 03:43:12 PM by Voiddweller »

John Porno

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no  Isis is old terrorist group but it were weak they why none know anything about them in long time but when they showed up they were already advancing that why america fear them even the NATO leader talked about them do you know how much cost america for plans and other support to fight Isis ITS A Great threat to america to be honest and fighting america means you fighting the whole world
Didnt you hear about the CIA documents from 2012 they released like a week ago where they are saying themselves that an islamic state is possible and that we should pursue it and support it and that it wouldnt even be there without US help?

Get with the times man, thinking that ISIS being US made is a conspiracy is so 2014.

Also, religion is just an institution. People claiming that there wouldnt be any "faith" or any "morals" without christianity are kinda ehh. Everyone should have their own beliefs, just not institutionalized ones. Being spiritual is not synonymous with being religious.

edit: Heres the source for the isis thing, on the last page. The paper is from 2012
« Last Edit: June 11, 2015, 07:59:19 AM by John Porno »
"if i was a dev i would just stop server, and nobody hurt"
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