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Messages - Lidae

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Resolved bugs / Re: [MAP] Workbench spawn on player body ?
« on: September 06, 2014, 10:49:43 AM »
Yes, this will be fixed on the next update, which is happening right now.

Bug reports / Re: [MECH] Crash with hidden trading
« on: September 06, 2014, 10:30:38 AM »
This is a known bug that has been present in other fonline games also. For now, just don't use the hidden trading, until we can figure out a better solution.

Resolved bugs / Re: [CHAR] Poison doesn't kill with Dead Man Walking perk
« on: September 06, 2014, 10:29:25 AM »
Nice catch, thanks. Should be fixed in the next update.

Should be fixed in the next update.

Technical Center / Re: critter.dat and master
« on: September 05, 2014, 07:19:23 PM »
Not without breaking any laws. If you have the fallout 2 cd, you can just copy the files right away though, don't need to actually install the game.

News & Announcements / Game Rules
« on: September 05, 2014, 02:11:58 PM »

While the wasteland is harsh and always will be, that doesn't mean the atmosphere both on the website and in-game has to be harsh too.
The following rules exist to ensure that the game is played fairly by everyone, and they are subject to change at any time if necessary.

Team Killing

Team killing is not punishable but greifing is. There is a thin line between Team Killing and griefing so be warned of the reprocussions. Personal judgement will be used to deal with such cases.

1. General behavior
FOnline: Ashes of Phoenix is a game, and want you all to feel comfortable when you play or read the forums. That's why we'll pay attention to make sure that spamming, insulting, flaming and trolling cases will be addressed accordingly, with warnings or bans if required. If you're not happy about something, please talk about it and give us arguments.
  • Character nicknames that are obviously offensive and characters that behave a way that can be seen as deeply offensive by a large amount of people will get banned immediately and permanently. Find a better roleplay than calling your character "Hitlersomething". Same for your forum account/avatar/signature.
  • Hacking game accounts or enlisting in platoons to steal possessions will not be tolerated. If we catch anyone doing that, they will be banned immediately. We advise all players to take great care when managing access to their platoon base. Don't let unknown people join your platoon without taking precautions.
  • Willingly ruining the atmosphere of a faction by continuously team killing faction mates will lead concerned characters to jail. Find faction enemies instead.
  • Nicknames or platoon names that would be deliberately stolen in-game will be reinitialized.
2. Multi logging
Connecting multiple characters at the same time to gain advantages over other players whatever they are is strictly forbidden. There should be no advantage to gain from multi logging on AoP, so please don't do it.

3. Fast relogging
Fast relogging on another character in order to gain any PvP advantage is not allowed. While we believe such an advantage would be extremely limited anyway and in most cases, manageable by opponents, we ask you not to do it.

Please also note that the entire Phoenix Core is in 'no log out' mode, meaning that if you disconnect there, you character will never leave the game world and you'll be vulnerable to anyone passing by.
Always disconnect on worldmap or in your headquarter, preferably in your base/room.

4. Bug exploiting
Exploiting a bug in order to gain any advantage - the easiest example being using a broken dialogue to get infinite caps- will be punished. If you find such bug, don't ruin your experience, report the bug instead in private to the dev team. We'll reward players behaving honestly.

5. Feature abusing
Finding a new evil plan to smash your enemies hard is usually tolerated in FOnline, as the wasteland is a place for smart and cunning people. However, we do not allow anyone to simply ruin the experience of others. Camping the entrance of a map for example, while it's not easy to do on AoP, will be tolerated as long as it doesn't become a regular activity that prevents other players to enjoy the game.

If you come up with a plan that sounds unfair for your opponents, better forget it. We'll warn concerned players and punish them if they keep abusing.

6. Third party tools / programs / mods
Wall hacks, roof hacks, field of view hacks and such modifications and bypasses are not allowed on Ashes of Phoenix. In general, any external tool or modification that gives any advantage over other players is strictly forbidden. We'll immediately ban anyone using such tools.

Any tool or program providing players information, such as character planners are of course welcome.

7. Sanctions
Usually, people caught misbehaving in-game will be sent to Sugarman's prison. There is no way out of there, Sugarman never releases prisoners and we do not do it often either. If we catch a platoon obviously cheating, we'll send all its members to jail too. To summarize: please, behave.

8. Help and contact
  • If you need to contact a gamemaster/admin in-game, use the following command: ~help <message>.
    This is not a chat box however, and harassing dev team without a good reason will lead your character to jail.
    We will NEVER address requests such as "change my char name", "change my perks", "Oh I chose a bad trait please change it" or such stuff. If you do a mistake, get over it or make a new character.
  • If you consider yourself victim of a GM abuse, you can send an email to It will be addressed by neutral people.

General Discussions / Re: one question!
« on: September 05, 2014, 01:29:32 PM »
PM might be added in at a later time, but not for the launch anyway.

General Discussions / Re: Ashes of Phoenix Chracter Calculator?
« on: September 05, 2014, 01:26:34 PM »
It's a pretty sloppy explanation I know xD.

