FOnline: Ashes of Phoenix

General section => General Discussions => Topic started by: Ender on September 20, 2014, 06:49:09 AM

Title: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Ender on September 20, 2014, 06:49:09 AM
Hello all,

Some player like to play as PK ( I mean killing other player of the same faction ). What can we do ?

Right now Lawyer take the Police Departement. I go there with my gear ( armor tier 2 - DSK sniper and shotgun ). I enter Police and go to the building with the military boxes. I check if their are empty ( their were no ennemy in the zc ). Some lawyer enter the place and kill me - took all my loot - to revive me again after. He give excuses : "Russian loot me all loot everyone".  I know this is always the same lawyer and he already kill other lawyer (and already try to attack me when I was scavenging outside any zc ) and I heard complaining about him.

What can we do ? Will we let a shity player destroy the game experience of numberous players ?
I do not want to start shooting others Lawyers ; this will totally break the game. We are supposed to team up against other faction not to kill ourself !

So I ask. Is the game simply broken or is there anything to do ? Anyone ? Any idea ?

Edit :
Reputation system does not work on this : We all have so much reputation that it is not a big deal to loose 10K rep.
With the new system that block bluesuit on ZC I do not see any good reason to continue killing other faction's member so why is the punition not a lot more stronger ? I does not seems logical that someone killing a lawyer can go back to the hq, enter the hearth & base (where only trusted member can go ) and nobody in the base react. Killing faction member should be equals to : no more access to hearth & base and jail time.

Quote from game'rules : 7. Sanctions
Usually, people caught misbehaving in-game will be sent to Sugarman's prison. There is no way out of there, Sugarman never releases prisoners and we do not do it often either. If we catch a platoon obviously cheating, we'll send all its members to jail too. To summarize: please, behave. I think killing member of own faction is "misbehaving in-game" and then player should go to jail and lost all possessions ( you know.. Faction will not keep a room for a prisonner )
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Myakot on September 20, 2014, 07:46:33 AM
The best thought I came up with was Forgive/Mark button. Basically after a player dies from a faction-mate he has a choice to let it pass (any reason) or to mark a person. That's where the imagination takes place. Either by receiving 10 marks per day/week/month player's rep value just sets at 100 (even shooting a teammate will expel you), or you are becoming an "exiled faction member" whom no one likes (may be for a period of time). By killing that player, you would gain rep. with every faction, as well as may be bounty.
Those are suggestions that need lots of reworking. Hope that you can scavenge my thoughts and make something useful of it!
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Ender on September 20, 2014, 08:44:33 AM

We speak with some other players about this issue and we think about a similar mechanism :

When a member of your faction kill you, you have to report it as an accident or an crime in a very simple way : dialog box on respawn that let you choose. ( In a background point of view this is good because you certainly use some kind of cloning bay to get life back so people have a valid reason to ask you what happens ).

As there is no valid reason to kill someone ( bluesuit can no longuer come in zc ) the punition should be heavy and harsh. If I have a lot of reputation in the faction my betrayal will be fare more important for the faction so I should have a bigger punition. A criminal should not have any access to the HQ and have a reputation malus ( I had 50K rep ? I have -25K now ).

I also think that the squad member / platoon member of the criminal should be punished too (not in the same way) as they clearly play with this player and so encourage him this way ( We are fucking lawyer here ! ).

I like your idea ; these criminal without faction are not white but other color and faction's judge give reward when killing them. And it's a good way to bring fun from this issue.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Saeko on September 20, 2014, 11:43:32 AM
I also think that the squad member / platoon member of the criminal should be punished too (not in the same way) as they clearly play with this player and so encourage him this way ( We are fucking lawyer here ! ).

I can understand that you're salty after becoming a victim of what you believe to be an unjust killing, but you just spent the entire salt shaker right there. I mean why stop with the platoon or the squad - punish the entire faction! Ender gets killed? Put all the Lawyers on negative rep, that will surely teach those pesky PKs!

Besides the problem isn't just with the killings, the problem is there's no way to stop a person that you really don't want to have around from following your squad aside from popping them with a few well-placed rounds. What we have right now is a compromise, the dude that shot you received a reputation penalty and probably lost more than he looted, there really is no reason to start any drama as this kind of stuff won't happen frequently due to overall game design.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: PorkchopExpress on September 20, 2014, 11:49:58 AM
I also think that the squad member / platoon member of the criminal should be punished too (not in the same way) as they clearly play with this player and so encourage him this way ( We are fucking lawyer here ! ).

I can understand that you're salty after becoming a victim of what you believe to be an unjust killing, but you just spent the entire salt shaker right there. I mean why stop with the platoon or the squad - punish the entire faction! Ender gets killed? Put all the Lawyers on negative rep, that will surely teach those pesky PKs!

Besides the problem isn't just with the killings, the problem is there's no way to stop a person that you really don't want to have around from following your squad aside from popping them with a few well-placed rounds. What we have right now is a compromise, the dude that shot you received a reputation penalty and probably lost more than he looted, there really is no reason to start any drama as this kind of stuff won't happen frequently due to overall game design.

