Author Topic: Factions  (Read 4695 times)


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« on: September 27, 2014, 07:32:17 PM »

Day by day disproportion between factions get's bigger and bigger. As always and as everywhere people will be in the strongest faction and it's some kind of problem. Not with this game, but with players. Factions should unite us, but they didn't. Only ZC profits teamwork inside faction. Everyday I see players making characters just for spying, provoking or teamkilling others from factions they didn't belong with they main characters. Migration is problem too. This makes, for example (I dont think that's scientifically proven truth), V-Tecs almost dead and left them without people with initiative while lawyers swarms gets bigger and stronger every day, because they have more clan oriented players than other factions, what attracts people. Who don't want to be powerful?
What's my solution? Link account with an e-mail address, let people make max 3 characters per account (IMO two is a must, because of leadership system which works only with your squad which can't be online 24/7 and that's too big disadvantage when you decide to make character with 10 charisma) in ONE CHOSEN FACTION without possibility to change it. And my last proposition, most brutal one: limit factions number to two. Just two. It's enough with average online about 115 players (just my observations). That can make this game even more dynamic and fun. But hey! It's just my opinion and I feel I have to share it.
Sorry for my "broken" english, but it's Saturday, even Sunday almost 1:30 AM, sooooo:P Let me see what you guys think about it;]


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Re: Factions
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2014, 12:02:22 AM »

What? Making a "battle" char w/o 10CH and another one without? Are you out of your mind? In this FOnline CH is the strongest parameter, it should be freaking nerfed IMO. You don't need multiple characters (btw reroll) for that, since 10CH one will always stay superior to anyone else, due to those massive buffs leadership gives you.
I think it's time we blow this scene, get everybody and the stuff together...
Okay, 3, 2, 1, let's jam!


  • Wanderer
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Re: Factions
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2014, 03:03:27 AM »

But charisma is not the point in this topic. And it's useless without squad members playing always when you are in game. I know it's awesome buffs and advantage you can't even imagine if you didn't try this, but it needs a tons of teamwork and trusted bunch of people, but not everyone will have a chance to find trusted players. Please focus on the main problems here.


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Re: Factions
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2014, 03:04:30 AM »

make small player driven factions like on other servers and it will be cool


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Re: Factions
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2014, 03:13:24 AM »

I thought that the answer is obvious ><, what is there to talk about? You suggest to cripple the server's idea and this world's lore. I'm strongly against it, BESIDES, what will it solve? Esp. the e-mail requirement. You think that there are no proxy users here? Nothing will change, at all. Because war... War never changes.
Your intention is good, but the ideas... Explain me how will your suggestion (any of those) solve the problem you shared with us.
I think it's time we blow this scene, get everybody and the stuff together...
Okay, 3, 2, 1, let's jam!

The Brazilian Slaughter

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Re: Factions
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2014, 05:14:53 AM »

Day by day disproportion between factions get's bigger and bigger.

w8 m8
I would like you to say that downwind from the barrels of multiple family miniguns

As always and as everywhere people will be in the strongest faction and it's some kind of problem.

I would't say that.

Not with this game, but with players. Factions should unite us, but they didn't. Only ZC profits teamwork inside faction. Everyday I see players making characters just for spying, provoking or teamkilling others from factions they didn't belong with they main characters.

w8 m8
I'm pretty sure my faction unites me with my fellow players, but then again we're Family here.

ZC is not the only way to profit from teamwork - doing team core runs is better than going alone (because you can kill and loot other players instead of lfeeing), team deathsquads are better than lonely ambushes, assigs alone are usually very hard, co-operation in getting items with allies is good, etc - Teamwork kicks ass.

Yeah, making alts in other factions is lame. At least I think so, that's why I only have characters in The Family - only one, too (too lazy to level up AGAIN!).?

Migration is problem too. This makes, for example (I dont think that's scientifically proven truth), V-Tecs almost dead and left them without people with initiative while lawyers swarms gets bigger and stronger every day, because they have more clan oriented players than other factions, what attracts people. Who don't want to be powerful?

Migration is not a problem, I actually like it because it represents the changing nature of the war. Also adds the emotional "TRAITORS!!" component into the game. I know because some Family members turn-coated to lawyers recently (StereQ, SPECIAL, Blasma).

V-tecs are not dead because of migration (losing Lidae's Lightbringers must've hurt, tho), they're still the biggest faction in-game. V-Tec is still on game. Their main problem is that they're a big-ass disorganized zerg swarm, that's why Family Vendetta Deathsquads mostly kill V-tecs (easy prey, they're like loot pinhatas) and Lidae's Lightbringers left. In fact, the deserters are LOVING it in the Family and they helped us organize a great deal - we don't teamkill, we don't do drama, we organize, we share what we need, etc.

People were saying Family was dead too, yet we're now prolly top dog of the server exactly because we kept fighting and doing things our way and generally being who we were, and it works.

I don't feel Lawyers are getting more powerful. Family's doing well lately, but then again V-Tec fights Lawyers more than we do. If Lawyers are getting more powerful, organize better or stop trying to fight them in attrition war and fight them with ambushes instead, like Family did until this weekend.

One cool thing is that with four factions in such a big city, the whole enviroment of AoP is self-regulating. Any faction getting too strong will be taken down a peg somehow, big numbers themselves cause migrations due to chaos of swarms, alliances and non-aggression pacts happen (we already saw Lawyer-Vtec co-operation against Family AGAIN), etc.

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