FOnline: Ashes of Phoenix

General section => Game Tips & Guides => Topic started by: Poker-Jack on September 13, 2014, 03:55:17 PM

Title: [Lawyers]New to Fonline? OPEN THIS
Post by: Poker-Jack on September 13, 2014, 03:55:17 PM
For those who don't know me, I'm Jack. Been playing Fonline for a few years since Fonline2238. I typically play the loud-mouthed good samaritan, and this season will be no different. I open my arms to the new players of the wasteland. Knowing just how hard it was to play such an unforgiving and harsh game, I want to make that transition easier for the many of you who may be for the first time touching your feet to the wasteland sand!

If you're new to the Fonline world, or maybe if you're just new to this iteration of the game, I'd like to welcome you to my squad of Fluent English Speakers.

If you'd like some help getting started, and like to learn the ropes with some other friendly fellows, please, feel free to join us on my mumble server. A few requirements must be met however:

-Must be FLUENT in English. (Accents must be understandable)
-MUST be on mumble to take part in our endeavors, this makes it much easier to carry out missions and tasks.
-Must maintain a friendly and warm attitude, we will not tolerate anyone making our wasteland time any more stressful than it is! :D

Please message me here in order to get my mumble information. Hope to be of help to you new players out there!