FOnline: Ashes of Phoenix
Game improvements => Suggestions => Topic started by: Deathproof on September 21, 2014, 12:25:55 PM
So, I don't know if this was proposed but could we get name display in Crimson Red or some other color with would give us more difference from BB.
I mean its not too bad, but it would be better with more contrast to them.
Yeah it was proposed lots of times ^^. For now the only solution is name colorizing.
You can change your colors yourself editing NameColorizing.txt in your client folder.
Besides, I'd like to receive color suggestions from Family members!
Our problem is that displaying a dark brown/dark red name color in the Family Palace looked extremely bad because of the red carpets everywhere. That's why we unfortunately came up with something that is indeed not different enough between Brahminboys and Family.
So, please if anyone has good colors, show us screens and i'll gladly change the default NC color.
Our problem is that displaying a dark brown/dark red name color in the Family Palace looked extremely bad because of the red carpets everywhere
Hmm you're right, didn't think of that. I guess shade of green or lighter red could work.
For example
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Color is #006600
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(Looks better ingame, bit blurry in screen shot)
Color is #FF0000
Lets see what more family members will say.
Edit : Green is better than red one from my test, light red gets kind of too bright for eyes while green is greatly readable at chat and on screen.
I have mine set to a very similar green and it works nicely for me for target recognition, but as for a base color im not sure, though green is unused at the moment.
I would argue against ANY faction being is just bad for everyone. Players see red they think kill immediately.
The shade of green you posted, deathproof, would work nicely. Purple would also be a good choice IMO.
Yeah I vote for green too.
We need a different color to make us stand out from these degenerates.
Color still has to be close to the faction theme, so green wouldn't do imo...
Color still has to be close to the faction theme, so green wouldn't do imo...
Well you could try changing BB's to brighter yellow, that would solve it. But I don't want to speak for their faction its up to them...
P.S: I'll test different shades of red later, maybe something looks not too dark and not too bright.
A darker purple color would seem nice. It seems kind of Mafia-ish. And the family is the Mafia, am I wrong?
Yeah, some purple might fit indeed.
I think i'd be happy with a deep purple, not too dark not too light.
I vote for purple; but not ugly ass Easter lilly purple, but fancy purple. Violet or some shit.
Choose one/couple and I'll post screens.
I'd like what the original post suggested and make it a nice crimson red.
Unless it would not contrast well with the carpets inside the palace...Wouldn't want that.
give them pink cuz they suck
I'd like what the original post suggested and make it a nice crimson red.
Unless it would not contrast well with the carpets inside the palace...Wouldn't want that.
I tried it, doesn't look good.
Fair enough, Then the purple would look nice I'm sure.
Choose one/couple and I'll post screens.
#7D0552 Plum Velvet
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Controlled zone looks so gay on the map, otherwise cool.
(Maybe bit lighter because chat name is too dark)
Controlled zone looks so gay on the map, otherwise cool.
(Maybe bit lighter because chat name is too dark)
"Looking Gay" is subjective. I rather like the shade of purple posted above.
If not that I'd vote #800080 purple
No I mean it looks good as player names, but when you change color - controlled zone on city map has that color as well. I'll post picture when I get home to show you what I mean (hopefully we will still have zone left :) )
Will try out the one you posted later too.
This is what I meant, but I got used to it by now :D
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Also, your color. (Even bit better than last one, kind of lighter so easier to read name in chat).
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I definitely like the purple, especially on the city map.
Great work, deathproof. Looks good, Can't wait for a different color.
Well if any of you want to use this purple currently, just copy this file to your aop folder. (You can backup the original NameColorizing.txt file)
P.S. MARXMAN, I really haven't done anything more then changing couple of numbers in txt file heh....
Well if any of you want to use this purple currently, just copy this file to your aop folder. (You can backup the original NameColorizing.txt file)
P.S. MARXMAN, I really haven't done anything more then changing couple of numbers in txt file heh....
Well yeah, but you put time into it, which is worth money. And being the code/script pleb I am, I couldn't figure out colorizing for the life of me. So thanks.
I'm a pleb too, I couldn't figure it out either and purple is fine by me so thanks man.
Looks good to me.
Ok, guide time for those who would maybe like some other color.
1. First find the color you like - lets say purple in this case
2. You get its hex value - #800080 purple
3. You google #800080 purple RGB (RGB means red green blue -its ratio of those 3 colors to get the one you want, like mixing colors in RL)
4. Now you got the set of 3 numbers - in this example 128, 0, 128
5. You open NameColorizing.txt and find ColorFamily, then you just change old RGB numbers with the new ones you found
Done ;)
Ok, guide time for those who would maybe like some other color.
1. First find the color you like - lets say purple in this case
2. You get its hex value - #800080 purple
3. You google #800080 purple RGB (RGB means red green blue -its ratio of those 3 colors to get the one you want, like mixing colors in RL)
4. Now you got the set of 3 numbers - in this example 128, 0, 128
5. You open NameColorizing.txt and find ColorFamily, then you just change old RGB numbers with the new ones you found
Done ;)
sir its hard stuff or something people here are not programers
sir its hard stuff or something people here are not programers
I know you're trolling, but some people never had any experience with html, so it looks hard until you show them how simple it is.
So hard, oh yeah :-* (
Using this now. This HAS to be the new family colour, thanks for bringing this topic up Stuntman.
Purple is colour of kings and emperors
It is only natural that we rightful overlords of Phoenix, desire such colour.
Beats the orange.