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Messages - BG Sexpert

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Suggestions / Golden Geckos
« on: September 08, 2014, 01:01:38 PM »
Do other factions have as hard a time finding Golden Gecko's as V-tec? I've been searching for 3 days and only found 1. This is pretty ridiculous seeing as it requires 10 golden gecko kills to get AWARENESS, an ESSENTIAL perk. Do the other factions require Golden Gecko skins at all?

The spawn rate of Golden Geckos is far too low. The devs seem to think it is a non-issue with cryptic answers like "look in mountains for geckos" and the inevitable "I went to gun runners and killed 4 golden geckos in 15 minutes XD."

Let me assure you, this is bullshit. The lack of Golden Geckos is a very real problem. At this rate it will take me a full month to fulfill my 10 gecko quota. This NEEDS fixing. This IS an issue. Playing without Awareness is suffering.

Spontaneous applications / Re: MadManJack (Lawyer/USA/English Only)
« on: September 08, 2014, 08:12:50 AM »
ARWH has a platoon, and a mumble server. We are English only as well. However, we are V-Tec. Maybe once factions have been rebalanced we can work something out.

General Discussions / Re: Which faction will you choose at launch?
« on: September 04, 2014, 06:55:17 PM »
So no solo high lvl crafting...dammit...Looks like you guys are forcing the factions thing. Well time to choose one.

To my understanding; the TIER 3 weapons and armor are to be very hard to craft and should require the cooperation of nearly the entire faction to craft. The components are a one-of-craft (by that I mean you can craft only one with the blueprint then have to find another for that component). This makes them very rare, valuable, and likely powerful.

I enjoy the idea of the factions rushing toward a common goal of crafting these near super weapons. Then fielding them in battle, and potentially swinging things in their favor or losing substantially.

General Discussions / Re: Which faction will you choose at launch?
« on: September 02, 2014, 04:02:45 PM »
I think it was Anti Russian Wasteland Heroes, if I remember correctly.

LOL are you serious?   good, that means I don't have to worry about time zone difference, or are they all Polish?  Either way it is kind of racist :P

It could be a bunch of Americans who think there are way too many Russians on Fonline. (Even though it was made by Russians... :P )

It's more of a tight knit group of skilled players, about 10 or so. ARWH was the first, and undeniably most successful American faction. American players have always been the minority of FOnline players, and it wasn't uncommon at times to be red-listed (kill on sight) for being American. The name is in reference to the large portion of Russian players from the original FOnlines and their Russian tendencies (griefing) as a sort of "us against the world" sentiment that the game often gave.

I believe Nark's post was pertaining to the practice of European factions merging to field 60+ members on ~100 population servers. I've always been against this as it ruins the spirit of competitiveness.

Albeit the 4 faction system in place for AoP already creates this scenario, at least it isn't "I'm tired of losing, so I'll join the winning team" attitude that we have seen time and time again in different FOnline iterations. Hopefully faction locking can prevent this, and keep the PvP balanced.

News & Announcements / Re: Dev diary 2: Factions
« on: August 22, 2014, 09:17:04 AM »
So you could say there is a massive grey area that everyone gets to dance in woo lol. not overwhelmingly good or bad a mix of both sometimes more bad than good and vice versa

Its up to the actions and tactics of the player base to determine if a faction is perceived as good or evil. I'm fairly confident that the players will determine which factions are good, bad, and not to be fucked with :)

General Discussions / Re: A feature...
« on: August 22, 2014, 09:15:19 AM »
i was concerned about deployable weapons too, it sounds very camptastic.  Giving people even more of an excuse to stay in one spot, but I don't know, never played, just going by what it sounds like.

In the core there are many, many pathways. You can use the sewers, alleys, and buildings for shortcuts or ambushes. Once you play the game; you will see that mobility is a very big part of this game. The deploy system of heavy machine guns actually works quite well and adds a layer to the combat. If you jump over to the PvP videos thread, you can see when 3 heavy machine gunners stationed themselves infront of a large door way, then another player opened the door and they unleashed hell on everyone inside. (they still died to the players inside but it was a really fun and well executed maneuver).

General Discussions / Re: NPC Faction rep and player faction conundrum
« on: August 22, 2014, 09:11:44 AM »
yes, but players can start their own faction too right? or have i heard wrong?
so what is stopping people from the same faction from just killing the heck out of each other?