So basically it means if you got valuable stuff don't go solo ,not even helping your faction because you know ,they can shoot you and kill you for the good stuff you wear.You can always farm rep with assigments but good stuff you don't acquire that often.....
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Ender on September 20, 2014, 01:15:00 PM
I can understand that you're salty after becoming a victim of what you believe to be an unjust killing, but you just spent the entire salt shaker right there. I mean why stop with the platoon or the squad - punish the entire faction! Ender gets killed? Put all the Lawyers on negative rep, that will surely teach those pesky PKs!

This is not what I meaned.

First of all I try not to do this a personal case ( for example I did not mention any name / log / screenshots ) and try to have a larger thinking about this issue in the current game mechanics as other players suffers from this. If you do not think that when reading my previous post it's due to my lack of english knowledge and really not intentional.

In my opinion this game is not a free for all. I think there is other fonline server for this. The funniest part of the game come from it's background : One city - Four factions. The Objective is to make our faction win not our private team / person.
PK will kill this game as it will not allows player of same faction to trust each others enough to engage common actions.

For example when someone has been PK trying to help for ZC he will not came back to help when it's really needed.. He will go for assignement or scavenging and may took others players with him... We will not be able to regroup enough forces against other factions and the game will become boring.  When a new player come in the game and is killed by it's faction he leave and never came back. That's what I'm worried about.

The current situation is not ideal (for both opinion) and some improvement can be done and are already done ; bluesuit can no longer enter zc for looting, ... So there is less ( and soon no more ) reason to kill someone from your faction without facing the consequences ( I mean the faction give you services to take control of the city not to kill other faction's member ). It's not because you do not like someone, or you do not want anyone to be there at that time that you have the right to kill them.

About the squad, that was just an idea to discourage people playing with PK. Do not forget that squad member plays together, share gears if not base so they take advantage of this situation as well. And I think if you shoot back to defend you again the PK all his squad will shoot you to defend him ( this is just a supposition ).

I really think this kind of issue can ruin the game on a long-run. As I do not want this to happen - I want more and more people playing this game with all of us - I create this topic to find a solution in gameplay mechanics. Do not see here a personal revenge please.

Some precision :
- This is just my personal opinion
- When I say "you" it's everyone reading this not specifically Saeko ( don't know how to write "general" things in english )

What do you think of Myakot proposal for example ? What are failure ? How can we improve to remove them ?
If you feel someone has to be killed in some situation what are these ?

You know the solution is to avoid any situation where "there is a reasonable reason to kill it" like that we can put game mechanics to avoid them ( as the no more bluesuit in zc ). If we remove these situation it's possible to have system where PK have consequences.

I know it's about to find the right balances but I feel currently PK is totally free and has no consequences.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Myakot on September 20, 2014, 02:07:37 PM
The problem is to think of a system which will separate a straight-out TK for fun\loot\reasons and an accidental shooting. (You literally can register a character of the opposite faction and use him as a meat-shield for your team. Like run in the grenade spam or stuff.
Everything is exploitable, fixing it will consume all of your time and will require lots of thought process.
I think that you will have create a "punishment" system, which will cut off the demand for using exploits.
The problem is in the players, not in your coding\brainstorming.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Spore Plants on September 20, 2014, 02:12:21 PM
If I wanted to, I could kill another faction member and immediately regain the rep I lost by spamming artifacts for 1k rep each. For a rich faction like Lawyers, it's members can kill other members with no repercussions.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: faopcurious on September 20, 2014, 02:42:36 PM
I also think that the squad member / platoon member of the criminal should be punished too (not in the same way) as they clearly play with this player and so encourage him this way ( We are fucking lawyer here ! ).

I can understand that you're salty after becoming a victim of what you believe to be an unjust killing, but you just spent the entire salt shaker right there. I mean why stop with the platoon or the squad - punish the entire faction! Ender gets killed? Put all the Lawyers on negative rep, that will surely teach those pesky PKs!

Besides the problem isn't just with the killings, the problem is there's no way to stop a person that you really don't want to have around from following your squad aside from popping them with a few well-placed rounds. What we have right now is a compromise, the dude that shot you received a reputation penalty and probably lost more than he looted, there really is no reason to start any drama as this kind of stuff won't happen frequently due to overall game design.

This is ridiculous, and flawed logic, there are MANY pks ive witnissed in lawyers, I don't know how it is in other faction but I can think of about 6 or so team killers on multiple occasions.
So, ''this stuff won't happen frequently'' is absolute nonsense.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Saeko on September 20, 2014, 04:53:49 PM
I can guarantee you that TKing is a small part of a given dude's activity because, well, if it wasn't, he'd get lolpwned by the reputation system and expelled from the faction. That's what I meant when I said this kind of behavior can't be frequent.

In all honesty, I agree with you all, TKing random people is bad and detrimental to the game. I'm not going to defend that in most circumstances. But it's not like people do this for no reason. The possibility of being spied on by alts from the other faction is a real threat - and when you have 2 squads of 10+ people each and some random dude that you see for the first time, it's easy to get trigger-happy.

I'm not sure whether stuff like this can even be solved using in-game mechanics, I just think that Lawyers as a larger, general group have a number of serious issues and should figure out a way to solve them. I'd say that teamkilling isn't even the real problem here, getting any kind of cooperation between squads in this faction is giving me a headache every time I log in - if we figured this out, we would have way less friendly fire incidents.

