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Traits Suggestions
« on: March 14, 2014, 12:22:54 AM »

I think traits should change your character in a unique way, in both of they effect, the positive and the negative.
Traits that affect a primary attribute turns becoming a generic bonus/malus as you can rearrange your SPECIALs as you want. For example, heavy handed and four eyes have (almost) the same drawback. So, unless the purpose of a trait is to give a generic SPECIAL bonus (like the old gifted, which btw was really OP), I would prefer other option than those stats bonus.

Here what I suggest (numbers can be tweaked)
- Bruiser: +25 HP and +10% critical ST /same drawback (good for tanks, more durability in trade of DpS)
- Small frame: your small size makes you harder to hit, you get 20 AC bonus that is active even if you aren’t moving / same drawback
- Heavy handed: same bonus/ you have 10% less chances to cause any critical hit (more similar to the original trait)
- Four Eyes: same bonus/ -30% to critical PE

Some traits like Dead man walking, drug dealer and blind luck are so situational that i can’t think of any kind of character that will pick those when there are better options.
May be some of them should be converted in support perks (like drug dealer and dead man walking bonus)

I would also like to have a lot of traits to choose, to allow for a better character customization. Some suggestions:

- Barbarian: unlock melee weapons perks require 50 less skill points and throwing require 25 less / unlock fire guns perks require 25 more skill points and item perks require 50 more

- Bloody mess: any bleed you inflict is increased by 15% / any bleed you receive its increased by 30%

- Gifted: you gain 5 extra SPECIAL points, but you don’t have tag skills

- Masochist: You enjoy pain and suffering, each time you receive direct damage you get an AP Bonus*, in the other hand you hate begin healed, any heal made on you have 50% less effect.
*it can be a fixed amount of AP like 5, but I think it will be more balanced if the amount depends on the damage (like 20% of the damage received), so this way the AP bonus its kind of limited by your HP, and doesn’t matter if the attacker weapon have low or high RoF

- Ham fisted: your big hands allow you to absorb better the weapon recoil making burst more accurate, you  get +10% max range for burst or full auto attack modes / but they also difficult the task of reloading, 25% more AP cost for reloading or unjamming your weapons

- One in a million: You dont always score a critical hit, but when you do...
Your criticals have tree times more power / but when you score a critical hit you have 66% chance that will be reverted to a normal hit

- Vampire blood: your blood coagulates faster, you get +15 bleed resistance/ but you have developed a strange weakness against light sources, you get -10% DR to fire and laser

- Death Trance:  when your hp are below 40% you enter in a berserker rage, you get +2ST, +2AP regeneration bonus, and you ignore any crippling effect, but your PE and CH are lowered to 1 / as you cant feel pain, you usually get worse injuries, any doctor check made on you has 50% more difficult, and you receive 20% more bandage when healed.

- Exoskeleton: A strange mutation provides you with a exoskeleton, you get +2DT and +5%DR / unfortunally this armor often complicate your wounds, You have -15% critical resistance

- Paranoia: you are constantly checking around but cannot focus on whats on your front, your sight range its reduced by 30%, but you can see at max distance in every direction (hex shaped FoV)

Some of them may require better names/ descriptions, or balance tweaks. or are even extremely broken...
So, what do you think?
« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 12:33:08 AM by SnowCrash »


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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2014, 10:36:46 PM »

Baked - When you were a child you mother acidencly put you in oven ,insted some gecko meat cake , 90% of wather in your system evaporeted making you almost non electrition conductiv but ready to burn (*ADDED New idea* or dusty so you have high resit to elect and plasma but kinetick weapons kick your ass expecialy explosivis and hth, ofkors +to plasma and elec resist, - to all other, and bonus -  to expolisons and hth) . You get 70% electric resistence but you also get -50% fire resist (numbers debatable)

« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 05:48:53 PM by PusiteGA »

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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2014, 12:29:16 PM »

A lot of these are really good ideas. The trait system is pretty meh as it stands.


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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2014, 12:46:23 PM »

I was actually recently thinking about traits and I forgot about this thread.

To be honest, I'm not very fan of what we currently have for traits. I would really appreciate to see someone starting building a list of 17 traits (that's the max it seems we can have) that we could perhaps use instead of ours. That would help us a lot.