For each skill, those numbers are how much influence the Stat has on that skill, in terms of skill point gain. So for example for the Strength, you have what you quoted:

SG (1/6), BG (3/6), EW (1/6), Unarmed (3/6), Melee (1/6), Throwing (2/6)

It just means each point in Strength will give you +1% Small Guns skill, +3% Big Guns skill, etc. That it says (1/6) and not 1 is just because there are a total of 6 skill points handed out from some stats. The formula for big guns skill (starting value) for example is given by:

BG = 30 + 3*S + 2*A + 1*L

Dunno how to explain it any more pedagogical, but as an example, if you had say 10 in all stats, you would have exactly 30+10*6 = 90 in all skills to start with. With 5 in all stats, as you can see on character creation, you have 30+5*6 = 60. But each stat influences different skills, as suggested by the wiki.

Here's the complete table for those who are really curious ;)

General Discussions / Re: one question!
« on: September 05, 2014, 01:15:04 PM »
You can whisper and shout. If you whisper, only those who are close to you will hear it, if you shout, all on the map will hear it.

General Discussions / Re: one question!
« on: September 05, 2014, 12:54:35 PM »
There's a faction chat and there are radios. No PM feature yet though.

Suggestions / Re: bonus ranged damage
« on: September 05, 2014, 11:46:31 AM »
There is no BRD perk in AoP. We don't want perks to guide your character too much. In other FOnlines it was always the case that you need BRD to be a burster (in pvp), and as a consequence you never burst unless you have BRD. We don't want that in AoP, so we have avoided that type of "must-have-for-build-x-y-perks".

General Discussions / Re: Which faction will you choose at launch?
« on: September 04, 2014, 10:53:13 AM »
You can play as a loner, but you you won't have access to crafting stations, you won't have a private room or base, no merchants except for the ones you find randomly in the core, no random assignments or other quests, and you won't get any rewards from Zone Control. You're still welcome to play as a Loner though. Wasteland just got harsh for real! :)

Resolved bugs / Re: [MECH] Perk adrenaline rush.
« on: September 04, 2014, 07:58:35 AM »
Fixed. Thanks.

General Discussions / Re: Lawyers music.
« on: September 02, 2014, 07:10:59 AM »
You can of course turn off music without disabling the other sounds. That's what I do. I love the Mark Morgan music, but I kinda wanna keep it that way, if you know what I mean.

Wiki creation / Re: Wiki feedbacks
« on: August 31, 2014, 07:17:23 AM »
The only perk requirements are level requirements (you can't take all perks at level 3), and also some skill related perks require 100 in that skill to be available. The medic related perks require either 100 doc or 100 fa before you can pick them. Apart from that, no perk requirements.

Suggestions / Re: Public Teamspeak
« on: August 30, 2014, 05:38:40 PM »
There is already a faction chat. If you type /f or .s before the message, everybody in your faction will see it, wherever they are. There's an option to toggle on/off as well.

General Discussions / Re: Good builds for a leader?
« on: August 30, 2014, 05:26:59 PM »
5, 5, 5, 10, 5, 5, 5


General Discussions / Re: some questions
« on: August 29, 2014, 07:27:05 PM »
1. It's a 50% chance to avoid any effects (including damage) from a trap that would otherwise have affected you.

2. There's a silent running perk, but you get it as a reward from a quest. You get the quest form one of the NPCs in your faction.

3. The ghoul is on your side, he will help you fight the geckos. And I believe all the critters in the tutorial are weaker than normal mobs you find later in the wasteland. So no, it's not meant to be particularly difficult.

4. The tutorial is there to help you learn the basics of the game, and to be a fun introduction. If you do all the stuff in there you get enough experience points to level up a few times, which is always nice.

5. There are currently 3 type A drugs which last for one hour:
-Blood Moon: +2P, +20CC, -20CR, -20 Bleed Res.
-Mentats: +3P, +1I, -8DT, -5DR, -1S
-Buffout: +3S, +2E, -1A, -3L
Then there are 3 type B drugs which last for only 2 minutes:
-Psycho: +2S, +10DT, -20% AP regen, -5P
-Afterburner: +5 AP/s, -30DR
-Voodoo: +20% run speed, +15DR, -10 to all critical rolls, -3L. After 2 minutes you get winded (unable to run) for 30 seconds.

6. The requirements to enter the dungeon are mentioned in dialogue when you try to enter. Currently, the Phoenix Archives dungeon requires 4-6 players with at least tier 2 gear. The Hell Hole dungeon requires 5-7 players with at least tier 2 gear.

7. No idea

8. The minimap doesn't show you where you are. But if you right click on a map, you can add a marker. You can use the marker for whatever you want, for example to help remember where you hid some loot or something. You can only have one marker at a time though, and unfortunately it's a bit buggy if you switch chars or so. But it's better than nothing I suppose. It's not a glitch anyway.

Suggestions / Re: New purpose for AC
« on: August 29, 2014, 07:00:11 PM »
Those are some nice ideas SnowCrash, especially the hit chance reduction for melees. Thanks! Will think on this some more, but it sounds like it has some potential.

Suggestions / Re: New purpose for AC
« on: August 28, 2014, 03:03:11 PM »
Thanks for the ideas. Here are my thoughts.

1. Resisting suppressive fire and bleed are already handled by other derived stats, so that would make Armor Class abundant. Could just give such bonuses to the resistances directly.
2. The concept has some potential I think, though bypass resistance is already handled in a different derived stat.
3. Indeed this seems like DR with variance.
4 & 5. Same problem as with the last AC system. Either the effect is so small it will just be ignored, or it will matter and you have the same issues as now. Sounds good on paper, but it just doesn't feel good playing it, is my experience.

The second idea might be on to something though, I will think about it.

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