Try actually doing that for a week straight without hiring someone to do all the farming to sustain the rep costs. Once you're done, figure out how much stuff/caps/time/value you just wasted and cry. Shooting your own dudes isn't a viable tactic in this game - and if there's some way around that, the devs should probably fine-tune the penalties a bit.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Prosector on September 20, 2014, 09:22:24 PM
The dialog box if it was accidental or intentional is great idea. Mark as TK and admin could revise the case (get the logs before the incident, how much the teammate shot you; who started the fire etc). And if its PK: Get to the jail for a time, + SET reputation to 10000 (yes the starting rep). If he does it again kick him out of faction. (0 rep)
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Niamak on September 21, 2014, 02:06:54 PM
We gonna need a tribunal system like ArcheAge soon  ;D
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: paragon on September 21, 2014, 04:03:31 PM
I'm against the TK, but you can't deny that some situation it could be necessary. E.g.: saving stuff of a friend from looting by someone. Looter could be equipped, so ZC level/EQ limit can't help with it. Full restriction of TK is a wrong way.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: mojuk on September 21, 2014, 05:06:44 PM
I'm against the TK, but you can't deny that some situation it could be necessary. E.g.: saving stuff of a friend from looting by someone. Looter could be equipped, so ZC level/EQ limit can't help with it. Full restriction of TK is a wrong way.
I agree. Instead of constantly tweaking reputation system to punish team killing there should be something done with reasons why this TK madness started and will continue - looters, scouts, trolls.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Butthead on September 21, 2014, 05:58:30 PM
teamkilling is good i can kill guy from my factiom who is stupid or something
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: hell on September 21, 2014, 09:25:28 PM
Reputation = PK points
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Kink on September 22, 2014, 08:29:32 AM
For infos : (
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: mojuk on September 22, 2014, 09:43:45 AM
For infos : (

Guys, we are at this point because some players thinking they can do whatever they want and ruin other players experience : killing others people from their faction for total random purpose like "not enough good stuff for ZC", "i hate blue suits", "this guy is a spy from V-tech", etc.
What about other side? What if I tell you that they ruin everyone else experience? Just by trolling or behaving like idiots.
- not enough good stuff for ZC and feeding enemy team with free points during ZC
- looting our guys, who we can still defibrillate, making them unable to fight
- limiting their contribution to actions to hiding, looting and running away
Those are all things that can ruin pvp/game experience and also good reasons to kill somebody asap.
Nobody likes to be team killed, sure, but sometimes there is good reason for this. And maybe instead on crying they should start thinking why...
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: hell on September 22, 2014, 10:11:03 AM
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: baskila on September 22, 2014, 10:14:37 AM
+300 that all team killers should be permanently banned, yes.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Kink on September 22, 2014, 10:15:11 AM
Mojuk, some people of your team have been seen by myself, and not only, killing people for examples i given, in the worst case imaginable, so even if i understand part of yours words(nobody want loose or get insulted), on other hand you should understand that we cannot let the situation like this. I have report of full groups of players in the Lawyers faction who want leave the game because of some of your mates.

Until past days, shooting to warn a troll or a looter was ok, but mass killing other teams because they don't help "enough", they are not "good enough", or not "stuffed enough" or just because they cross you and some of your guys have "problems" with blue suits, it's just impossible.

How would you people enhance their skills or stay calm and not trolling in this case ?

Even after a battle won, your guys are capable to kill people looting their own loots ! Ok mistakes can happen, but the fact is fact.

Players have differents playing styles, and you played enough FOnline in the past to know there always been trolls and looters, and trust me, we would like to avoid it too. For others issue, just be patient.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: wojciech on September 22, 2014, 10:18:00 AM
For infos : (

Guys, we are at this point because some players thinking they can do whatever they want and ruin other players experience : killing others people from their faction for total random purpose like "not enough good stuff for ZC", "i hate blue suits", "this guy is a spy from V-tech", etc.
What about other side? What if I tell you that they ruin everyone else experience? Just by trolling or behaving like idiots.
- not enough good stuff for ZC and feeding enemy team with free points during ZC
- looting our guys, who we can still defibrillate, making them unable to fight
- limiting their contribution to actions to hiding, looting and running away
Those are all things that can ruin pvp/game experience and also good reasons to kill somebody asap.
Nobody likes to be team killed, sure, but sometimes there is good reason for this. And maybe instead on crying they should start thinking why...

+over 9000

Kink developers will never win with exploiters and trolls in that game
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: John Porno on September 22, 2014, 10:18:11 AM
mojuk, you are raising valid points and even in v tec, while we didnt have any teamkilling, we lost a few battles against lawyers due to score when our main force had done quite well.

However, we both know the fonline community long enough to know that some people are a lot more trigger happy than others, especially in BBS. It's is no surprise nor coincidence that the known "pk's" from 2238 get all the teamkill reports now.

As other people have said, this is something the players themselves have to find a solution for. Of course the current reputation system is flawed as you can simply pay for your sins by donating more relics for rep. However, I've also been getting reports of players wanting to leave lawyers so they don't have to play with such immature people.