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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2014, 10:35:30 AM »

The list of 17 holy thingies

1- Bloody mess: any bleed you inflict is increased by 15% / any bleed you receive its increased by 30% (is ok nothing special i think the bleeding shoud get boosted dont know didient try it in game)
2- Masochist: You enjoy pain and suffering, each time you receive direct damage 20% of goes to your AP
3- Berzaker:  when your hp are below 40% you enter in a berserker rage, you get +2ST, +2AP regeneration bonus, and you ignore any crippling effect, but your PE and CH are lowered to 1 / as you cant feel pain, you usually get worse injuries, any doctor check made on you has 50% more difficult, and you receive 20% more bandage when healed.
4- Exoskeleton: A strange mutation provides you with a exoskeleton, you get +2DT and +5%DR / unfortunally this armor often complicate your wounds, You have -15% critical resistance (and slower runing if posible)
5- Paranoia: you are constantly checking around but cannot focus on whats on your front, your sight range its reduced by 30%, but you can see at max distance in every direction (hex shaped FoV)
6- Small frame: your small size makes you harder to hit, you get 20 AC bonus that is active even if you aren’t moving / same drawback
7- Bruiser: +25 HP and +10% critical ST but beacuse you are big dude it is hard to miss you, you get - 20AC (but i like how it is now)
8- Fast shoot: 10% less action points for shooting but you cant use aimed shoots
9- Jinxed: Evrytime sombody misses you he gets criticall mis whit at least -2 on his defensiv crit roll on the other side you are realy clumshy you get -3 strengh for weapon handling trowing and -10% for all your critical defences
10- Sticky Blood: Your blood is like a glue it just wont flow out your body so you get 15% to bleed resist and to die you have to go -40hp but it comes whit cost you suffer from kinetick weapons you get -20DR and -5DT when facing Explosivs and Mele damage
11- Baked: Your mother put you acidancly in owen(insted some gecko cake) so it evaporeted all water in you, alowing  you to play alot whit electrical thingis whit no fear from geting shocked you get +50 to siance and +50DR and 10DT vs electricion but low water means you get no healing rate and you get -30 to poisen and radioation resist
12- The wey of Shadow aka Ninja:  You grown up in feudal Japan and you were train in deady art of ninja you get +50 to sneek and -5 sec to sneek penalty time but you are unconwectional whit modern weapons so you get -80 to Small guns, Big Guns,Energy Weapons
13- Four Eyes: same bonus/ -30% to critical PE
14- Barbarian: unlock melee weapons perks require 50 less skill points and throwing require 25 less / unlock fire guns perks require 25 more skill points and item perks require 50 more
15- Heavy handed: +30mele dmg but you get - 15%  critical chance
16- Peoples Man: Your unselfish concern for other may be detrimental to yourself, but it benefits the group, You get 2 +ch for determining leadership boosts for other, but -3ch for applaying them to yourself and you can beacome Squad Leader whit 150 leadership
17- The Chosen One: Your ego is too big but your winer is small nobody loves you and you dont give a f you get - 2 to all stats but you get +50dmg to all weapons This Traits uses 2 points
« Last Edit: April 21, 2014, 06:16:51 AM by PusiteGA »


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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2014, 06:58:11 AM »

There are some interesting things over here, though some will be hard to script at first sight. Looking at Ninja trait, I think that having a trait called 'Shi' could be nice.

I think you should continue to imagine more traits, as for now you picked a lot of 'extreme' traits (Bloody mess, Masochist, Berzerker, Barbarian,...). It would be necessary to overview all the possible character profiles and set up traits that will suit different types of players. Not everyone wanna be a beast. Traits should regularly impact your Derived stats too.

I cannot really answer for the balance though, for example on Masochist.

There are some traits that I don't like at first sight:

- 'The wey of Shadow aka Ninja' seems too much sneak-hth oriented, and will be useless for everyone else.
- I'm not much fan of Barbarian, it should be called Raider blood or something and the effect isn't that interesting.
- Sticky blood seems too much situational, btw your char goes to -100 to die by default.
- Baked is too specific too.
- I'm not sure I wanna have Jinxed at all, I think it worked well on Fallout games but I don't think it could find its place here, aside from trolling chars.
- Peoples Man seems to refer to the current Altruist trait. We consider this trait to be a poor choice, limited to leaders and completely overpowered.
- Chosen One effect seems way too extreme.
- Vampire Blood. Vampire? Take that shit away from me. =p was never fan of bringing that into the Wasteland since Fallout 3.

Those effects I like:

- SnowCrash, your version of Gifted is interesting, and I'd like at least one trait to deeply impact your SPECIAL, at the cost of Derived stats/skills. No tag allowed seems to be rather extreme though, and would conflict with our soft cap system where you can only raise your non tagged skills up to your tagged skills levels after level 24.
- Masochist could be really nice but it needs thinking and calculations to be made.
- Ham Fisted is quite funny. Depends on what we have next.
- One in a million could constitute a really nice change to combat feeling but could also affect balance a lot, making some crits really imba.
- Death Trance / Berzerker could really be the kind of effect we would like. This brings another sweet thingy to combat.


