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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #80 on: October 22, 2014, 09:36:26 AM »

It is cool that you manage to have fun with your hunting party, but it won't make you win ZC. Sure, you have high chances to lose, but if you don't try, you are 100% sure that you will lose.
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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #81 on: October 22, 2014, 01:55:22 PM »

3. Family gate is camped most of the time as PK's from other factions go there to have fun shooting n00bs as they know that Family won't send punishing force to retaliate. Because of that scavenging also takes a hit.

I love how this thread started and where it went heh.

On topic - in general
Family is currently most noob friendly faction, members share, help,give advices and group to achieve something. Faction chat is never spammed with shit, just casual talking between everybody in faction or important info for the faction. No TK has happened as long as I remember, or if it did it never continued.

ZC is a problem same as to BB, lack of active organized numbers. This can be changed easily by grouping the two factions or trying to change mentality of players that loosing pvp is better than no pvp at all. Whats the point of sitting on your loot, when you can have some fun with it.
Personally every zc we lost has been fun to me, we tried, we sometimes kicked ass, but mostly our asses have been kicked. It doesn't matter, fun was involved, I play games for solely reason to have fun. Therefor we started ambushing zc groups, guerrilla attacking that retreating tactics to have fun with odds against us.

Blue suits killing - this is a strange thing to be honest, we do kill blue suits, but what I find out by observing zc's of other factions as sneaker, bunch of ppl who gear up and pvp in zc, go to scavenge in blue suit and therefor make a victim out of themselves. I know with certainty 4 Vtech bluesuits who have been killed by us regulary, when I'm alone I give them free pass in 80% coz I got nothing to gain out of it except free kill. I had a conversation with one bluesuit yesterday who repeatedly died and I asked him why doesn't he tell it on faction chat, are there any armed players in his base ? He told me there are but nobody listens to him because he is new. Its a shame really, because with this 4 faction system I expected people would defend their weakest members, only to be surprised how platoons hold each other by the hand and don't care about majority of faction.

I've been doing a santa run for last two evening, leaving armors + weapons around so scavengers can find them, I hope they ended up in right hands and that it will be used to fight with them, not to hoard them or use them solely for assignments.

On top of it all, I don't think any of this is a major problem and has big impact on the server, the drop of active players made Vtech-Family only active ppl on the server and therefor only option is to kill each other.

There has always been a repeated sentence in fo servers - wasteland is harsh. But lets be honest, phoenix isn't as harsh. I remember in beginning it was much harder to scavenge but therefor more rewarding when you manage. People dying would make them want to revenge, to become better and hunt down those who killed them. Currently whining is the method to stop killing.

Is there a point of playing a family - yes, as any other faction. We currently have good numbers in general, bad numbers for zc, but I would love to see all factions having more numbers around. Whats the point of having 30 "active" law players (which are our main enemy) if nobody ever logs in except for zc.....


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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #82 on: October 23, 2014, 09:50:15 PM »

I think this question needs to be addressed. What is the point of staying in The Family.

1. They can't do any zone control effectively as whenever ZC message pops up that Family is taking a zone the nearest faction immediately goes there as they know The Family has no chance.

2. Game bugs seem to be priority for every other faction except Family. Family entrance merchant has been stuck since yesterday while merchants for other factions are being fixed. Even suggestions like selling all books with one click are considered for other faction but not Family.

3. Family gate is camped most of the time as PK's from other factions go there to have fun shooting n00bs as they know that Family won't send punishing force to retaliate. Because of that scavenging also takes a hit.

Please give a little love to The Family as they are great bunch of lads. If not for this reason do it for the sake of some balance at least.
Your kidding me right? I have yet to be killed by someone outside the Family, from my experience with them, there just a bunch of shoot on sight, gate camping riff raffs who don't speak any English.

The Brazilian Slaughter

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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #83 on: October 24, 2014, 02:12:24 AM »

I think this question needs to be addressed. What is the point of staying in The Family.

1. They can't do any zone control effectively as whenever ZC message pops up that Family is taking a zone the nearest faction immediately goes there as they know The Family has no chance.

2. Game bugs seem to be priority for every other faction except Family. Family entrance merchant has been stuck since yesterday while merchants for other factions are being fixed. Even suggestions like selling all books with one click are considered for other faction but not Family.

3. Family gate is camped most of the time as PK's from other factions go there to have fun shooting n00bs as they know that Family won't send punishing force to retaliate. Because of that scavenging also takes a hit.

Please give a little love to The Family as they are great bunch of lads. If not for this reason do it for the sake of some balance at least.
Your kidding me right? I have yet to be killed by someone outside the Family, from my experience with them, there just a bunch of shoot on sight, gate camping riff raffs who don't speak any English.

That's not true! Most Family speak english all the time, with some russian and spanish ocasionally seen.