I believe in the fonline spirit that everyone should be able to be killed (almost) everywhere so friendly fire will not be turned off: Instead, the players themselves should get the opportunity to punish those who teamkill. If a team of players wants to play that way, then the game mechanics should allow the rest of the community to sanction that behavior and I hope we can develop the game in a way where it's more effective than now.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: wojciech on September 22, 2014, 10:22:58 AM
mojuk, you are raising valid points and even in v tec, while we didnt have any teamkilling, we lost a few battles against lawyers due to score when our main force had done quite well.

However, we both know the fonline community long enough to know that some people are a lot more trigger happy than others, especially in BBS. It's is no surprise nor coincidence that the known "pk's" from 2238 get all the teamkill reports now.

As other people have said, this is something the players themselves have to find a solution for. Of course the current reputation system is flawed as you can simply pay for your sins by donating more relics for rep. However, I've also been getting reports of players wanting to leave lawyers so they don't have to play with such immature people.

I believe in the fonline spirit that everyone should be able to be killed (almost) everywhere so friendly fire will not be turned off: Instead, the players themselves should get the opportunity to punish those who teamkill. If a team of players wants to play that way, then the game mechanics should allow the rest of the community to sanction that behavior and I hope we can develop the game in a way where it's more effective than now.

Next important thing is that some playes just dont want do pvp, they are interested in scavenging or exploring so we must respect all gamestyles, not only pure pvp. Thats why people are complaining on BBS, cuz BBS are well known like pro masters.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: greenthumb on September 22, 2014, 10:29:37 AM

What if I tell you that they ruin everyone else experience? Just by trolling or behaving like idiots.
- looting our guys, who we can still defibrillate, making them unable to fight
What if I tell you that your own mates do the same? This lunoi guy is gypsylooter more than any of your victims.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Butthead on September 22, 2014, 10:34:15 AM
create another faction for them "dumbasses" or something
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: mojuk on September 22, 2014, 11:38:51 AM
I'm not saying we are saint (we are far from that) and I know "that some people are a lot more trigger happy than others". I'm aware of some needless kills while scavenging and such but usually they are explained by more or less valid reason, apart from those it's just stupid to do so, ok, agree and such situations should not be tolerated.

My main point however was ZC related kills. Sometimes it may look like unjustified and random kill but if some person was spotted many times doing all those unacceptable things it's only natural you don't want this to happen again. You can try to talk but this usually does not work and only thing you can do is shot. We are trying to limit such actions but sometimes people get too frustrated seeing such behavior repeating over and over again.

Kink it's not like that, that if somebody will not get very good score in ZC or don't come with top gear than we have to kill him. We had many new players or simply loners fighting with us with regular or low gear and they were doing just fine helping their team as much as they were able to. It's people who take jacket + random gun just to baypass ZC gear limitation and go there as vultures. You can see there are people who come, have 0 or almost none score, always stay in back or hidden in building but when somebody drop dead they are first to loot and run.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: greenthumb on September 22, 2014, 11:48:56 AM
At the start i am gona just mention, if you demand some kind of behaviour from others, be sure you arent acting in opposite, otherway whole your message might come pointless.

I know this kind of players exists and usualy there is no way to prevent them doing that, but i am not here to solve this increasing problem, its you who should try to find/suggest solution at this point, becouse mass scale frendly fire isnt proper solution at all.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: wojciech on September 22, 2014, 11:51:55 AM
At the start i am gona just mention, if you demand some kind of behaviour from others, be sure you arent acting in opposite, otherway whole your message might come pointless.

I know this kind of players exists and usualy there is no way to prevent them doing that, but i am not here to solve this increasing problem, its you who should try to find/suggest solution at this point, becouse mass scale frendly fire isnt proper solution at all.

It is impossible to fix it, cuz people are FORCED to play together, people dont like to be forced to do somthing that they didnt want to.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: greenthumb on September 22, 2014, 11:54:53 AM
there is always solution, you have to look for it.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: PorkchopExpress on September 22, 2014, 11:59:56 AM
At the start i am gona just mention, if you demand some kind of behaviour from others, be sure you arent acting in opposite, otherway whole your message might come pointless.

I know this kind of players exists and usualy there is no way to prevent them doing that, but i am not here to solve this increasing problem, its you who should try to find/suggest solution at this point, becouse mass scale frendly fire isnt proper solution at all.

It is impossible to fix it, cuz people are FORCED to play together, people dont like to be forced to do somthing that they didnt want to.

Whos forcing you to anything?Don't want to play with other "noobs"?.Fine, there's a solution to that.Play factionless,kill whoever you want but don't expect you'll have same treatment  as those guys in faction.Meaning,no room to stash your stuff,you gotta find somewhere else to stash help from others, but hey,you can go on killing spree against everybody because you know,BBS and all other pros don't need anyone else,others are just in their way.If you dont like it that way, FO2/Reloaded/TLA is in other direction.And for those who start TK perma ban.As for other members looting your stuff.Why not implement that for first few minutes only squad members can loot each other,and after timer is off,it's FFA.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: wojciech on September 22, 2014, 12:48:55 PM
At the start i am gona just mention, if you demand some kind of behaviour from others, be sure you arent acting in opposite, otherway whole your message might come pointless.

I know this kind of players exists and usualy there is no way to prevent them doing that, but i am not here to solve this increasing problem, its you who should try to find/suggest solution at this point, becouse mass scale frendly fire isnt proper solution at all.

