FOnline: Ashes of Phoenix

General section => General Discussions => Topic started by: Captain Chilly on September 11, 2014, 04:24:20 AM

Title: RDM
Post by: Captain Chilly on September 11, 2014, 04:24:20 AM
please for the love of god, understand this, this game is faction based, you're not suppsoed to shoot everyone you see, you're supposed to kil lenemy faction members, if you want to just RDM then you can go back to Fonline Gayloaded,

here i'll make it easy for ya:
Brahmin boys are light orange
Vtecs are blue
Lawyers are Gray
Family is Dark orange
so, if you're Blue, shoot the light orange guys
if you're Dark orange, shoot the gray guys
don't go around murdering everyone, they did nothing wrong
except for V tecs
those guys are assholes, at least brahmin boys don't RDM as much as them
Title: Re: RDM
Post by: Myakot on September 11, 2014, 04:33:03 AM
Yay, internet doesn't consider us the worst! What an achievement ;D.
V-tecs don't attack everyone they see either, those are just some particular players (Denis's band).
Title: Re: RDM
Post by: Captain Chilly on September 11, 2014, 08:14:35 AM
omfg, Denis and his gank squad, they gang banged me countles stimes, but then again , today i got timed out in the core and a vtec passed next to me, healed me and continued his journey, when i logged back in i found that my hp was back at 100% and saw a vtec guy leaving

thank you, random citizen
Title: Re: RDM
Post by: Casual on September 11, 2014, 09:10:51 AM
I play on V-Tech, i was never shot by ally + they always try to help me, if iam on danger like FA me etc. Maybe u are on noob faction?
Title: Re: RDM
Post by: Fayfay on September 11, 2014, 09:17:35 AM
You don't get it. He's talking about lot of people shoot on sight any guy of an other faction, whatever the faction is.
Title: Re: RDM
Post by: S.T.A.L.K.E.R on September 11, 2014, 09:19:07 AM
Dafuq is RDM
Title: Re: RDM
Post by: Captain Chilly on September 11, 2014, 09:48:13 AM
Dafuq is RDM

Random Deathmatch
Title: Re: RDM
Post by: Herbie on September 11, 2014, 09:53:55 AM
I understand what you mean, but no.
Title: Re: RDM
Post by: Nunn on September 11, 2014, 10:12:27 AM
I shoot anyone that isn't Blue since anyone that isn't blue is likely going to be shooting back at me :P
My bitterness has been caused by continually getting killed ganked by Lawyers.
Title: Re: RDM
Post by: Herbie on September 11, 2014, 10:40:34 AM
it actually seems pointless to make this kind of statement :
- let's make alliance
- Be nice to people of other faction.
- Do not loot people of you own faction
- ...
Title: Re: RDM
Post by: faopcurious on September 11, 2014, 04:38:08 PM
There are team killers in lawyers too(*cough* SEKI).  This is what happens when you have corrupt cop theme:P
Title: Re: RDM
Post by: MARXMAN on September 11, 2014, 06:17:11 PM
I try not to shoot on sight, I really do, but people make it hard to trust that you wont be ganked instantly.  One time I helped out some Lawyers in Warmart and killed some Family members with them.  We came to the mutual conclusion that we wouldn't kill each other if we saw each other again.  Saw them again a day or 2 later, said "hey" and got bursted in the face.   Isn't the only time things like this have happened, so that's pretty much why I ALWAYS shoot enemy faction members if they're armed.

This game jades all of its players that's why peace can never happen.

Also people like *cough* Adrenaline & Zxcz *cough* dont help.
Title: Re: RDM
Post by: Feervich on September 11, 2014, 06:24:28 PM
If they're not orangeish-brown, mow them down!
Title: Re: RDM
Post by: John Porno on September 11, 2014, 06:28:49 PM
I play on V-Tech, i was never shot by ally + they always try to help me, if iam on danger like FA me etc. Maybe u are on noob faction?

Also, the namecolorising shows you teh faction, but the contours show you the reputation towards your faction.
Title: Re: RDM
Post by: Captain Chilly on September 12, 2014, 06:59:48 AM
countless are the times i had to give sexual favors to V techers so they'd let my sorry unarmed ass live, because you never take your supportive combat armor and M16 to the core, you just don't

you also never take your remington shotugn or your speed loaded M29 revolver
Title: Re: RDM
Post by: BG Sexpert on September 12, 2014, 10:16:20 AM
Faction wide cease fires would pretty much require the cooperation of some of the larger squads within the factions. As of right now, none of the larger squads seem to be wanting peace.

Not exactly surprising. Maybe at some point a peace treaty will be made for the need of combined forces against an enemy. Until then, solo solo players will have to assume its a shoot-first ask-later scenario with every other faction.
Title: Re: RDM
Post by: Captain Chilly on September 22, 2014, 11:05:41 AM
actualy, BBs and Lawyers haven't been killing eachother these days, they're actually helping eachother