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Messages - JokeMaster

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Suggestions / Re: Voting System In Order to Ruin Rep of Teamkillers
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:29:55 AM »
Jack has basically one line of defence : " Dey shot meg, they bastards! I want revenge! Punish 'em!"
You dont get the part where you shouldn't be there in the first place. Secondly you were warned to leave even a few times, but you started a debate in consequence of what you got shot.
He can;t just accept the fact that he did something he shouldn't so yeah Jack you messed up, face that.

What i mean by split is that everyone who fired a shot should get the penalty. For example char X got shot by A,B,C and D.  If every of them fired atleast 1 shot in the time of 2 mins before the death of X everyone of them should get +1 to their PK count. But after a month for example the +1 PK count should vanish, becouse you can't say if it was intended or if X wasn't provoking them too. Both sides are always guilty, and both should be punished. So chars who tet often shot by their faction members should also face a punishment becouse if that happens that means they are useless and don't belong in the faction.

Suggestions / Re: This Is Becoming a BIG Issue.
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:51:20 PM »
<facepalm>Here we go again...
Yes here comes out another issue,in such a case i would say the kill should be "split" to all those who shot at the target for lets say the last 2 minutes, again it would require a ton of coding.

Suggestions / Re: This Is Becoming a BIG Issue.
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:45:55 PM »
Well for a such suggestion id say friendly PK body count.
 If you kill a certain number of faction members you have to face a punishment. But there we come to another problem, such a thing should last only a time like a month lets say, becouse of the friendly fire feature. That would be a good solution i think, but also hard to implement.

Bren is an LMG and iequires blueprints becouse it is a slightly bigger gun than a normal assault rifle, but it is still not a Heavy Machine Gun like M240.

Suggestions / Re: This Is Becoming a BIG Issue.
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:04:29 PM »
The quality of this topic is 0.ANd beside you make it very personal as you have the biggest problem in the world with it. You dont like that what happened, avoid such situations in future, don't create them, and maybe even stop playing the game then nobody will be able to PK you.
You accept the duel, or not?
Just beside dueling is a way of settling matters used by our ancestors since the beggining of times, if you dont like my terms then propose you own, or even better, Shangalar could you set the terms for the duel?

Suggestions / Re: This Is Becoming a BIG Issue.
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:50:49 PM »
For Fucks Sake mate will ya understand a basic fact that :
-i'm not the first
-i won't be the last
-tons of people do the same
-people die constantly
- In real world you can also die by a random bullet , who knows where the next psycho is.
- I give you a way to settle matters as for me it looks like you are hungry for a sort of revenge i give you a way out: duel me if you win you have your revenge, if you loose you will stop complaining about the matter.

Yeah the classification of weapons sucks sometimes, as it is a Light Machine Gun. And LMG's use Small Guns.

Game Tips & Guides / Re: reaching 250 in a combat skill
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:30:47 PM »
And the gifted case is an interesting one im also wondering what happens with the secondary ones.

Suggestions / Re: This Is Becoming a BIG Issue.
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:27:37 PM »
And for your behaviour on the chat you should be stripped down to 0 with no fraction. I got several times killed by our fraction members and i dont whine about it. I repay my debts, have any problem with that then come lets settle it. I propose a revolver duel, like in the wild west.

A basic leather jacket + the S&W Revolver with a full mag + 25 ammo.

If you want we can make a score for example 500 caps. And no mather who wins, the oter shuts his mouth, deal?

Suggestions / Re: This Is Becoming a BIG Issue.
« on: September 13, 2014, 03:46:18 PM »
Then make a goddamn tutorial show him theway around, TEACH HIM ENGLISH, show him the basics, and then, just then come to a ZC not the othe way around. And beside it IS JUST A GAME. I died on my first 3 loot runs in the game, damn i even died at the tutorial zone. Right now i lost like ten CA of all tiers but mostlt MK2.  And coming to a ZC not willing to help but for mere core scavenging is IDIOCY.

Here the yesterdays log.

Suggestions / Re: Re-level NPC
« on: September 13, 2014, 10:04:38 AM »
The respec should go only for perks and skillpoints not special.

General Discussions / Re: Avenger minigun
« on: September 13, 2014, 09:47:51 AM »
I think it is like 1024x768 with F11 pressed.

Suggestions / Re: Re-level NPC
« on: September 13, 2014, 09:46:03 AM »
Rather a Re-spec/Re-skill.

Like in wow the talent reset.

Game Tips & Guides / Re: Few questions about perks
« on: September 13, 2014, 09:28:49 AM »
Someone else asked this also and John_Porno stated that it gives you em all back, so it comes out as a yes.

Bug reports / Re: [ITEM] Pancor Jackhammer craft not obtainable
« on: September 13, 2014, 07:32:50 AM »
The  wiki is outdated, it needs to be changed.

Suggestions / Re: This Is Becoming a BIG Issue.
« on: September 13, 2014, 06:48:28 AM »
Then jack post the log of you arguing with Wind, please ho ahead and show us what you wrote.

General Discussions / Re: Blueprint costs
« on: September 13, 2014, 05:52:53 AM »
And you make screns with F3

Suggestions / Re: This Is Becoming a BIG Issue.
« on: September 13, 2014, 03:43:21 AM »
I was a part of the group so let me clear something out.
First of all there were 3 or 4 full squads of lawyers gathered for 1 fu**ing good reason, as we tend to have some offensive players and we don't cooperate so well. But there we were, almost  30 people gathered to capture the entire town. And then one moment come in Jack and his friend. Ok 2 people more, want to get some xp for ZC, ok no problem. But the bluesuit starts running into buildings oppening doors etc, and comes back to us. Buildings are open, so if the enemy would be looking on the map they could clarify our position and start an attack. Jack started a chitty-chat how we should involve noobs, teach them etc. Ok he made a good point but the bluesuit in that time was roaming free. So he got a shot between the eyes. Some people joined the "warning shots" and the bluesuit ended up dead. Jack started shouting arguing with Wind, starting another debate about morality, not shooting friendlies, and cursing on us. He also got shot, and we left those 2 corpses to rot, we touched none of their stuff and hurried further for ZC, but he was so mad that he started a war on the faction chat.
And true yes i shot him, becouse after like 5-10 minutes of his blabbering i got angry.
And yay my first PK!

Bug reports / Re: [Item]Endless throwing knives
« on: September 12, 2014, 08:15:11 PM »
Boomerang knives!

Game Tips & Guides / Re: Few questions about perks
« on: September 12, 2014, 03:23:41 PM »

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