It is impossible to fix it, cuz people are FORCED to play together, people dont like to be forced to do somthing that they didnt want to.

Whos forcing you to anything?Don't want to play with other "noobs"?.Fine, there's a solution to that.Play factionless,kill whoever you want but don't expect you'll have same  as those guys in faction.Meaning,no room to stash your stuff,you gotta find somewhere else to stash help from others, but hey,you can go on killing spree against everybody because you know,BBS and all other pros don't need anyone else,others are just in theirI way.f you dont like it that way, FO2/Reloaded/TLA is in other direction.And for those who start TK perma ban.As for other members looting your stuff.Why not implement that for first few minutes only squad members can loot each other,and after timer is off,it's FFA.

You re making good anti advertisement for AoP. "If You re not happy on that server, fuck off and go play other servers". So mature... 
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: The Brazilian Slaughter on September 22, 2014, 01:16:56 PM
Lol is the Teamkilling problem that bad on Lawyers? I had a teamkill incident once in The Family and I was shooting some polish guy because he looted from a dead friend whose stuff I was guarding (I think he didn't understand me when I told him to stay away from the stuff). I didn't even kill him, I just sent him into minus HP and then he fled because I didn't know about regen at the time. Even then, karma exists - Golden Geckos ate him in the end while fleeing with his ill-gotten gains and we got my friend's stuff back!

We are too busy shooting swarms to shoot at each other, I guess. Family doesn't shoot Family, or as the wise sage BLOBERT was recorded to have said - BROS DON'T SHOOT BROS IN COLD BOLD BRO!
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: PorkchopExpress on September 22, 2014, 01:33:03 PM
At the start i am gona just mention, if you demand some kind of behaviour from others, be sure you arent acting in opposite, otherway whole your message might come pointless.

I know this kind of players exists and usualy there is no way to prevent them doing that, but i am not here to solve this increasing problem, its you who should try to find/suggest solution at this point, becouse mass scale frendly fire isnt proper solution at all.

It is impossible to fix it, cuz people are FORCED to play together, people dont like to be forced to do somthing that they didnt want to.

Whos forcing you to anything?Don't want to play with other "noobs"?.Fine, there's a solution to that.Play factionless,kill whoever you want but don't expect you'll have same  as those guys in faction.Meaning,no room to stash your stuff,you gotta find somewhere else to stash help from others, but hey,you can go on killing spree against everybody because you know,BBS and all other pros don't need anyone else,others are just in theirI way.f you dont like it that way, FO2/Reloaded/TLA is in other direction.And for those who start TK perma ban.As for other members looting your stuff.Why not implement that for first few minutes only squad members can loot each other,and after timer is off,it's FFA.

You re making good anti advertisement for AoP. "If You re not happy on that server, fuck off and go play other servers". So mature...

Don't understand what exactly you want?For server to change entire concept?They never aimed or will ever aim to be as other Fonline server,devs said it themselves countless of times.It's simple, you guys want to change one of core mechanics,it doesn't work that way.You don't like the concept,the main idea of server?Don't play it,simple as that,who's forcing you?Funny thing is ,AOP actually gives you choices and to do as you want,to go factionless if you want but it's not recommended,because it wasn't inteded that way,but you can STILL DO IT if YOU WANT.Nobody is forcing anyone to anything here.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: wojciech on September 22, 2014, 01:42:08 PM
At the start i am gona just mention, if you demand some kind of behaviour from others, be sure you arent acting in opposite, otherway whole your message might come pointless.

I know this kind of players exists and usualy there is no way to prevent them doing that, but i am not here to solve this increasing problem, its you who should try to find/suggest solution at this point, becouse mass scale frendly fire isnt proper solution at all.

It is impossible to fix it, cuz people are FORCED to play together, people dont like to be forced to do somthing that they didnt want to.

Whos forcing you to anything?Don't want to play with other "noobs"?.Fine, there's a solution to that.Play factionless,kill whoever you want but don't expect you'll have same  as those guys in faction.Meaning,no room to stash your stuff,you gotta find somewhere else to stash help from others, but hey,you can go on killing spree against everybody because you know,BBS and all other pros don't need anyone else,others are just in theirI way.f you dont like it that way, FO2/Reloaded/TLA is in other direction.And for those who start TK perma ban.As for other members looting your stuff.Why not implement that for first few minutes only squad members can loot each other,and after timer is off,it's FFA.

You re making good anti advertisement for AoP. "If You re not happy on that server, fuck off and go play other servers". So mature...

Don't understand what exactly you want?For server to change entire concept?They never aimed or will ever aim to be as other Fonline server,devs said it themselves countless of times.It's simple, you guys want to change one of core mechanics,it doesn't work that way.You don't like the concept,the main idea of server?Don't play it,simple as that,who's forcing you?Funny thing is ,AOP actually gives you choices and to do as you want,to go factionless if you want but it's not recommended,because it wasn't inteded that way,but you can STILL DO IT if YOU WANT.Nobody is forcing anyone to anything here.

You re sayin perma ban for TK, so I will ask why ban for it? I cant have fun with killing some retards in my faction? It gives me a lot of fun and makes me happy more than participating in ZC.

