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Messages - Le troll

Pages: [1]
News & Announcements / Re: Game status & Random battles 1 PvP video
« on: September 14, 2014, 09:54:11 PM »
This was my first PVP experience in AoP, and it was the most epic battle I ever played in a FOnline game. I made a lot of town controls and new reno ambush, but that was just awesome. Most of the time PVP in FOnline is max 10 vs 10, but that was an endless battle with countless _not really countless, I killed 5 ;)_ ennemies trying to enter the fences. And finally we win, only a few bullets left, no stimpacks left. I  survived! HAHA!
Devs, what you did is great. Even an announced PVP event on another server can gather so many players. The best is, it was "just" a normal zone control. It was a self generated encounter bigger than any organised event, and we have the same every day! WOAW!


Events & Politics / Re: A Proposed cease-fire Between Lawyers and V-tec
« on: September 11, 2014, 02:28:14 PM »
Guys! why do you want a ceasefire?!? It's fine how it is now. This is after fallout, wastland is harsh!
If some guys go PK near a gate, everybody gather and swarm, it work most of the time. And some retaliations after that are required of course. I don't see the problem. What's fun with scavenging, is that if you take the risk to go alone, you loot more, but you are alone haha! If nobody shoots eachother, this is no more a pvp server. And I never got killed at the gate, it's long enough to avoid a small squad, and previews help.
Don't forget: "WAR, WAR NEVER CHANGES"!

And, good guy, you are such a pony. :)

Bug reports / [DLG] Minor mistake with relic npc (V-TECH)
« on: September 11, 2014, 03:39:11 AM »
When delivering holodisck for assault rifle, the npc said I unlocked G3, but in fact is was M16.

Bar des Terres Désolées / Re: Présentations
« on: September 11, 2014, 02:39:49 AM »
Salut wasteland, je suis Le troll. On a perdu nos poils à cause des radiations, et comme dessous on n'a pas la peau qui résiste aux UV, on s'est mis à porter des fringues et on a incrusté chez les humain...
J'ai commencé fin 2009 sur 2238 en mode solodughetto, j'ai rejoins les 9 ghouls arrivé sur Reloaded (Le grand troll, Tirailleur troll, Sniper trolle et tout le reste de la tribu), et plus tard on s'est intégré à The Ultra Violence pour continuer de fritter du Pistoleros et du BBS.
Là j'ai rejoins les V-Tech, parcequ'ils ont des beaux locaux bien propres avec de l'eau chaude dans la douche, c'est important le confort! Je reconnais pas mal de pseudo vu dans notre abri, c'est pas mal ce topic, sinon j'aurais jamais deviné que certains étaient francophones.
Ils sont où les BBS? Il m'a semblé en voir 2 ou 3 chez les Lawyers mais je suis pas sur. Just histoire de savoir où tirer!

Bug reports / Re: [CHAR] Reduced sight for no reasons
« on: September 10, 2014, 05:09:54 PM »
Ok, sorry. I checked other post and it was sneak related, so I thaught it was different.
Something more I noticed, the charactersheet says I have 43 sightrange, but I actually have only 35.

Bug reports / Re: [CHAR] lost perk
« on: September 10, 2014, 04:08:20 PM »
Think! If it's possible to pick all perks at lvl max, it mean you can choose all the perks that where last unlocked. You'll have super OP character. Notice how the perk list increase each time you can pick up one. You can take an old one that sounds interesting to you, but you can't take a lvl 3 perk from the lvl 6 perk pool.

Bug reports / Re: Lost Perk
« on: September 10, 2014, 04:04:13 PM »
Myakot's right, those are game mechanics applying in all fonlines, even in the original fallout I think. I you tried reloaded character planner it even warn you of that issue.

Bug reports / Re: [CHAR] Reduced sight for no reasons
« on: September 10, 2014, 04:01:16 PM »
When I equip a 3xscoped rifle like the DSK, my sight increases to normal value (67 if I am right). But when I change the rifle to a lesser scope or no scope it drops, to 43 without scope. I think the sight bonus was somehow substracted 2 times instead of one. Also, I have the 4 eyes trait, maybe the bug is related to it, as it double sight bonus from scope. I don't know, and I can't play seriously in those conditions. I don't want to create another character either. I requested help to gm, but obviously I had bad timing, as one showed up within a minute last time I asked for it.