You need to have enough reputation within the factions to be able to do certain things (including your own). This includes using premium vendors, unlocking better missions, and purchasing a platoon base. You can even help other factions enough as to gain access to their base and use their vendors (with enough positive reputation).

General Discussions / Re: first impressions playing AoP
« on: August 22, 2014, 09:09:27 AM »
Edit:  I think i misunderstood the 4 factions, i thought they were player factions.

For the most part they are. The factions themselves play a pretty idle role in the core. Sure they give the quests and have the vendors, but it's up to the players to decide who controls the zone. Apart from the faction specific spawn locations, the NPC's stay out of the core, unless the players have taken control of a zone. Even then they only spawn a patrol at random time intervals.

This is very much a game run by the players.

Suggestions / Re: WASD
« on: May 04, 2014, 11:04:52 PM »
idk about you, but my left hand is already too busy switching fire mode, targeting limbs, changing weapons, reloading, attacking, stimming, first aiding, doctoring, sneaking, and cone firing.

Demanding it to move my character as well is a bit much.

Suggestions / Re: In all Seriousness Weapons need improvement
« on: May 04, 2014, 10:59:17 PM »
i think we shoud leave this for leater on this game needs first lot comunity testing all weapons and other then when games beacome solid you shoud start intruducing DLC ahahah

Just because you just got here doesn't mean that people haven't been testing the weapons pretty extensively.

Suggestions / Re: In all Seriousness Weapons need improvement
« on: April 21, 2014, 12:00:38 PM »
This is an interesting idea really. However I'm not sure we want to reduce the number of perks unlocked by skill only. Also, I think it would be hard to come up with enough variants, especially with the number of weapons. I could imagine that weapon X with upgrade Y becoming more efficient in a Z condition than another gun that is supposed to be better in that condition. Now that's not necessarily bad as it adds more flexibility to the arsenal, but this could also be confusing for opponents which, observing their enemy with a scout, would maybe not know how to counter them.

What about this: let's say we introduce like a tenth of special booster items, that are craftable and pluggable on different weapons. Not all weapons would accept all boosts depending on their nature. Those boosts could add different bonuses that would be kept rather weak and hopefully, balanced enough compared with each other. You could put one boost by default on every gun, and then perhaps add more as you use the gun in PvP (so related to the Relic weapon system). Would that be appealing enough to you?

I think that approach could represent way less work for us and would allow multiple upgrades on every gun, where making 2-3 variants per weapon based on your suggestion would already be a huge deal.

We would have to represent the boost properly, perhaps with prefixes and affixes, but that could become messy too with successive upgrades. Finding an adequate prefix for every combination should be possible though. Then, we would have to show boosts in weapon description and show how many upgrades are available to apply on weapons.

This could be like the weapon modification system that was suggested earlier. I'd prefer to see the boosts be "find only" items, to increase the value but I'd be happy to see them as craftable as well.

It would be interesting to add Boost slots to crafted weapons only, that way crafted weapons will always be a little different than found ones. There could even be a cool "# of Boost slots" variety on crafted items to make things interesting. Crafted items could have 1-4 slots, with 1 being guaranteed and 4 being very rare. This could give some excitement to the crafting system.

Regardless if you include the latter, the boost system is an interesting idea. You could include the boosts on the weapon in the awareness perk, so you know what players are dealing with.

Suggestions / Re: In all Seriousness Weapons need improvement
« on: April 20, 2014, 06:50:26 PM »
I wanted to post something more elaborate but I will probably not do it until tomorrow.

Once resource gathering will be more developed, and properly limited by players amount, you will probably have to make choices in term of crafting and I'm sure weapons will look more valuable then. Not everyone will like the same weapons, and maps and enemies you face will have an impact on that choice as well. You should come to the conclusion that having two weapons to adapt to situations is a big plus, and that pair of weapons can also change a lot from a player to another.

Then, don't forget that Tiers 3 weapons will come too, hard if not impossible to craft and so very appealing to loot and use. Just as Gauss pistols have been on 2238 for example. Armors too will play their role. We miss some learning system for the MK2 and MK3 versions that'll come at some point, so they'll be less easy to craft. There are also rarer armors, like Support combat armors and PAs that will be interesting to look for. Faction combat armors should also be interesting to obtain and not farmable. Finally, there are all those other items that will be really interesting to loot on players, like doctor bags, traps, drugs, stealthboys or smoke grenades for example, which are always useful and that will make the difference between more and less rich platoons.

