« on: September 14, 2014, 05:12:31 PM »
In my case it would go like :
S-5 Nothing special but i still can lift up a potato sack
P-9 During my military exams they said i would easili fit into a snipers role
E-4 I get sick preety easili and got astma since my childhood but i don't need any inhalations wich is nice
C-6 The folks tell me i am preety funny and idiotic but they usually like to chat with me.
I-9 I learn preety fast have a good memory but i never remember the stuff i need in education.
A-8 Did a bit of climbing, rope jumping, my entire childhood was spent on trees harvesting fruit.
L-2 Well sometimes im lucky and get something done, the rest cases the Murphys laws fit perfect into me.
43 that is rather high, isn't it?