Bug reports / [CHAR] Reduced sight for no reasons
« on: September 10, 2014, 12:44:08 PM »
I lost some sight range, a lot. It was quite great, as I have 5 P + sharpshooter/hawk eye.
Now my sight is 43 hex, wich is very low. My effective range goes far beyond my sight, wasn't before.
I don't wear armor, I am not blinded, not drugged, it doesn't go normal when I die.

Technical Center / Re: Can't launch client
« on: September 08, 2014, 01:48:27 PM »
I found a fix, it's a bit noob work I know but it worked.
I launched the game from an external USB disk. No problems anymore.

Bug reports / [DLG] Retrieve briefcases
« on: September 08, 2014, 01:46:36 PM »
In V-Tech entrance two NPCs (man and woman in bluesuit) ask you to get them locked briefcases in exchange of 15 caps and somtimes items they don't need.
Problem is, they always start the dialog again, as if they saw you for first time. And when you have a briefcase in inventory there is no dialog option to give it and get paid.

Bug reports / [MECH] Bugged looted hunting rifle
« on: September 08, 2014, 01:43:31 PM »
I looted a hunting rifle in an assassination mission for V-Tech (E or D, don't remember).
I had no AP cost (i could fire as fast as the animation allowed it) and infinite ammo.

Technical Center / Re: Can't launch client
« on: September 06, 2014, 07:18:09 AM »
I unziped the file and removed the lines in data. It doesn't ask for updater any more. But it can't be lauched neither. I have half second blackscreen and after that return to windows.

Technical Center / Re: Can't launch client
« on: September 05, 2014, 06:09:01 PM »
No, it doesn't crash as it can't run, after clicking I get the missing file+run updater mesage.

Technical Center / Re: Can't launch client
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:26:26 PM »
# Content patches
# Priority of loading content - from end to beginning data files

# Fallout content (master.dat + critter.dat)

# Ashes of Phoenix content

Technical Center / Re: Updater
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:19:53 PM »
Check my other topic "can't launch client".

Technical Center / Re: Updater
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:15:23 PM »
What port require the updater to connect to server? Mine has 4040 default and it doesn't work properly.

Technical Center / Can't launch client
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:08:25 PM »
I can't launch the client, because it can't find the in zip directory, but the file is in right place wtf? And it asks me to run the updater.

Wiki creation / Re: Wiki feedbacks
« on: August 31, 2014, 08:10:39 PM »
Ok, thanks for answers Seki. Semething else, how does HtH work? In the hit chance page it says the HtH tohit is always 95%, so what do you improve when you rise the HtH skill?

Wiki creation / Re: Wiki feedbacks
« on: August 30, 2014, 05:47:57 PM »
Hi all

I am new to AoP, as I discovered it a few days ago. I spent some time on the wiki. I didn't play the game of course, but the new game mechanics looks awesome. Much more realistic than others fonline games. We'll see more different tactics, weapons and builds, pvp will be very interresting for sure.
I know the wiki is still work in progress, but some stuff was wierd. The crit page reffers to perks that aren't in the perk list, such as better critical, more criticals (described as +2% crit chance wich is pretty useless) and 4 eyes something (scope bonus doubled). Maybe others are missing, I don't know. The crit with bursts aren't explained. Are there any damage increases from critical hit?. There are some typing mistakes a bit everywhere. Also, is it planned to add perks requirements to the wiki? or is it to be discovered ingame? Does a character planner exist? I thaught not, so I'm trying to make a cheap one with excell (to be shared if I can make something correct).
The skill cap sounds interesting, as it will make ape fighters less effectives, but what is the base sp/lvl? still 5+2*I? Adding info about the sp cost for skill increase would be nice. I know it gets higher as the skill rise, but I would like to make some accurates calculations.
The bleeding seems nice too, but I didn't understand something: can the bleeding put a guy down when he reaches 0 HP? or if he gets shot below 0, can bleeding finish him off? And if yes, will it be possible to revive a guy that had half his blood outside his veins? So many questions...

I can't wait to play the game!!!!!

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