So yeah, you roughly get the same weapons as your opponent and you can stand a chance as a newcomer, but those who will smartly use all the possible items and tactics will be victorious at the end. No need to grind for 3 months and take bad habits, just start working on your pvp skills from day 1, that's the idea.

As John said, there is a plan to personalize your gun and make it become a sort of relic of the Wasteland (not to say legendary weapon :p) by using it in PvP (among other possible ways), possibly renaming it or adding successive kinds of titles to it. However, we need a lot of stuff to be balanced first, and we could not decide of the best way to implement it. That's why it has been postponed for now.

This is a good post.

Suggestions / Re: In all Seriousness Weapons need improvement
« on: April 20, 2014, 02:07:54 PM »
How does craft bonuses turn AoP into Diablo? There are no craft bonuses in Diablo. Everyone can craft weapons, so its not a matter of wealth. Its giving purpose to the PvP.
There are in diablo 3 but it doesn't really matter how the bonuses are applied to the weapons. In fact, crafting bonuses would be the worst ones as the crafting process in itself is quite tiresome. We have some ideas for fixed weapon bonus applied through ZC actions on a single weapon, but that will only come alter, if at all.
I like this idea a lot. Some sort of mechanic where the weapon gets better with more use. That sounds fun.

Suggestions / Re: In all Seriousness Weapons need improvement
« on: April 20, 2014, 01:36:28 PM »
How does craft bonuses turn AoP into Diablo? There are no craft bonuses in Diablo. Everyone can craft weapons, so its not a matter of wealth. Its giving purpose to the PvP.

Honestly ask yourself, what is the incentive for the player to stay around after the first 2 weeks? The lore? There really isn't much back story or plot (kill other factions). The character progression? After 24 progression slows, and will eventually stop. The quests? You can only do so many S ranked quests before you get tired of the repetitive format. The desire to destroy the other factions will wane and become boring without the gear having some value.

Suggestions / Re: In all Seriousness Weapons need improvement
« on: April 20, 2014, 12:50:24 PM »
dude, it is simply not going not to happen. The whole point of this server is to not have gear progression. It's like asking battlefield devs to make the game more realistic instead of just playing arma or asking CoD devs to implement vehicles. It's simply not part of the design, not by negligence but by definition.

If you are going to design it that way then you should add crafting bonuses (like Reloaded) or rare (uncraftable) weapon modifications that you can get from looting and add to your weapon. You need something to give value to the individual weapon, something to make it suck to lose.

Suggestions / Re: In all Seriousness Weapons need improvement
« on: April 19, 2014, 10:02:55 PM »
I'll admit my last post was fueled by frustration and was immature, so I removed it. I'll just end my part of this conversation by explaining why, in my opinion, gear progression is a must.

When you removed gear progression from the game you remove the major driving force behind what keeps players playing. Now I know there will likely be 3 or 4 forum members who will post in the contrary. That they were perfectly content in 2238 and reloaded to farm Gecko Mine day in and out, crafting and adding to the p90 piles at their ranger stations until eventually saving up enough caps to buy a bunker for themselves to live in alone. Then role playing at the entrance of NCR during the cool downs. Are these few players the ones whose opinions matter? They will hungrily suckle at the teat of whatever dev is currently running the server, throating log after log of feces with smiles on their faces.

1. Removing gear progression removes the driving force of end game content. Without the drive for bigger and better gear; all you have left to keep players around is malice. Malice to kill other players and destroy their faction. Now I will admit, this sounds mighty enticing at first. But without the progression of gear that is earned by paying the iron price (the priced earned by teamwork and payed for by the blood of your enemies) you will have a stalemate between all factions; with the only tipping point being the number of members. So the climactic release of malice may never come, or worse, may have no satisfaction because all you have done is destroy the hollowed husk of an abandoned faction whose players found more fun things to do.

2. Gear progression allows for the sway of power within and between factions. The players that have the best gear, clearly have the advantage. This forces other factions to use tactics and team work to remain competitive. On a larger point; IT ALLOWS FOR END GAME CONTENT. The whole point of each faction is to wipe out their competition, as stated in the lore. Without gear progression, this end game goal will come from factions having the most members as opposed to being the most skilled (welcome to Reloaded where the 50 remaining players on the server are the players of the amalgamated faction that calls themselves BBS).