You re just sayin that Your truth is better than my truth ye ? You know what is democaracy or maybe You re living in North Korea?
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: PorkchopExpress on September 22, 2014, 02:43:57 PM
At the start i am gona just mention, if you demand some kind of behaviour from others, be sure you arent acting in opposite, otherway whole your message might come pointless.

I know this kind of players exists and usualy there is no way to prevent them doing that, but i am not here to solve this increasing problem, its you who should try to find/suggest solution at this point, becouse mass scale frendly fire isnt proper solution at all.

It is impossible to fix it, cuz people are FORCED to play together, people dont like to be forced to do somthing that they didnt want to.

Whos forcing you to anything?Don't want to play with other "noobs"?.Fine, there's a solution to that.Play factionless,kill whoever you want but don't expect you'll have same  as those guys in faction.Meaning,no room to stash your stuff,you gotta find somewhere else to stash help from others, but hey,you can go on killing spree against everybody because you know,BBS and all other pros don't need anyone else,others are just in theirI way.f you dont like it that way, FO2/Reloaded/TLA is in other direction.And for those who start TK perma ban.As for other members looting your stuff.Why not implement that for first few minutes only squad members can loot each other,and after timer is off,it's FFA.

You re making good anti advertisement for AoP. "If You re not happy on that server, fuck off and go play other servers". So mature...

Don't understand what exactly you want?For server to change entire concept?They never aimed or will ever aim to be as other Fonline server,devs said it themselves countless of times.It's simple, you guys want to change one of core mechanics,it doesn't work that way.You don't like the concept,the main idea of server?Don't play it,simple as that,who's forcing you?Funny thing is ,AOP actually gives you choices and to do as you want,to go factionless if you want but it's not recommended,because it wasn't inteded that way,but you can STILL DO IT if YOU WANT.Nobody is forcing anyone to anything here.

You re sayin perma ban for TK, so I will ask why ban for it? I cant have fun with killing some retards in my faction? It gives me a lot of fun and makes me happy more than participating in ZC.

You re just sayin that Your truth is better than my truth ye ? You know what is democaracy or maybe You re living in North Korea?

Democracy?Dude,seriously?Did you read the game rules before starting this server?You agreed to those before making character.Your freedom stops where another man's begins.It's MMO,means you play with other people,means you cannot go around killing other players from same faction and ruining their fun.It's written in freaking Game Rules,you should check them.For those idiots who loot your or someone else's  stuff,that can be solved,  i stated  one of solutions in earlier posts.As far as i'm concerned go kill your "retards" but don't come whining on forum asking for unban(not pointing you,could be anyone).I'll repeat myself once more,you're not supposed kill your own faction members,it's not how game was designed.If you want to kill everyone go factionless or another server where you don't play in big factions.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: wojciech on September 22, 2014, 02:58:44 PM
At the start i am gona just mention, if you demand some kind of behaviour from others, be sure you arent acting in opposite, otherway whole your message might come pointless.

I know this kind of players exists and usualy there is no way to prevent them doing that, but i am not here to solve this increasing problem, its you who should try to find/suggest solution at this point, becouse mass scale frendly fire isnt proper solution at all.

It is impossible to fix it, cuz people are FORCED to play together, people dont like to be forced to do somthing that they didnt want to.

Whos forcing you to anything?Don't want to play with other "noobs"?.Fine, there's a solution to that.Play factionless,kill whoever you want but don't expect you'll have same  as those guys in faction.Meaning,no room to stash your stuff,you gotta find somewhere else to stash help from others, but hey,you can go on killing spree against everybody because you know,BBS and all other pros don't need anyone else,others are just in theirI way.f you dont like it that way, FO2/Reloaded/TLA is in other direction.And for those who start TK perma ban.As for other members looting your stuff.Why not implement that for first few minutes only squad members can loot each other,and after timer is off,it's FFA.

You re making good anti advertisement for AoP. "If You re not happy on that server, fuck off and go play other servers". So mature...

Don't understand what exactly you want?For server to change entire concept?They never aimed or will ever aim to be as other Fonline server,devs said it themselves countless of times.It's simple, you guys want to change one of core mechanics,it doesn't work that way.You don't like the concept,the main idea of server?Don't play it,simple as that,who's forcing you?Funny thing is ,AOP actually gives you choices and to do as you want,to go factionless if you want but it's not recommended,because it wasn't inteded that way,but you can STILL DO IT if YOU WANT.Nobody is forcing anyone to anything here.

You re sayin perma ban for TK, so I will ask why ban for it? I cant have fun with killing some retards in my faction? It gives me a lot of fun and makes me happy more than participating in ZC.

You re just sayin that Your truth is better than my truth ye ? You know what is democaracy or maybe You re living in North Korea?

Democracy?Dude,seriously?Did you read the game rules before starting this server?You agreed to those before making character.Your freedom stops where another man's begins.It's MMO,means you play with other people,means you cannot go around killing other players from same faction and ruining their fun.It's written in freaking Game Rules,you should check them.For those idiots who loot your or someone else's  stuff,that can be solved,  i stated  one of solutions in earlier posts.As far as i'm concerned go kill your "retards" but don't come whining on forum asking for unban(not pointing you,could be anyone).I'll repeat myself once more,you're not supposed kill your own faction members,it's not how game was designed.If you want to kill everyone go factionless or another server where you don't play in big factions.

