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Messages - PorkchopExpress

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Changelogs / Re: 26.09.2014 Forced Rerolls
« on: September 26, 2014, 10:08:46 AM »
7 stats all at 1 = 7 points + 33 free points = 40 points
or 7 stats at 5 each = 35 points + 5 free points = 40 points

Ok nvm we're telling the same thing,i don't count those pts from 1 special since you cannot make character with 0 special....

Changelogs / Re: 26.09.2014 Forced Rerolls
« on: September 26, 2014, 09:58:13 AM »
For those without gifted we get 33 points to use in specials?

40 is without gifted

How's that possible?Did you guys made a mistake in rerolls again?  :D If you go make new character you will see that u get 5 points while having all stats at 5,if you put them all to 1,you have 33 available pts without gifted....

Changelogs / Re: 26.09.2014 Forced Rerolls
« on: September 26, 2014, 09:40:56 AM »
For those without gifted we get 33 points to use in specials?

Changelogs / Re: 25.09.2014 Hotfix
« on: September 25, 2014, 07:01:57 PM »
Well if wiki is to be trusted there are some nice t3's around; turbo plasma,pulse rifle,bozar,vindicator,g11e,p90,mg42,gauss rifle+pistol,alien blaster?,and some kind of light mg...Although this is just my pure guess since lot of these weapons dont have any informations on wiki...Could be some more but can't remember all now.

Changelogs / Re: 25.09.2014 Hotfix
« on: September 25, 2014, 04:30:56 PM »
I guess non craftable/buyable  tier 3...Basically only those that you have 0.00001% chance to find are now accepted  :D ,RL and Milkor 0 caps value.But i must admit,the price which seller offers for one of those rare tier 3 is ridiculously low.

Bug reports / Re: Secondary skills bugged
« on: September 24, 2014, 02:09:03 PM »
Any info on this?

Bug reports / Re: hawk eyes bug?
« on: September 24, 2014, 08:46:10 AM »
If i remember correctly,had same thing on my BG char but when i hit 175% or 200% BG it went ok....

But you cannot use those sp on tagged skills because they are locked,and they determine the rest of your skills....i don't see how educated post 24 is better then pre 24.....

General Discussions / Re: PK - What to do ?
« on: September 22, 2014, 03:13:57 PM »
Yes but you're looking it wrong way.You need to check what's the reason behind pk itself.If its just because you hate someone,and you repeat pks many times against one guy then you should be banned.If it's because hes looting your teams' stuff there s a solution to that.Only problematic one is if you believe somebody is spy,don't really see a way to detect it.Maybe start checking were you attacked by enemy faction from behind every time x player was playing with you and then report to dev to monitor him or something?Everything can be solved but it requires will to work from both sides;devs and players.But every time one of those "im untouchable pro,bow down to me" in my own faction starts killing one of my teammates i'll enjoy pking them ,no matter the cost.Interesting how few bad mouths destroy order within faction....

General Discussions / Re: PK - What to do ?
« on: September 22, 2014, 02:43:57 PM »
At the start i am gona just mention, if you demand some kind of behaviour from others, be sure you arent acting in opposite, otherway whole your message might come pointless.

I know this kind of players exists and usualy there is no way to prevent them doing that, but i am not here to solve this increasing problem, its you who should try to find/suggest solution at this point, becouse mass scale frendly fire isnt proper solution at all.

It is impossible to fix it, cuz people are FORCED to play together, people dont like to be forced to do somthing that they didnt want to.

Whos forcing you to anything?Don't want to play with other "noobs"?.Fine, there's a solution to that.Play factionless,kill whoever you want but don't expect you'll have same  as those guys in faction.Meaning,no room to stash your stuff,you gotta find somewhere else to stash help from others, but hey,you can go on killing spree against everybody because you know,BBS and all other pros don't need anyone else,others are just in theirI way.f you dont like it that way, FO2/Reloaded/TLA is in other direction.And for those who start TK perma ban.As for other members looting your stuff.Why not implement that for first few minutes only squad members can loot each other,and after timer is off,it's FFA.

You re making good anti advertisement for AoP. "If You re not happy on that server, fuck off and go play other servers". So mature...

Don't understand what exactly you want?For server to change entire concept?They never aimed or will ever aim to be as other Fonline server,devs said it themselves countless of times.It's simple, you guys want to change one of core mechanics,it doesn't work that way.You don't like the concept,the main idea of server?Don't play it,simple as that,who's forcing you?Funny thing is ,AOP actually gives you choices and to do as you want,to go factionless if you want but it's not recommended,because it wasn't inteded that way,but you can STILL DO IT if YOU WANT.Nobody is forcing anyone to anything here.

