FOnline: Ashes of Phoenix

General section => General Discussions => Topic started by: Comosicus on August 29, 2014, 04:10:04 AM

Title: New Character protection from high level players
Post by: Comosicus on August 29, 2014, 04:10:04 AM
Hi guys,

I was wondering what is being done to protect new players from being killed by higher level guys in the starting areas? This was the main reason I stopped playing the other Fallout Online instances. It was terribly frustrating to shovel shit for an hour only to be killed as soon as you made a couple hundred caps.

Do you still loose all your inventory upon death? While I understand the reason "in-universe", it's again terribly frustrating to loose everything because of a bad luck encounter. Or some other gun-happy dude who likes to rob newbies.

There will be people who can't join from moment zero and can't spend the time to play hours and hours to advance quickly before others. There will be people who play alone, without the backup of a group of friends. These people can be easy prey for unscrupulous players. While you can't hold everyone's hand forever, one should be able to advance a few levels and build enough gear and experience in a safe environment. Otherwise it degenerates into a wank fest of "let's p0wn the newbies", because there will always be jerks that will abuse the liberties of the system.

Cheers and hope to start playing with you when the game launches.
Title: Re: New Character protection from high level players
Post by: Shangalar on August 29, 2014, 06:43:41 AM

So, after creating your character, you won't directly be sent to the common game field. You'll start the adventure in a part of the wasteland, on your own, and you'll have all the time you want to discover some of the game mechanics and gather some equipment already. When you'll be done with that, you'll have the faction choice, and you'll arrive among them. In headquarters you'll buy your own room, in which you can store all your equipment.

From there, you'll be free to do what you want. At that point, you'll have a couple of levels of experience and some equipment ready in case of need.

Being killed by an experienced player and losing all your precious starting gear won't happen unless you're looking for it. This game is hard enough to master not to add an even more difficult start on top of it.
Title: Re: New Character protection from high level players
Post by: Seki on August 29, 2014, 08:03:57 AM
low level protection isnt needed because you can always stay in private locations (tutorial -> base -> farm assignments) and even if you visit phoenix you are entering from side of your faction -> you got patrols and alot of players from your faction around

also there isnt that big difference in levels and gear anymore
for example most of chars at lvl 1 got ~200 hp, at lvl 24 ~300 hp
same with armors, leather jacket does give 40% normal DR
Title: Re: New Character protection from high level players
Post by: faopcurious on August 29, 2014, 12:35:27 PM
hmmm I dunno you guys, whats to stop me from say, get 4 of my Vtec buddies, go to brahmin boys entrance, and just pk any noob who enters?

Also, is there really that much to do in the tutorial area, and 'farm assignments'  ?
that might get you to level 2 tops.

I would say even if you get pked, you don't have to shovel shit for 2 hours, you can get loot by looting the city as quickly as you lost it, at least that is my take on it, it is all about looting the core.  and when you get gear you can do missions alone, or with buddies, and level up that way.
Title: Re: New Character protection from high level players
Post by: John Porno on August 29, 2014, 12:48:03 PM
the headquarters are guarded and you dont even see the enemy HQ (yet). Randomization offers a lot more replayability and certainly is able to offer mroe fun that doing fallout-style random encounters. aside from that, basic gear is easy to acquire
Title: Re: New Character protection from high level players
Post by: Artificial Emotion on August 29, 2014, 12:50:04 PM
Its this mentality that in a mmo there should be ways to avoid pvp and have your hand held. You really cant cater to these types of players all that much , it makes for a stale game. Getting pk'd sucks but its not the end of the world. In fonline 2 I got pk'd several times , but in 2 weeks i still was able to catch up , get a shop and a sizable armory of t4 despite getting my head blown off by Russians. If you get pk'd once and rage quit the game its not the game mechanics that are bad , its you.
Title: Re: New Character protection from high level players
Post by: faopcurious on August 29, 2014, 12:57:33 PM
its a 4 faction set up, revolved around looting a city, you will get gear easy, and have lots of allies.
Title: Re: New Character protection from high level players
Post by: Severe Gares on August 30, 2014, 10:17:53 AM
That would be stupid. A tutorial area with NPC guards should be enough at the very start. Then getting nuked after you set your foot in the wasteland should be all up to you, babez.
Title: Re: New Character protection from high level players
Post by: Comosicus on September 01, 2014, 10:40:11 AM
@Shangalar: thanks for the details. This sounds good enough.

@Artificial Emotion: The "no protection at all" means that whoever comes late to the game has an even more difficult time to accommodate. Add the inevitable jerks and all fun flies out of the window when you're getting stalked in the first town by someone with combat armor and assault rifle while you've spent a few hours shoveling brahmin shit to make enough money to buy your first 10mm pistol. Then loose everything in a moment. Personally I don't have the patience for this. Whoever does it, good for them. There is no game that will fit everyone.
Title: Re: New Character protection from high level players
Post by: John Porno on September 01, 2014, 11:17:45 AM
All the fonlines already broke mmo tradition by not making it possibly for a character to affect his weapon's damage through levelling. What I mean is, that usually, mmos have level restrictions on gear and low levels are forced to use bad weapons where in fonline, a 10mm smg is just as deadly in any character's hand.