There will not be solution,never. If it is sitiation with 2 people, its one word against second word, so even screenshoots are not full hmm car accident without witness. If you re alone and you re victim is hard to prove it(in some cases its impossible).
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: greenthumb on September 22, 2014, 03:02:48 PM
stop using quotes retards ^^
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: PorkchopExpress on September 22, 2014, 03:13:57 PM
Yes but you're looking it wrong way.You need to check what's the reason behind pk itself.If its just because you hate someone,and you repeat pks many times against one guy then you should be banned.If it's because hes looting your teams' stuff there s a solution to that.Only problematic one is if you believe somebody is spy,don't really see a way to detect it.Maybe start checking were you attacked by enemy faction from behind every time x player was playing with you and then report to dev to monitor him or something?Everything can be solved but it requires will to work from both sides;devs and players.But every time one of those "im untouchable pro,bow down to me" in my own faction starts killing one of my teammates i'll enjoy pking them ,no matter the cost.Interesting how few bad mouths destroy order within faction....
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Myakot on September 22, 2014, 09:47:35 PM
"You re just sayin that Your truth is better than my truth ye ? You know what is democaracy or maybe You re living in North Korea?"
You do understand that you act the EXACTLY SAME WAY to everyone else on this server? Every argument of yours is "my truth is better than yours". And btw, by all means why are you not banned already? There is a giant updated warning in game rules that TKers will be banned, and here you are with:
"You re sayin perma ban for TK, so I will ask why ban for it? I cant have fun with killing some retards in my faction? It gives me a lot of fun and makes me happy more than participating in ZC."
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Klot on September 23, 2014, 12:34:22 AM
I really liked this server alot until i saw this thread.
Serious, Devs did a great job, i like this world.....

But: wtf are you thinking Kink? Have you ever been to ZC?
Come onto ANY Temspeak/Mumble i bet its the same. Players complaining about randoms running around, blocking the PvPers that took a certain positon, looting, running around impatiently like beheaded chickens.
If i deploy my BG and i have 1 or 2 non-squadmembers with fucking rifles infront of me, i shoot. I tell them once to move. if there is no battle i might even explain why, but if we engage enemy that nub has to learn about burstlines the hard way.

Maybe he even does realise his mistake and moves. Into the firingline of the next burster.
So TL DR: curious nub walks infront of PvP Squad during battle. And i get - by your new carebear rule - the ban?
Wtf where you thinking when posting that shit ?

Edit: Players not playing the game the way Devs wanted them to is what killed 2238. Think about it.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: hell on September 23, 2014, 12:53:20 AM
Agree, don't forget to mention that defending faction must attack first and leave their postition cuz some random noob decided to embrace enemy himself or rush to loot enemy or ours in middle of fight giving them free points. Better kill those bluesuits before enemy does.

This is not about TK's.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: wojciech on September 23, 2014, 01:32:40 AM
"You re just sayin that Your truth is better than my truth ye ? You know what is democaracy or maybe You re living in North Korea?"
You do understand that you act the EXACTLY SAME WAY to everyone else on this server? Every argument of yours is "my truth is better than yours". And btw, by all means why are you not banned already? There is a giant updated warning in game rules that TKers will be banned, and here you are with:
"You re sayin perma ban for TK, so I will ask why ban for it? I cant have fun with killing some retards in my faction? It gives me a lot of fun and makes me happy more than participating in ZC."

Banned for ? Writing my opinion? It is not North Korea. Read about 2238 how it ended when developers forced players to do some strange things...We dont want the same mistakes on AoP thats why we re discussing, mr Sherlock.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Myakot on September 23, 2014, 01:39:57 AM
You are not only "writing" your opinion, you TK all over, you've said it yourself.
What's up with NK? What does it even have to do with this situation? I though that every country prohibits killing fellow citizens.
Banned for? For breaking game rules! Is that reason not enough or what?
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Kelly on September 23, 2014, 02:10:09 AM
If people are so eager to go out and kill other players seperate of ZC, why not juat join a smaller faction? Some factions (Family 4 lief) are quite lacking in numbers, and you'd have no problem just journeying out into the wasteland and killing off a few looters. You'd (maybe) even get a nice little fight going, too. The only reason people are arguing against this whole TK ban is because they enjoy leeching off the gear of unsuspecting players.

For punishing looters, just be patient. If you've been paying attention you should know that the ban on TKing is temporary. The reputation system is diligently being worked on by developers. Everyone just needs to be patient as they figure out a way to make things fair, a task I'm sure is far from easy.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Kink on September 23, 2014, 04:45:11 AM
Edit: Players not playing the game the way Devs wanted them to is what killed 2238. Think about it.

Maybe, but Team Killing as we see it in the Lawyer faction is even worst, killing the game 3 weeks after the release. What we saw was just anti-game. This temporary rule is for the best right now, unless players behave smarter.

Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: paragon on September 23, 2014, 05:03:04 AM
Let's imagine you played for quite long and got pretty much of items in your room. E.g. for craft. They are hard to replace, cuz they are heavy weighted.
Some of players will need several hours to put those things to a different faction.
Also there's no proof it won't happen again in there.

