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Messages - Seki

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Changelogs / Re: 08.09.2014 Changelog
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:54:55 AM »
really good changes in every changelog except that combat timer
1 sec is like nothing, players can still escape to grid and its also spamming sounds when always closing/entering combat

Game Tips & Guides / Re: Critical Chance
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:52:51 AM »
Alright, so I'm running a character build and I'm at 10 int and 10 luck, giving me a 50% base critical chance. I'm more of a spammer, and aiming isn't my goal for the most part. I was looking at my stats and noticed that I had a crit resistance of 46%, and according to the info that's -46% off of someone's critical hits. Does that mean I'd have a 4% chance to crit someone with the same stats, or am I missing something here?
no, for example.. if you do have 46 crit res and player attacking you does have 50 crit chance then his crit chance is 27
formula for it is on wiki at this page

Suggestions / Re: Quick Pickup/Drop
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:50:15 AM »
Loot all is big game balance changing issue so that will need to be discussed before I can promise anything.
Have to think about bluesuits looting all your team mates corpse and running off, ect. We will first make a  system to deal with that then we can allow for loot all..
well, you can already take all items from dead body before replication and its not any issue, take all hotkey is exactly same thing but after replication, it also works on other servers without problems

Suggestions / Re: [User interface] Bleed over effect values displayed
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:45:21 AM »
i already asked that in some other topic without answer from developers  :(.. i would really like to see some Q&A topic from devs because there is too much new mechanics and players are confused, ingame info and wiki isnt enough for some of them..

Bug reports / Re: [MISC] XP exploit from leg shots
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:43:48 AM »
Yes, it cant be abused as Cirn0 said, i tried that at workers in mining mission before starting it and my exp gain per hit was slowly going down to 0.

General Discussions / Re: Decent way to level up?
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:40:21 AM »
btw when we are at leveling.. many players are asking me how did i leveled that quickly..
1. alot of experience, preparation, readed whole wiki, asked for mechanics..
2. i wasnt sleeping for over 40 hours after release
3. few hours after release i had 2x more exp then next guy (all #5 players most xp was from bbs at that time) by abusing  tutorial, when you completely logged out (after few mins being off) and logging back you was on new tutorial map because they are deleting when being empty, that map had ofc again all npcs and loot  ;)
but it wasnt really abuse because i reported that like 2 weeks before release but one of gm team told me that it was intended to reduce lags on server and its okay because there is some kind of exp diminishing at higher levels (didnt noticed  ;D)
after that few hours GMs teleported at me and told me to leave tutorial, to reduce lags on server and stop abusing it..
after doing this for few hours i had 20k exp really quickly even through lags and when i left tutorial i immediately had awareness because there was enough geckos for it after 2-3 resets of tutorial and also ~750 caps for selling misc items
4. after leaving tutorial i joined rest of bbs which was doing assignments, it was going slowly but next day when we had much bigger group (of 7-10 players) we started doing them VERY quickly, like 3-5 mins / assignment
5. crafting, as i said above its way to go if you know what to craft, i will not spoil more about this  ;D
6. when assignments was limited with 10 minutes cooldown we was already geared and leveled enough to do assignments from heart, we was timing them almost every 10 minutes, during meantime ofc crafting, scavenging for max efficency
thats all, now im going to finally reach level 24

and dont forget that this game isnt only about level  :P

General Discussions / Re: Decent way to level up?
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:25:20 AM »
as #1 most exp player i can say :
1. assignment every 10mins with using some program for timing (from heart in group if possible)
2. crafting, there are few things which are easily craftable from basic resources and gives 250xp per craft, i will not say which ofcourse :D

Suggestions / Re: Team colors
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:22:55 AM »
+1, i had to change my NC because colors of lawyers and loners was too similar, same with family and brahminboys
ofc everyone can change it but new players will probably use default colorizing and it can cause some problems

edit :
namecolorizing.txt doesn't currently work, does it?
it works for me

Suggestions / Re: Implants
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:15:13 AM »
it depends from which side you are looking at it, my feelings about implants are mixed..
on one side its thing which is giving to nolifers boost, breaking balance
on the other side its another thing which you can do, motivation to play and reach something very rare

