ty for answer, is this working too for AP DRAIN cuz i think it isent or its buged or something?
Cuz 1 dude with i think some SMG AP drain me to -100 from 1 clip and i head 10str + Crit STR + 10Luck + ManOfSteal
I'm fairly certain strength and critical strength has nothing to do with AP regen or AP drain.
Strength modifies:
Additional HP at first level (50%)
Healing Rate (25%) Each 2 points of Strength will give you 1 point of H.rate
Str requirement for all weapons
Bleed resistance Each point of Strength gives you 1 point of Bleed resistance
Weapon drop resistance
Knockout resistance
Melee damage. Each point of Strength gives you +2 Melee Damage.
Carry weight. Each point of Strength gives you +10 Carry Weight.
Throwing range
The SPECIAL regarding AP regen is Agility.
Agility modifies:
AP regeneration
Armor Class (2.5 per point)
Healing Rate (0.5 per point)
Bleed Resistance (0.5 per point)
Resistance against knockdowns
Resistance against partial armor bypasses.
The weapon trait AP drain is (unless it has changed): 20% chance to remove 15 AP from the target. The only SMG that has this trait (I'm fairly certain) is the Electro SMG. The Electro SMG Bursts with 8 rounds. At 1 hex distance all 8 of these rounds should hit. In the ABSOLUTE worst case scenario all 8 of those rounds procs AP drain and you are drained 120AP.
This is an incredibly unlikely circumstance. Typically of the 8 rounds, only 1 or 2 would proc AP drain for a total of 30 AP drain.
Regardless... There is no mitigation for this type of effect. Especially not Critical Strength... Burst cannot crit. Thus 10Luck and Man of Steel have no effect.
With 10 luck and 10 STR I would surmise that you likely don't have a tremendous amount of Agility, resulting in LOW AP REGEN. Likely what happened is you used most of your AP bar, then performed an AP extensive task (reloading certain weapons, first aid, doctor, etc.) and went deep into AP debt.
TL;DR if (on the incredibly unlikely event) you were indeed bursted by an Electro SMG and had AP drain in effect proc, it had NOTHING to do with the stats you listed. And in any circumstance, regardless of how rare an instance, would not have yielded the results you are suggesting.