Now as posted on the blog and on the wiki, the dfference between level 1 and level 24 has been lessened even more, to a degree, where skill and weapon choice is more important than level.

People are also trongly encouraged to play together. Roaming the core alone can be really tough, even for the most experienced players, since pretty much no patrol can be fought by any one player alone. Even random encounters anda ssignments, while usually offering a better field of view to the player, can easily surprise anyone and a second player to take some of the damage or simply to stand by with a doc bag and a defib can literally save lives.
Title: Re: New Character protection from high level players
Post by: faopcurious on September 01, 2014, 11:58:59 PM
the headquarters are guarded and you dont even see the enemy HQ (yet). Randomization offers a lot more replayability and certainly is able to offer mroe fun that doing fallout-style random encounters. aside from that, basic gear is easy to acquire

I think you misunderstood what I mean,t I am not talking about the HQ, but the city entrance, for example the brahmin boys phoenix core entrance, what is stopping me from going there with group of people and killing nooobs?  you will have guards posted there too? ( i mean real guards, not some randomly walking around, and maybe if you are lucky you will be protected)
Title: Re: New Character protection from high level players
Post by: Smalltime on September 02, 2014, 03:18:30 AM
I think you misunderstood what I mean,t I am not talking about the HQ, but the city entrance, for example the brahmin boys phoenix core entrance, what is stopping me from going there with group of people and killing nooobs?  you will have guards posted there too? ( i mean real guards, not some randomly walking around, and maybe if you are lucky you will be protected)

Nothing is really stopping that, honestly, other than the random spawn guards. If the people kill enough brahmin boys, the guards will begin to fire first without question. There is a faction chat, and you can warn everyone in your faction and possibly gather a force to fight back (and this could include you coming from another faction entrance and coming in behind the camping guys.)

Honestly, there really is nothing stopping a faction from just camping a zone with tons and tons of people. That's the beauty of the core, it is as dynamic as the players make it.
Also, if it's way too hectic at the moment and you can't find anyone to party with, you can do quest missions or just go out into the wastes for random encounters.
Title: Re: New Character protection from high level players
Post by: Stem Sunders on September 02, 2014, 02:13:26 PM

Nothing is really stopping that, honestly, other than the random spawn guards. If the people kill enough brahmin boys, the guards will begin to fire first without question. There is a faction chat, and you can warn everyone in your faction and possibly gather a force to fight back (and this could include you coming from another faction entrance and coming in behind the camping guys.)

Honestly, there really is nothing stopping a faction from just camping a zone with tons and tons of people. That's the beauty of the core, it is as dynamic as the players make it.
Also, if it's way too hectic at the moment and you can't find anyone to party with, you can do quest missions or just go out into the wastes for random encounters.

Sounds like a trolls dreamland to me :/ I don't wanna get blasted by some guy EVERY time I wonder out of the gates. How strong are these guards? are they the only deterrent?...Are turrets an option? :D....No?, Sniper towers?

Yes its "dynamic" but a lot of experienced players will simply find that one sweet spot and abuse the hell out of it IMO.

tell me if I'm wrong, and of course I know nothing until I ACTUALLY play this potential masterpiece.
Title: Re: New Character protection from high level players
Post by: faopcurious on September 02, 2014, 02:16:01 PM
I see this happening A LOT you guys >_>
Title: Re: New Character protection from high level players
Post by: cirn0 on September 02, 2014, 02:33:03 PM
I don't think we plan on putting any direct protection to the gate entrances so do not expect invincible static guards.

The rate of faction guard spawns might be tweaked to a level to deter "un-organized" camping of the gate. But if an entrance is being denied for a faction, it should be because it is a larger scale operation which you should rally with your own faction to deal with it.

Within near future:
I plan to make faction patrols report on enemy activity in the zone which they patrol via faction radio if they encounter them. Might not be much but at-least you'll know.

Unknown future:
There will be a large emphasis on faction's NPC military strength and presence in the world. Hostility in faction sectors will induce a reasonable response.

Title: Re: New Character protection from high level players
Post by: Rynn on September 02, 2014, 02:46:13 PM
In any case you still can move on worldmap in order to enter Phoenix by any gate. Not the best idea but you can do it if no other option.
Title: Re: New Character protection from high level players
Post by: faopcurious on September 02, 2014, 03:24:31 PM
I don't think we should restrict entering though ""Sorry your faction cannot enter this way""
would just be bullshit, i mean you have to get to other parts of the city some how without spending 34 minutes running through the center of the core.
If anything there should be more entrances, like through the corners.