Author Topic: 29-03-2016 Changelog  (Read 12660 times)

John Porno

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29-03-2016 Changelog
« on: March 29, 2016, 07:33:44 AM »

New characters should now see the headquarters and be able to find an NPC there to enlist.

- Some changes to RTS mode
- run updater

Balance Changes:
Changed Accurate perk into Fast Reload and More spread into BRoF, as it was hurting the gun anyway. Changed the order of the perks to not have the most important one at 250

Changed into a protype of next season MMGs. Stats below are based not on old PKS but on updated M240 which I used as a starting point. In brackets the M240 stats of the full auto mode.

Damage:       37-43      (25-37)
Range:               70      (70)
Burstsize:             6      (12)
AP cost:              12      (28)
OneHex:              42      (45)
Spread:              15      (7)
Inaccuracy:         20      (0)
Aimtime:            70      (70)
Suppression x2             (Suppression)
Fast Reload                  (Fast Reload)
Suppression                 (Suppression)
BRD                             (BRD)
More Dakka                  (Suppression)
Accurate                      (BRoF)

Spoiler for Commentary:
Overall this change emphasizes sustained covering fire over single target burst. This PKS is not supposed to be replacing M240 as the go-to machinegun. The m240 has a shorter burst, faster rate of sustained fire and more single target damage, however when shooting 3-5 targets, the PKS easily deals up to 50% more damage, especially against sPA

Johnson LMG: All bren guns in the game have been turned into Johnsons, including its spawns
- Magazine size 20 -> 30
- Reload AP 50 -> 60
- Range 55 -> 65 (both modes)
- Single shot AP 25 -> 15
- Added extra rank of suppression trait
- is now repairable with repair kits


First changed into copy of Prepatch Johnson LMG, then added following changes
- ST requirement 5 -> 6
- Reload AP 50 -> 40
- Range 55 -> 70 (both modes)
- Damage increased 37-43 -> 37-45 (both modes)
- Single shot AP 25 -> 20
- Burst AP 40 -> 45
- Added extra rank of suppression trait

Spoiler for Commentary:
Next season, the Johnson will be one tier above the BAR and its direct upgrade. Its extended magazine, lower AP cost and better "soft" stats (weight, st req) should make it stronger while the BAR remains usable with its slightly higher range and damage.
Concerning the current season, the increase in range should make the Johnson much more usable as it sets itself apart from the AR's.

For more Info on the Johnson, here's a great video from

- Reduced Range
- Reduced Pancor maxdmg from 110 to 107

- Remington M870 min dmg 80 -> 90
- Replaced BRoF with Bonus Damage

- Nerfed Red ammo bleed by 50 and green ammo DT mod by 10

Colt M1911
- Damage reduced 35-50 -> 27-35
- AP cost reduced 15 -> 7
- Reload AP increased 30 -> 40
- Changed 2 finisher into knockback

- Changed 10DR to -10%DR
- Added 20DT mod

Spoiler for Hiden:
This is a try to nerf the stun grenade combo while adding potential as a backup gun for Big gunners that are being rushed by melee or need to finish a target when out of ammo.

Increased ranges of AX338 and Stoner LMG which were left out last time.

- run updater
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 09:40:14 AM by John Porno »
"if i was a dev i would just stop server, and nobody hurt"


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Re: 29-03-2016 Changelog
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2016, 09:22:29 AM »

Top changelog, missing only a couple top core changing mechanics update.

Reduced Pancor maxdmg from 110 to 107 

John Porno

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Re: 29-03-2016 Changelog
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2016, 09:33:06 AM »

That is quite an important change due to the rounding that takes place. With a pellet/subshot size of 12, it's only the multiplicatives of 12 that matter. A shotgun with 12dmg deals the same amount of dmg than one with 23 dmg, if using 12 pellets cause they all get rounded to 1. With the above change, you wont have any pellets that do 9 damage anymore. With 90-110, 6 (rolls of-) pellets do 7, 12 pellets do 8 and 3 pellets did 9. Those last 3 pellets now dont exist anymore.
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BG Sexpert

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Re: 29-03-2016 Changelog
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2016, 11:19:50 AM »

That is quite an important change due to the rounding that takes place. With a pellet/subshot size of 12, it's only the multiplicatives of 12 that matter. A shotgun with 12dmg deals the same amount of dmg than one with 23 dmg, if using 12 pellets cause they all get rounded to 1. With the above change, you wont have any pellets that do 9 damage anymore. With 90-110, 6 (rolls of-) pellets do 7, 12 pellets do 8 and 3 pellets did 9. Those last 3 pellets now dont exist anymore.

The weapon damage isn't the component that needs fixing (although with bursts and subshots small amounts of damage make a large difference). Its the max range, the One Hex, and the ammo. Giving the Pancor 100 One Hex means that more "pellets" will hit further away, because the One Hex variable is used for after one hex formulas.

Because the Pancor hits with all 12 subshot pellets at 1 hex, the formula when coupled with its massive max range (compared to other shotguns) then calculates that after 1 hex its hitting with something like 66% of its pellets at 30 hex. (dist-1)(dist-1)*(15000-spread*MAXRANGE*ONEHEX)/(spread*MAXRANGE*MAXRANGE*MAXRANGE) + ONEHEX = 66.

so you take that and * the subshot then round down and you have 7 pellets hitting at 30 hex (when using the old 45 max range pancor) and 8 pellets hitting at 29 hex.

You should be able to quickly see how this is becoming a problem. With 7-8 pellets hitting at a range that is at the extreme range for other shotguns, you make a weapon OP. With 7-8 pellets hitting even after DT/DR from a 100+ average damage weapon and a now 1.5 (was 2x) bleed modifier, you are going to have MASSIVE amounts of bleed and decent damage to anything that isn't SPA.

When the weapon is bursted, this number becomes even more frightening.

You've countered a good portion of the problems but in an indirect way. The Pancor (which is really the only problematic shotgun) should have less range, a 75 one hex on single shot(like EVERY other shotgun) and the subshots on red ammo should be reduced to something like 10. Increase the burst spread, and significantly reduce the burst range (to something like 2/3 the single shot range). Changing the DT modifier of the red ammo has the same effect of reducing the average damage of the weapon, without effecting flachette ammo as well. So a change from -.7 DT modifier to a -.3 would be suggested.

I tested the pancor at the shooting range 2 days ago (ill test it again tonight) but I was doing 50+ damage at max range vs CAMKIII with SINGLE SHOT flachette. I easily killed the target within my AP bar and had only used half my magazine. Bursting killed the enemy in 2 shots. And that was with Flachette, the problem is exacerbated with the red ammo. I shot it a few times, looked at the bleed and just walked away because I didn't want to bang my head against the wall with a weapon that was due to change very soon.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 12:58:19 PM by BG Sexpert »


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Re: 29-03-2016 Changelog
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2016, 12:33:26 PM »

Thank you, no more people sniping with shotguns :D


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Re: 29-03-2016 Changelog
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2016, 06:51:41 AM »

but wasnt the bursting range higher before all this kurvashenangins ? it seems a bit overnerfed to me ... i remember having something like 22 eff range before all this shenangins

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