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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #84 on: October 24, 2014, 04:06:20 AM »

I think this question needs to be addressed. What is the point of staying in The Family.

1. They can't do any zone control effectively as whenever ZC message pops up that Family is taking a zone the nearest faction immediately goes there as they know The Family has no chance.

2. Game bugs seem to be priority for every other faction except Family. Family entrance merchant has been stuck since yesterday while merchants for other factions are being fixed. Even suggestions like selling all books with one click are considered for other faction but not Family.

3. Family gate is camped most of the time as PK's from other factions go there to have fun shooting n00bs as they know that Family won't send punishing force to retaliate. Because of that scavenging also takes a hit.

Please give a little love to The Family as they are great bunch of lads. If not for this reason do it for the sake of some balance at least.
Your kidding me right? I have yet to be killed by someone outside the Family, from my experience with them, there just a bunch of shoot on sight, gate camping riff raffs who don't speak any English.

I was hunting near vtec gate in the last 30 mins and you know what happened?  Me and my partner let 4 people go because they weren't worth shooting. Family has been getting better about raping random blues from my observation.  On top of that I rarely ever see other languages in the faction chat, it's pretty much all coherent for an English speaker.  As others have also said we give out items and equip our newbs and broke players more than any other faction.  You just happen to be on the wrong end of a Kalashnikov most of the time, sorry.

The Brazilian Slaughter

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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #85 on: October 24, 2014, 04:50:39 AM »

I think this question needs to be addressed. What is the point of staying in The Family.

1. They can't do any zone control effectively as whenever ZC message pops up that Family is taking a zone the nearest faction immediately goes there as they know The Family has no chance.

2. Game bugs seem to be priority for every other faction except Family. Family entrance merchant has been stuck since yesterday while merchants for other factions are being fixed. Even suggestions like selling all books with one click are considered for other faction but not Family.

3. Family gate is camped most of the time as PK's from other factions go there to have fun shooting n00bs as they know that Family won't send punishing force to retaliate. Because of that scavenging also takes a hit.

Please give a little love to The Family as they are great bunch of lads. If not for this reason do it for the sake of some balance at least.
Your kidding me right? I have yet to be killed by someone outside the Family, from my experience with them, there just a bunch of shoot on sight, gate camping riff raffs who don't speak any English.

I was hunting near vtec gate in the last 30 mins and you know what happened?  Me and my partner let 4 people go because they weren't worth shooting. Family has been getting better about raping random blues from my observation.  On top of that I rarely ever see other languages in the faction chat, it's pretty much all coherent for an English speaker.  As others have also said we give out items and equip our newbs and broke players more than any other faction.  You just happen to be on the wrong end of a Kalashnikov most of the time, sorry.

Wait, what?!
What is this decline?
The enemy is to be shot at all costs, bluesuit or not! No quarter! "Bluesuit" is just code-word for "disguised enemy pro-player"! Think of the frag rankings, man!
Where is Sabbarab? He would't have let this happen!
Looks like I'm going to have to get back to improve discipline. Just as well. I want a piece of that l33t Power Armor and bounties.


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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #86 on: October 24, 2014, 05:36:10 AM »

Decline ?

If you played other Fonline servers, you would have noticed that this one is the most casual/noob friendly server.

By not killing bluesuits on sight, you help the dev ensure that many new player will be staying in AOP, cheering the level of fairness of the community.

If the bluesuit have a familiar name, that is another story, but i think we need to encourage the players to stay in game. (especially in Family/BBoys that need to double their numbers, unless they do the only thing that make sense and ally themselves)
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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #87 on: October 24, 2014, 06:59:25 AM »

Yeah sure I will try to run bluesuit and hope noone shoots me ?
I think that I will be shot on sight or even out of sight and that will be a humiliating death.

Stem Sunders

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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #88 on: October 24, 2014, 08:43:20 AM »

I think this question needs to be addressed. What is the point of staying in The Family.

1. They can't do any zone control effectively as whenever ZC message pops up that Family is taking a zone the nearest faction immediately goes there as they know The Family has no chance.

2. Game bugs seem to be priority for every other faction except Family. Family entrance merchant has been stuck since yesterday while merchants for other factions are being fixed. Even suggestions like selling all books with one click are considered for other faction but not Family.

3. Family gate is camped most of the time as PK's from other factions go there to have fun shooting n00bs as they know that Family won't send punishing force to retaliate. Because of that scavenging also takes a hit.

Please give a little love to The Family as they are great bunch of lads. If not for this reason do it for the sake of some balance at least.
Your kidding me right? I have yet to be killed by someone outside the Family, from my experience with them, there just a bunch of shoot on sight, gate camping riff raffs who don't speak any English.