3. With all gear being roughly equal, there is no reward from PvP. Who cares if I kill Big_Tim again, when at the end of the day we both go back and either grab a weapon from our endless pile or toss another on. By removing gear progression you remove all fulfillment from PvP. With rare, and better loot, you have a purpose for killing another player; to take their stuff. Believe me when I say this; there is nothing more satisfying that earning your first set of Power Armor by delicately planning and executing a member of a another faction (Thanks for the memories Gammatron).

I could go on and argue how applying the game design from CoD (a cancerous FPS) to Fallout (an RPG) while simultaneously suggesting that the formula from Diablo 2 (unarguably one of the most successful RPG's of all time) wouldn't work with your game design, is objectively wrong; but I don't have enough breath in my lungs. So I will just say this: by removing gear progression you remove the satisfaction of PvP, the ability to achieve end game content, and the purpose of the game entirely. I warn you that without these things you will be left with an overly sterile game that won't have the lasting power that we all would like to see. There is a lot of potential in AoP; I'd hate to see it squandered by a poor lead game design choice.

Suggestions / Re: In all Seriousness Weapons need improvement
« on: April 18, 2014, 05:37:30 PM »
Well, what you say here actually already describes the current situation. THe only one that doesn't is your last point on the blueprints, which I adressed in my previous post.

The current system is one in which all weapons are supposed to be roughly equal. I'm not in agreement with that design scheme. I would prefer for there to be weapons that are rarer or more expensive but better.

Suggestions / Re: In all Seriousness Weapons need improvement
« on: April 17, 2014, 02:36:08 PM »
There are too many weapons, and not enough hours in the day to address individual changes. The best I can offer is a suggestion about the weapons as a whole.

A weapon's effectiveness should increase with the cost of crafting materials. Some weapons are blatantly more costly to make, and are made of rarer materials. A weapon you can put together with junk should be less effective than one that requires steel piping, a scope, and alloys.

The weapons functionality could correlate to the lore. Most of the weapons are directly from the Fallout series and already have a lore to them. This is where rarity could come into play. Items like the combat shotgun are common and should be fairly easy to get ahold of. The Pancor Jackhammer on the other hand is higher end, and harder to get ahold of. The Pancor Jackhammer MK2 rarer yet. So for functionality you have combat shotgun, pancor, pancor mk2.

For items with direct upgrades you could make the upgraded versions as actual upgrades, and not moving the current numbers around (ak-74 and ak-74m for example). They could be craftable by finding rare blueprints from the core.

Instead of receiving random blueprints for trading in artifacts, you could pick which blueprint you want from a list. If you decide that some blueprints need to be more expensive, then the corresponding weapons need to be better as a result.

I'm open to other ideas. Anything could be an improvement. Things for now are very bland. Anything that would make the weapons within the archetype feel unique would be a welcome addition.

Suggestions / Re: In all Seriousness Weapons need improvement
« on: April 15, 2014, 11:58:45 AM »
You realize that the wipe in 2012 lead to a massive spike in player base right?

At what point will you be forced to realize that your perspective is that of the minority? Put the poll up and see what the players want. We can both sit here and argue that our opinions are that of the majority but until we actually have numbers to back our claims this is going nowhere.

If people don't want the weapon system (or AoP for that matter) to be balanced around and focused on PvP; then I will recant what I've been saying for the last few months and admit you are correct.

Now I'm not a developer, so that is the best I can do; you however are. If the numbers come back in my favor; you have to ask yourself "Am I the type of dev to give the players what they want and deserve, or am making a game for myself (Like all the past FOnline devs)."

Suggestions / Re: In all Seriousness Weapons need improvement
« on: April 15, 2014, 10:06:38 AM »
I think we can find a balance between the two extremes. We don't want to include a strict progression among weapons to prevent most of them to be useless at the end of the day. But we don't want weapons that feel like exact replicas of each other, as we don't want players to feel that they're wasting their time. Do we have any room to pronounce differences between weapons that currently feel the same? Could we identify those weapons?

Then, imo the problem in the first place comes from the crafting tech trees which obviously suggest that the next weapon will be better than the current one. I feel that's mostly the bad message sent here. Those tech trees have to evolve somehow. I know John is currently working on them, but I'm not certain of the extent those changes will solve issues described here.

I can agree with this completely. The increase of cost has to correspond to an increase in functionality. It doesn't have to be a linear progression. You could pick a blueprint from a list of existing BP's, as opposed to receiving ones at random.

In instances where blueprints are direct upgrades (Ak-74 to ak-74m etc) you could make the upgrade a rare loot spawn that can be found in the core. I think that would be a really fun addition to the game.

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