I'll assume the wiki's info is off on the SVDm as if it is correct it seems like paying to downgrade it, I haven't seen one in game for a while either, but either way, the Dragunov series of sniper rifles are some of the hardest to unlock (with the M being the final rifle), but least utilised SG snipers.
In comparison to the M1c (seemingly the strongest alpha striking SG sniper in game currently), the SVD loses substantial damage (15min and 20 max damage), range and bleed chance for a gain of 5 more bleed damage for 10 less AP per shot.
I know they have different ammo and different perks, but the M1c arguable still wins out as the better off rifle in both regards.
Here is my suggestion for the SVD and M snipers
SVD dragunov;
Damage 55-65
Bleed chance 90%
Bleed Damage 90
Ap cost 65
Hit the Gaps
Piercing Strike
Better bleed
Blinding strike
Bonus Rate of Fire
With the M series adding extra range (6x scope traded for an 8x scope should at least give scoped x 3), and an increase in bleed chance resist. Possibly swapping some perks too.
I know it is a bit basic to compare snipers like this for a level of even-ness, but these stats make the rifles similar in potential, not including ammo effects.