Actually we're all really nice :) Even the family members that don't like each other still stay civil for the sake of an easier life.

Also have you ever spoken to a family member?
We're all English speaking,
I think I have seen 1 account of russian or polish being spoken in chat since launch.

Whats wrong with shooting on sight? In my experience if I don't shoot on sight I'm quickly shot dead. Trust me I have tried to talk to enemies in the core.
They don't seem bothered by anything else but killing us too.

Shoot or be shot, kill or be killed. That is my experience.

Props to count matthew for not giving up! He talks to us instead of just running by. I even gave him weapons.

Heres a tip. If you see family running around, and you are in blue and sure to be caught.
Use the shout option to make yourself known.
Declare you're unarmed and mean peace, Some of us will probably let you walk.

Ever seen a family member defib a vtec?

S'pretty heart warming.

Two screens, In one we shot him upon entering a room.
The other we stood and talked, He then fired at mscislaw. So I killed him again.

He was quickly defibbed and asked to move along.

(Edit)After thinking about it and being told its impossible, it probably wasn't a defib.
if it was he would have most likely been defibbed the first time he was killed.
So just FA, he wasn't dead the second time :P
« Last Edit: October 24, 2014, 10:13:18 AM by Stem Sunders »


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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #89 on: October 24, 2014, 09:45:09 AM »

Ever seen a family member defib a vtec?

S'pretty heart warming.

Two screens, In one we shot him upon entering a room.
The other we stood and talked, He then fired at mscislaw. So I killed him again.

He was quickly defibbed and asked to move along.
that's impossible you can't defib a person from another faction.

Stem Sunders

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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #90 on: October 24, 2014, 10:14:48 AM »

Made an edit. ^^^

Thanks S.T.A.L.K.E.R I didn't know that and would have gone on thinking he was defibbed until I tried it for myself lol.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R, correcting the bullshit since launch.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2014, 10:17:57 AM by Stem Sunders »


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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #91 on: October 24, 2014, 12:51:28 PM »

My experience with other BrahminBoys: everybody speaks russian.
The Lawyers: they never see me or just ignore me.
V-Tec: either they talk and are friendly (even seen some join the brahmin boys) or camp at the BrahminBoy gate.
The Family: been killed while looting, been taunted, been spied on, been rekt by a group of at least 6 members camping at the BrahminBoy gate and finally been killed after someone spawned behind me. The only good thing that has ever happened to me involving the Family was with the first character I made (I was part of the Family), someone dropped me an M1C with some ammo.

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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #92 on: October 24, 2014, 04:47:26 PM »

So basically you're complaining about being killed?

Everybody goes through what you just described in some way at some time.
I have experienced everything on your list apart from the friendliness directed towards you.

From day one Brahmin Boys have been hostile and never above any of the acts the family has performed.

Same goes for other factions.
I am personally yet to see ANY enemy (with a weapon) stop to have a chit chat.
You know what they do? shoot on sight.

They always have and most likely always will.

At start I kept going into the core with the sole purpose of finding an enemy that did not fight or shoot on sight. I tried it in bluesuite, I tried it in armor.
With weapons, without weapons. Stimpaks or defibs in hand.
WALKING up to them and saying "hello" or "peace" Or even just a plain old "Don't Shoot"

I never found one that didnt kill me, but complaining about being killed by the enemy?

How could I expect anything more?

If you were taunted, I'm pretty sure it was in English so I don't know where you're getting that we don't speak English from.

If its as you say, then consider yourself lucky that you're so privileged to not be killed by Lawyers and V-Tec.

Family have never had such luxury.

What is your name in-game?

I wont shoot if you dont.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2014, 05:23:21 PM by Stem Sunders »


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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #93 on: October 25, 2014, 12:04:10 AM »

So basically you're complaining about being killed?

Everybody goes through what you just described in some way at some time.
I have experienced everything on your list apart from the friendliness directed towards you.

From day one Brahmin Boys have been hostile and never above any of the acts the family has performed.

Same goes for other factions.
I am personally yet to see ANY enemy (with a weapon) stop to have a chit chat.
You know what they do? shoot on sight.

They always have and most likely always will.

At start I kept going into the core with the sole purpose of finding an enemy that did not fight or shoot on sight. I tried it in bluesuite, I tried it in armor.
With weapons, without weapons. Stimpaks or defibs in hand.
WALKING up to them and saying "hello" or "peace" Or even just a plain old "Don't Shoot"

I never found one that didnt kill me, but complaining about being killed by the enemy?

How could I expect anything more?

If you were taunted, I'm pretty sure it was in English so I don't know where you're getting that we don't speak English from.

If its as you say, then consider yourself lucky that you're so privileged to not be killed by Lawyers and V-Tec.

Family have never had such luxury.

What is your name in-game?

I wont shoot if you dont.