General Discussions / Re: Killing Teamates
« on: September 09, 2014, 08:13:28 AM »
yeah, thats exactly it, problem with factions and teamkilling starts when someone is looting on blue and did nothing OR when you go, you find loot on ground, you are looting it, someone from your faction says that its his because he died there and he start shooting you :/
if you increase rep penalty then players will cry that they cant kill looters

Challenges & Accomplishments / Re: PvP Movies and Screens
« on: September 09, 2014, 12:16:49 AM »

Suggestions / Re: Brighter or different colored map markers
« on: September 08, 2014, 11:37:42 PM »
+1, they are hard to notice, im suggesting different color then green and with less transparency if possible

Resolved bugs / [MECH] First Aid
« on: September 08, 2014, 10:08:20 PM »
When i use FA on someone other then me then its also using fa on myself. Problem with it is especially when im missing few hitpoints because in that case it heals us both and takes -200 ap instead of -100.

small example.. me (WorstPlayerEver) used FA on Dirk Diggler, i healed him for 16hp and it said that i dont need FA because it tried to FA me too
03:58:04 Ľ You healed Dirk Diggler for 16 hit points.
03:58:04 Ľ WorstPlayerEver: **Applies First Aid**
03:58:04 Ľ You don't need first aid.

another example.. me (WorstPlayerEver) used FA on Lucyfer, i healed him for 123 hp and it also healed me for 6 hp at once and taken 200 ap instead of 100 ap, thats main problem  :-\
its destroying healing of other players because its not worth to heal 6hp for 100ap
03:57:47 Ľ You healed Lucyfer for 123 hit points.
03:57:47 Ľ WorstPlayerEver: **Applies First Aid**
03:57:47 Ľ You healed yourself for 6 hit points.
03:57:47 Ľ WorstPlayerEver: **Applies First Aid**

General Discussions / Re: Killing Teamates
« on: September 08, 2014, 09:38:35 PM »
would be good to improve rep penalty
for example.. right now i got over 40k rep, losing 2-3k for killing some team mate is nothing while random friendlyfire would still take very low even when it would be doubled

Sometimes you don't even lose if for FF
first attack is usually without penalty from what i noticed

Changelogs / Re: 07.09.2014 Changelog
« on: September 08, 2014, 07:12:56 AM »
what when npc would be on other side of grid then ?

Suggestions / Re: Assignment cooldown workaround/exloit
« on: September 08, 2014, 02:35:53 AM »
The cooldown is there not because we want to limit it actually.

It is added purely for technical reasons: it was lagging the server when everyone was running them constantly.

Do not want a repeat of launch day do we? :D
and will be there some fixes or server upgrade after which will be that cooldown removed or it will stay like that ?

Changelogs / Re: 07.09.2014 Changelog
« on: September 07, 2014, 03:51:55 PM »
completely agree

Suggestions / Re: Quick Pickup/Drop
« on: September 06, 2014, 02:32:36 AM »

News & Announcements / Re: AoP Client v1.0 & server launch info
« on: September 05, 2014, 07:35:06 PM »
I noticed that some perks does not have a negative effect.
Gifted for example let you tag skills if you have done it before slelecting it, bruiser (the one that does +3 strengh -2 agility) does not remove agility skill points.
did you actually try to finish the character with gifted trait?i think it doesnt work....pops out invalid special data for me with taken gifted trait...
you must have at least 2 in every SPECIAL to be able to create char with Grifted trait

General Discussions / Re: some questions
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:50:47 PM »
Does anyone know how much 1 inteligence point gives skill pts per lvl?for example how much skill pts per level would you gain with 10 int or 9 etc.
same as on other fonline servers
5 + 2*IN

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