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Messages - VanCarnY

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Events & Politics / Re: Calling all Vtec
« on: August 05, 2015, 06:10:03 AM »
i'll be on with one serrated spear and 15 of stalker's smoke grenades  8)

Suggestions / Re: Equal numbers PvP
« on: August 05, 2015, 05:38:32 AM »
i just happened to have a cattleprod and a powerfist and see that he was wearing metal.. stalker had a pancor (strong against w/e) and a ripper (uh, ah fucking ripper) so ya. that's the difference.

no you guys aren't stalker clones. taht would be lame. we'd never get a fight. we techs know about the swarm problem.  Andy was in my ear that very moment saying, " it's only two, we're not coming in, let our newbies fight them for practice." i was like, i'd rather punch stalker in the face myself and he won't be around long enough for them to get here.

Challenges & Accomplishments / Re: PvP Discussion
« on: August 05, 2015, 05:14:34 AM »
ahh, i see you have brought my contribution to your plea for "= #'s pvp" to the big discussion arena!  let me just.. leave this here.

P.S. in EVE online and in AOP there is a nerf to swarm.. it's called escaping with the winnings after you destroy what you can..  u failed in this my friend  :'(

just so that you, and others, will know that my 'leet pvp logic' is not as flawed as your paraphrasing.  in fact it comes from years of experience in a game so similar to AOP that i am surprised you don't know enough about it to have learned this 'degenerate' tactic.  That's not, not fighting <insert mildly racist 'waat r u retarded' face> that is called not being an idiot in eve, in AOP we give people the benefit of the doubt (they just want to fight) with the understanding that gear is not as hard to come by as it is in EVE online.

also, if i am to continue, and i am.. American is my first language. exploits in this case refer to your mouth... i.e. you post only your successful fights (not saying i wouldn't do the same) but you videotape everything, do you not?  so post the part where you close the door because you see my friends so close behind me.. (while your at it, post every video that destroys your tech's only win cus swarm attitude, i know you have them, because our victories are growing increasingly less rare)

and thanks for verifying that stalker only uses the most op weapons at any given moment.

and please rephrase so that everyone understands which degenerate learned first hand that a cattleprod eats Metal whilst bragging that had i had ANY other weapon i legit could not have won that fight...

smh, tbh, unfair representation of my previous presentation.

in EVE i was a big mouth like you on teh forums. although i would have to say a more likable and respected mouth :)

Courier ptsd was quite funny, maybe its the same ptsd you have with your lame primus moniker for us degenerates since he, like me, has many alts in the same faction (just with same name, where i prefer that stalker doesn't know he's losing to the same tech)

from America, with love

I'm gonna have to shock you and accept your duel, hopefully our friends will be there to watch so that they can see what superleet tactics you will use to win 1 out of three fights, and what basic maneuvers will be used in your defeat.

p.s. i do feel shame, as i haven't been very present on forums besides beggin' for combat knives to be fixed and trolling stalker last night. i feel shame because i never meant for stalker to get so butthurt or for him to not understand how my post on his equal number's pvp thread was not out of place.  this is an open world pvp game, in a previous post.. somewhere.. Ramon has explained exactly why open world pvp is superior to matchmaking pvp..

but if you want Stalker, i'll play you in league of legends anyday and we can see who has realtime equal numbers pvp skill. you're like kanye west of AOP bro. you need to get over that mountain of an ego so you can see your fking cock mate.

i really do love you tho bro, sorry for all the hate.

Nao and Marxman, techs not always a reactionary force, it's hard in this game because you never know when they've ragequit for the day yet and it's really never worth trying to take back all the zones that get nightcapped back to lawyers, just so that we can be fair and let you see our numbers.