First of all i'm not complaining, well at least I don't mean to. I'm just saying out of all the factions the Family seems to be the most relentless, but that prob just because of the bad luck I get :P even though half the time im in Lawyer territory. Second, I just realized I completely fluffed up my post, BrahminBoys are the ones who never seem to know any English (sorry for the confusion, but I originally played as a Family member) and lastly my in-game name is "Matulaak", I have yet to kill a single player (mostly because of my moonwalking problem in combat) but yeah, I say "howdy" to every person I meet XD 99% of them end me before I can click enter though :P


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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #94 on: October 25, 2014, 12:06:34 AM »

wait a sec, I didnt make a mistake on my post, dang it im tired. *grabs 6th can of red bull* <jk


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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #95 on: October 25, 2014, 12:15:41 AM »

oh wait you meant my first post *facepalm* k, ya I screwed up there XD


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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #96 on: October 25, 2014, 12:18:33 AM »

Too much screwing in too little time!
Protip: edit ur posts scroob.

I love how this thread is still going, even though it's starting point is long lost. I imagine people will use it as a chat topic now ;D.
I think it's time we blow this scene, get everybody and the stuff together...
Okay, 3, 2, 1, let's jam!


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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #97 on: October 25, 2014, 01:20:41 AM »

So basically you're complaining about being killed?

Everybody goes through what you just described in some way at some time.
I have experienced everything on your list apart from the friendliness directed towards you.

From day one Brahmin Boys have been hostile and never above any of the acts the family has performed.

Same goes for other factions.
I am personally yet to see ANY enemy (with a weapon) stop to have a chit chat.
You know what they do? shoot on sight.

They always have and most likely always will.

At start I kept going into the core with the sole purpose of finding an enemy that did not fight or shoot on sight. I tried it in bluesuite, I tried it in armor.
With weapons, without weapons. Stimpaks or defibs in hand.
WALKING up to them and saying "hello" or "peace" Or even just a plain old "Don't Shoot"

I never found one that didnt kill me, but complaining about being killed by the enemy?

How could I expect anything more?

If you were taunted, I'm pretty sure it was in English so I don't know where you're getting that we don't speak English from.

If its as you say, then consider yourself lucky that you're so privileged to not be killed by Lawyers and V-Tec.

Family have never had such luxury.

What is your name in-game?

I wont shoot if you dont.

First of all i'm not complaining, well at least I don't mean to. I'm just saying out of all the factions the Family seems to be the most relentless, but that prob just because of the bad luck I get :P even though half the time im in Lawyer territory. Second, I just realized I completely fluffed up my post, BrahminBoys are the ones who never seem to know any English (sorry for the confusion, but I originally played as a Family member) and lastly my in-game name is "Matulaak", I have yet to kill a single player (mostly because of my moonwalking problem in combat) but yeah, I say "howdy" to every person I meet XD 99% of them end me before I can click enter though :P

Family is the most relentless because other factions were stomping us hard at the beginning, makes sense, really. 

It's really not hard to have a friendly encounter with another faction. If you have a buddy and are armed to the motherfucking teeth, walking up to random blues and people without shooting makes them freeze for a second.  They think "why didn't they shoot on sight?"  and if they try to do something stupid you light them up. Half of the time I've found they'll talk to you or run, in which case I shoot them to negatives, FA them and have a chat.  Try it sometime, really interesting encounters to be had.

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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #98 on: October 28, 2014, 03:07:29 AM »

Yeah Family has always been the most rentless.
Thing is, Family is all about being a faction of loners. We're loners who got together to stick to everyone who ins't a loner - Lawyers are all about the platoon, BBs are very clannish and organized (today, they used to be chaotic as fuck from what Esper told me), V-Tecs were always a swarm of noobs, scrubs and crazies with a small core composed by a elite platoon or two (Lidae's Lightbringers, Drones, etc).

Family is also the best organized at the grassroots level but we suck at getting something big co-ordinated, which is why we always had problems getting people for ZC but the Core always has a Family deathsquad patrolling the Mojave (and wishing for a nuclear winter).

Also Family has always been at the fore-front of tactical innovations - Jihads are a Family creation (low-cost guerilla deathsquads, used to kill pretty much anything barring ZC squads, only stopped when everyone started walking well-armed into the core), mass-traps started with Family, the most dastardly turtling is done by The Family, only tactic I never saw us use is grenade spamming, V-Tec used to win ZCs through MILKOR spamming and sniping the survivors.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2014, 03:09:42 AM by The Brazilian Slaughter »


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Re: Is there any point playing Family now?
« Reply #99 on: November 02, 2014, 01:13:54 AM »

I joined family to actually to get them to do some organized ZC. We can all get in a TS and do something at least but apparently I'm hated by 80% of them. 
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