You re sayin perma ban for TK, so I will ask why ban for it? I cant have fun with killing some retards in my faction? It gives me a lot of fun and makes me happy more than participating in ZC.

You re just sayin that Your truth is better than my truth ye ? You know what is democaracy or maybe You re living in North Korea?

Democracy?Dude,seriously?Did you read the game rules before starting this server?You agreed to those before making character.Your freedom stops where another man's begins.It's MMO,means you play with other people,means you cannot go around killing other players from same faction and ruining their fun.It's written in freaking Game Rules,you should check them.For those idiots who loot your or someone else's  stuff,that can be solved,  i stated  one of solutions in earlier posts.As far as i'm concerned go kill your "retards" but don't come whining on forum asking for unban(not pointing you,could be anyone).I'll repeat myself once more,you're not supposed kill your own faction members,it's not how game was designed.If you want to kill everyone go factionless or another server where you don't play in big factions.

General Discussions / Re: PK - What to do ?
« on: September 22, 2014, 01:33:03 PM »
At the start i am gona just mention, if you demand some kind of behaviour from others, be sure you arent acting in opposite, otherway whole your message might come pointless.

I know this kind of players exists and usualy there is no way to prevent them doing that, but i am not here to solve this increasing problem, its you who should try to find/suggest solution at this point, becouse mass scale frendly fire isnt proper solution at all.

It is impossible to fix it, cuz people are FORCED to play together, people dont like to be forced to do somthing that they didnt want to.

Whos forcing you to anything?Don't want to play with other "noobs"?.Fine, there's a solution to that.Play factionless,kill whoever you want but don't expect you'll have same  as those guys in faction.Meaning,no room to stash your stuff,you gotta find somewhere else to stash help from others, but hey,you can go on killing spree against everybody because you know,BBS and all other pros don't need anyone else,others are just in theirI way.f you dont like it that way, FO2/Reloaded/TLA is in other direction.And for those who start TK perma ban.As for other members looting your stuff.Why not implement that for first few minutes only squad members can loot each other,and after timer is off,it's FFA.

You re making good anti advertisement for AoP. "If You re not happy on that server, fuck off and go play other servers". So mature...

Don't understand what exactly you want?For server to change entire concept?They never aimed or will ever aim to be as other Fonline server,devs said it themselves countless of times.It's simple, you guys want to change one of core mechanics,it doesn't work that way.You don't like the concept,the main idea of server?Don't play it,simple as that,who's forcing you?Funny thing is ,AOP actually gives you choices and to do as you want,to go factionless if you want but it's not recommended,because it wasn't inteded that way,but you can STILL DO IT if YOU WANT.Nobody is forcing anyone to anything here.

General Discussions / Re: PK - What to do ?
« on: September 22, 2014, 11:59:56 AM »
At the start i am gona just mention, if you demand some kind of behaviour from others, be sure you arent acting in opposite, otherway whole your message might come pointless.

I know this kind of players exists and usualy there is no way to prevent them doing that, but i am not here to solve this increasing problem, its you who should try to find/suggest solution at this point, becouse mass scale frendly fire isnt proper solution at all.

It is impossible to fix it, cuz people are FORCED to play together, people dont like to be forced to do somthing that they didnt want to.

Whos forcing you to anything?Don't want to play with other "noobs"?.Fine, there's a solution to that.Play factionless,kill whoever you want but don't expect you'll have same treatment  as those guys in faction.Meaning,no room to stash your stuff,you gotta find somewhere else to stash help from others, but hey,you can go on killing spree against everybody because you know,BBS and all other pros don't need anyone else,others are just in their way.If you dont like it that way, FO2/Reloaded/TLA is in other direction.And for those who start TK perma ban.As for other members looting your stuff.Why not implement that for first few minutes only squad members can loot each other,and after timer is off,it's FFA.

I knew i didn't see 6 people in whorehouse,killed 2 still no reset...

General Discussions / Re: PK - What to do ?
« on: September 20, 2014, 11:49:58 AM »
I also think that the squad member / platoon member of the criminal should be punished too (not in the same way) as they clearly play with this player and so encourage him this way ( We are fucking lawyer here ! ).

