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Topics - Mayck

Pages: [1]
Resolved bugs / [ASS] HQ retrieved objective
« on: February 14, 2014, 04:49:54 AM »
If i take Retrieval assignment then every time i exit the quest location no matter if i took the suitcase or not, it will display label saying: Objective has been retrieved by HQ

Resolved bugs / [ITEM] Sharpened Spear attack modes labels are swapped
« on: February 13, 2014, 07:42:08 AM »
Throwing attack of sharpened spear is called thrust and melee one is called throw (it should be the other way around)

Resolved bugs / [DLG] Assignment not finishable/cancelable
« on: February 13, 2014, 05:26:51 AM »
The npc claims i took an assignment elsewhere, thus i am unable to finish or cancel the assignment I got from it (despite that i successfully retrieved the objective).

Description of the situation:
I took a retrieval assignment, picked up the briefcase in the quest location (it said that objective had been retrieved), after that i got bursted by an npc with shotgun and died.
After respawn i returned to the quest location and before i got my stuff and the briefcase back the server restart occured.
After restart i picked up the briefcase and returned to base, now i am stuck in that dialog. (could be a problem with dialog vars caused by the update)

Pages: [1]

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