Suggestions / Re: Equal numbers PvP
« on: August 04, 2015, 10:42:51 PM »
i didn't see Tenova, matter's not. open world pvp 1v1 superior to set-up 1v1 bro. in this case you were actually out-played and out-smarted.  a 1v1 in any other situation in this game is the equivalent of seeing who clicks first and who brought the right weapons and who rolled the right way.  nothing similar to what happened to your face just today.  also.. don't think i haven't killed you in pvp just because i don't screenshot/fraps all my shitty pvp exploits and post only victories.  im not even flaunting shit bro. you just complained. again. and expect no response... i also see how you definition of 'fun' is similar to hellmoi's professed 'fun' situation.. only when defeat is simply not in the cards do you feel you have competed.  you sir. in this aspect alone, fail. (in terms of your general pvp i commend and respect you)

btw i have like 6 alias in vtech.. so you thinkin thats the first time ive killed ya is hilarious.. albeit understandable.

edit: also, it does feel pretty good to 'finally' defeat the biggest mouth of AOP (maybe fonline in general) in a 1v1.  it's been hard with you not showing up to more than 1/4 of the fights, typically only fights in which, as I said before, defeat wasn't in the cards.

Suggestions / Re: Equal numbers PvP
« on: August 04, 2015, 09:10:16 PM »
^^ So, STAUGLIER logs on to MK I to complain about our numbers... again. Lets see what fight he was complaining about...

Junkman and TWAT are taking Junk Canyon, Junkman is sneaker build, TWAT never rerolls so he is large-squad pvp build.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Courier suit up. 8)

they rush the crap out of TWAT, staugler barely gets healed by courier... lahdeedaw.. They win the fight! hurrah. 2v2.. +1 win for lawyers.

they KNOW there are always more vtech.. more are inbound.  there is a sewer entrance in Maryland, one zone to the EAST, but STALKER is COCKY and goes into the occupied Adam's School.. where HE separates HIMSELF from Courier.. runs into me, shuts the door, and proceeds to 1v1-only thought in his mind being 'Ripper OP!', dies in seconds to VanCarnY's Cattleprod on his Metal Armor Mk II.  Courier sees that there is no helping Stalker, runs and i think is eventually taken down by Teela and Damage while I guard stakluer's corpse in hopes that Courier too will fall to my melee in his attempt to regain stalker's gear or resuscitate him....

long story short.. when stalker win's a 2v2 (regardless of the outmatched build/gear) it's because he is TEHSHITBALLZ, not because Courier is a hero..

seconds later, stalker walks into his favorite situation, a 1v1 vs an unknown tech... a degenerate, if you will.

seconds later... falls on his face.

minutes later (after he's done crying on his own or on Courier's shoulder) logs onto his VTECH character to complain "how many techs does it take to kill 2 lawyers" >:( logs off before collecting my answer.. ANSWER:

one, in the right place, at the right time, when STALKER's confidence level is at its peak, such that he does not escape through Maryland but walks into swarm infested territory and inevitably meets his doom, not to 6 techs, but to one. :o 

sure there were my many friends behind me that SURELY would have wiped you off the core-map and reclaimed Junkman's, TWAT's, and my gear after your massive success in our defeat. but it turns out that 1v1 stalker isn't so O.P. when he fights against someone using a 1v1 build too.  lil biotch.  VanCarnY out. 8)

P.S. in EVE online and in AOP there is a nerf to swarm.. it's called escaping with the winnings after you destroy what you can..  u failed in this my friend  :'(

Changelogs / Re: 21-01-2015 Changelog
« on: January 22, 2015, 12:27:49 PM »
cool thanks :)

Changelogs / Re: 21-01-2015 Changelog
« on: January 22, 2015, 10:59:48 AM »
Dudes, melee question. throw away if already concluded.  are the combat knife and switchblade not supposed to have an aimed option? because these two weapons seem bugged. 

and if there were an AOP player who would use such items it would be this one.  perhaps they were never intended to be used but, currently, they just burn your ap whilst doing nuthin.  thanks for your consideration.

by the way... is the only viable sneaker a 10 strength, combat leather coat, machete sneaker?  because im confused about all of these malus... so far in my sneaking experience... i have been spotted from many hex away or spotted other sneakers from very far away.  is this not chance based?  and how much does my perception/sneak skill affect my ability to see another sneaker? 

i suppose i can hide behind obstacles and sneak to get hits from behind with the waki but so far i've been much more successful with straight up melee weapons.  ty for time. just some thoughts of a new player :) ty

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