I can understand that you're salty after becoming a victim of what you believe to be an unjust killing, but you just spent the entire salt shaker right there. I mean why stop with the platoon or the squad - punish the entire faction! Ender gets killed? Put all the Lawyers on negative rep, that will surely teach those pesky PKs!

Besides the problem isn't just with the killings, the problem is there's no way to stop a person that you really don't want to have around from following your squad aside from popping them with a few well-placed rounds. What we have right now is a compromise, the dude that shot you received a reputation penalty and probably lost more than he looted, there really is no reason to start any drama as this kind of stuff won't happen frequently due to overall game design.

So basically it means if you got valuable stuff don't go solo ,not even helping your faction because you know ,they can shoot you and kill you for the good stuff you wear.You can always farm rep with assigments but good stuff you don't acquire that often.....

Off-topic Discussions / Re: Which is the best Fonline game?
« on: September 19, 2014, 12:51:06 PM »
lol...most of things you mentioned as disadvantages in aop have happened in fo2.....Bugs and exploits?I still rememeber certain players from fo2 who had kmh kmh lot of caps etc.Will be good after 2-3 wipes?Sure like every other server is improving over time.Faction organisation i won't comment...Only thing i agree is that snipers need to be hurted a little bit and they should increase % of one hex bullets,but it should never go 100% bullets like in fo2 or other servers at 1 hex bcz people have various pings,pc's etc.

Sorry but You argument with various pcs and pings is invalid. We got 2014 year. About 90 % players in fo2 got computers and connections which let them go 1hex. But in that engine its only one feature which can show skill in 1 vs 1 fight. Please dont start talking about shooting with pistol and cripling and ko's on enemy beacuse its not skill its just unballanced critical chance and too big crit rolls. Without that feature developers are simply losing potential players. I dont care about it its only their problem. I personally know about 20 people which would start play if there were  that feature.

If I want play sniper I will go play battlefield 3.

So since its 2014,distance to server doesnt got to do anything with latency?Sure,maybe in your world.Not every country has same standard connection speed,so just don't.If you want 1v1 just organise it,it's not that hard.Concept of this server isn't for "loners" although in my opinion its possible,you don't need 1 hex to kill more enemies with 1 guy,there are various options and tactics.Snipers do need a nerf,but all in its time i guess.And far as i've seen ~200 ppl everyday playing don't mention 1 hex.I believe 200>20.

Suggestions / Re: Getting paid for guarding your factions gates
« on: September 19, 2014, 12:08:33 PM »
Most actions that require players can be abused,it's in human nature,especially in Fonline.One side should be npc.Maybe something like  guards attacking enemy gate,and people can defend for some kind of reward,with long respawn time,so it's not "farmable"?But that pretty much kills idea of bounty hunting other players  :-\

They killed you and they looted your stuff but this stuff will be still in your home faction. They will use it probably on TC or something. I see nothing wrong here. Enemy didnt capture your stuff so everything is cool

Stronk logic there,so what ?Their time is more worth then his,he spent 30 mins or more in core looting and then these guys come and take after all the work he did?What you're saying is , i'll let my paycheck be taken by some random guys because they will use it the same way,for same purpose?But everything is cool , because we work at same place? WTF?

Agree on banhammer,each time player gets reported for TK(with evidence ofc) he gets longer punishment(1 day-7 day-30 days) leading to perma ban...But this system should work via reporting because if its automatic who says people wont run into your line of fire just to make you get banned.

Bug reports / Re: Secondary skills bugged
« on: September 19, 2014, 08:56:23 AM »
Exactly what i'm talking about,your maximum doctor should be 131% ,and not be able to go to 200%.This needs to be fixed ASAP or we'll have characters with all secondary skills at 200%....

Bug reports / Re: Secondary skills bugged
« on: September 19, 2014, 06:07:30 AM »
That is really strange, my highest skills are 250 sg, 200 traps and 188 doc. I haven't gotten any other skills high enough to test if this problem applies to me too, but, can your other skills go over 150? or does 150 seem to be the cap for you?

150% is cap because my highest tagged secondary skill is doctor(150%) while my lower secondary tagged skill is FA(148%).So if i understand wiki and game mechanic well,i shouldn't be able to have sneak(untagged) 150% maximum but 148%.In your case your untagged secondary skills should be maximum 188% ,but i wouldn't be surprised if you could actually go for 200% which is imbalanced because you can abuse this mechanic as i mentioned in previous posts.

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