Banned for ? Writing my opinion? It is not North Korea. Read about 2238 how it ended when developers forced players to do some strange things...We dont want the same mistakes on AoP thats why we re discussing, mr Sherlock.

As far as I've seen you said that this server sux in many things, and still you're trying to force to go "the right way". Also I've even seen you said you won't play this server until wipe, aren't you? I'm not 100% sure.
Do not try to apply others' servers rules to this one, it doesn't follow your idea of Fallout, it has its own way and "mistakes" made on different server could have a success in here.

The truth is that some "Pro bands" are believing that they are cool enough to determine the way of all players in "their" faction should play. Sometimes it's correct because "feeding enemy free points" and other stuff is obviously wrong, but it's abusable.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: John Porno on September 23, 2014, 06:16:06 AM
Maybe he even does realise his mistake and moves. Into the firingline of the next burster.
So TL DR: curious nub walks infront of PvP Squad during battle. And i get - by your new carebear rule - the ban?
Wtf where you thinking when posting that shit ?
The ban only really applies to intentional teamkilling. Killing randoms because they were stupid enough to walk in front of a deployed machinegunner falls in the accidental category.

And no, for everyone that's trying to exploit what I said just now, it does NOT mean that all teamkilling is suddenly legit just because you used an mg.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Fayfay on September 23, 2014, 08:01:14 AM
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Captain Chilly on September 23, 2014, 08:37:48 AM
i'm not sure about how al lthe squad gets punished thing, beucase for example, in the family, we usually form huge squads, promote a bit of people and leave it like that, squads have Dozens of people in them, so if one player PKs i don't think ti's qutie fair to punish all other squadmates, unless  ,of course, if you punish those who were with him

the mark or forgive system would work quite well, actually
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: John Porno on September 23, 2014, 09:26:07 AM
you have to differentiate between squads and platoons. I was talking about the platoons and I guess everybody else was as well.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Butthead on September 23, 2014, 09:40:09 AM
Ok so in result tk is allowed or not allowed or something?
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Deathproof on September 23, 2014, 10:23:49 AM
Its shame people who are complaining against the rule can't put themselves in a situation of a completely new fonline players. I played on 2238 and fo2 and I know whole mentality wasteland is harsh. But there it was every man for himself (unless you were part of the faction).

We have a different situation here, 4 factions in a war. But people hold the same mentality every man for himself here. Now imagine if you are completely new to this game and you think, oh sweet I got loads of teammates they will protect me and we will together fight the enemy, just to find out later 2 guys shot him after 1 hour of scavenging so they can get loot free and easy ? Thats why the rule was implemented. For those attentional non team behavior.

I've been in zc situation where there are noobs looting and opening doors and not listening, yes it went on my nerves but I shrugged it off, next time I'll be smarter not to call out on main chat and will make a squad for it. Or the next time that guy that didn't listen calls for help on the gate or wherever nobody will show up and he will start to understand.

TL.DR. Its not the same fonline as others and there are bunch of noobs that never played fonline in general. Let them learn, no need to be an asshole
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: wojciech on September 23, 2014, 10:32:42 AM

Its not the same fonline as others and there are bunch of noobs that never played fonline in general. Let them learn, no need to be an asshole
Newbies. Ye but sadly always old players will beat those new cuz they dont know mechanic of that game and for 90 % newbies ends with quitting game :D

Solution for it is to teach teamates in Your "military camp". But we have no military base.
Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Klot on September 23, 2014, 12:28:56 PM
Quote from: Kink

Yes i was told about the fuckery going on in that faction. Ban those jerks if Tespis can't keep them in check. I would say the same about my own squadmembers if anyone misbehaved that way, show him the door.
But it is still madness to make it a general rule.
I predict waves of nubscreenshots after every larger Pvp action.
It's going a bad way imho.

TL.DR. Its not the same fonline as others and there are bunch of noobs that never played fonline in general. Let them learn, no need to be an asshole

Thats the main challenge at the moment and i sense there are two types of veterans trying to solve the problem either by reason or superior firepower. Thats why at least to some degree i understand BBS's actions. (BangBangSmash, not Brahminboys dear new Players) A litle bit of harshnes is needed to get the I-played-NewVegas-dont-lecture-me players line.
A litle bit. Like a litle cold in the autumn is good for your imunesystem. But BBS is like fucking ebola and needs to be put in check.

Quote from: wojciech

Oh my, we tried. We tried inviting them to our TS. We tried to convince them they are missing a vital part of the game if they rely on factionchat.
But they know so litle, they have no means to imagine how much they suck.
It's like Plato's allegory of the cave. We even have Chatarmy PvP leaders.

Title: Re: PK - What to do ?
Post by: Kink on September 23, 2014, 01:10:08 PM
I agree with the fact  : this general rule sucks, but we didn't have other choices, and it's why it's temporary.

As i told in another topic : picture can't be a proof, Gm have to be witness of what happen, we can't be here all the time, but keep in mind that we will not joking if we see players crossing the line.

Just be patient, we are not 20 developers on the project so keep in mind we are fixing bugs by priorities, with the time we have. Your arguments are all valid, and i share this point of view, i'd like to have others options but unless we fix the reputation abuse issue wich is allowing some players to do whatever they want, we don't have the choice or it's players hemorragy.

Be sure, as we worked until now, we are doing our best to provide you the best experience possible.