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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2014, 11:07:03 AM »

So you want Traits thet can go for all character and i am to for removin Jinxed i was just low on idea

I thinked sticky blood and baked was good cuz it makes  you chose who to shoot in group combat


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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2014, 11:31:52 AM »

Not necessarily for all characters but a good diversity would be nice. As I'm making my character, I expect to be thorn apart when choosing my traits, with hopefully at least 3 for which I'll have to carefully think. That would be a good start.


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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2014, 11:52:40 AM »

About gifted, one option will be to keep the 3 tags, but they will raise at normal skill rate (so they will only give the initial skill bonus, and wont interfere with the skill progression after lvl 24). But as you say this drawback can be extreme. Other option I have in mind is:
-You have more innate abilities than most, you gain 4 extra SPECIAL points. But you have not spent as much time honing your defensive skills, you get -20% to all critical resistances


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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2014, 01:38:50 PM »

Dont know if posible to implement this  first one and The Ant and this want will be 100% hard to implement Claustrophobia

Sprinter Gene - Your  grand grandfather runed for life from lions in africa, your grandfather was Usein Bolt, your father was some unknow dude who banged alot so you have too much cousins so he was fast too, like your predesesors you have the speed whitin, you get 30% faster runing speed  the drawback of full focus runing whit bonus of Lions fear is you get -1 or 2 AP regen+ and your sight radius while runing is reduced by 10

BodyBuilder - Like evry bodybuilder you focus on uper body and you end up whit tiny legs you get +20 to Critical Strengh but suffer -20 on Critical Agility and you get high chance to get cripled legs

Katyusha Loader - You and aiming are 2 difrent things  you have 50 miss chance but you fire alot you need 20% lower ap for shooting, 20% faster shooting animation and you get 30% biger magazine (this perk shoud be nice for Machine Gun dudes and grenade louncher bazuka cuz if you can miss you can still hit whit splash or burst)

BackStaber perk - While sneaking, you will cause 2x damage whit mele close combat attacks from behind

Rad Bload - Radiativity fills your blood like battery for evry 50 rad you gain 1 hp per second but your blood is thin so you get - 30 to bleed reisistence

The Ant - You can eat corpses so you gain 40% of corpse max hp the bad side is you have bad breath xD you get no leadership bonuses and you gain half karma for good deads (faction points)

Newspapire - +2 additional skill point whenever a skill book is read but you must have glases to read books (if books get implemented)

Black Widow - 10% more dmg vs oposit sex

Claustrophobia - + 1 to SPECIAL attributes while outdoors but - 1 to SPECIAL attributes while indoors

Skilled - you get +5 more skill point per lvl but you suffer -20% from experience gained

PS i am an copycat i steal from follout3

Alcoholic - You must be drunk and you learned to conpesate the bad effects, whenewer you are dunk  you cant be suppresed winded or disoriented but if you dont drink any alcohol  in evry 20min  you sufer -1 to all stats

The Cameleon - You have nature camo ability you dont need any sthelt boy and you have 10 to limb regen but you get small brain so  -5 to intelegance
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 10:45:40 AM by PusiteGA »

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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2014, 02:46:12 PM »

The 3 hard to implement perks you mentioned would actually be able to be implemented, in the way that similar mechanincs are already present and could be adapted.

I really like bodybuilder, rad bload and the ant and we'll definitely discuss their implementation. I personally like traits like rad bload because I feel like radiation should be a very big thing in a fallout game but at the same time, it should be somewhat balanced in pvp and should force you to do repetitive tasks like drinking a beer every 20mins. Not because the trait is a bad idea, but because the act of clicking the beer in the inventory would be quite annoying after a while.

Dont forget that traits should always have a negative effect, too. Some of your suggestions could be implemented as perks rather than traits.
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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2014, 04:09:20 PM »

The 3 hard to implement perks you mentioned would actually be able to be implemented, in the way that similar mechanincs are already present and could be adapted.

I really like bodybuilder, rad bload and the ant and we'll definitely discuss their implementation. I personally like traits like rad bload because I feel like radiation should be a very big thing in a fallout game but at the same time, it should be somewhat balanced in pvp and should force you to do repetitive tasks like drinking a beer every 20mins. Not because the trait is a bad idea, but because the act of clicking the beer in the inventory would be quite annoying after a while.

Dont forget that traits should always have a negative effect, too. Some of your suggestions could be implemented as perks rather than traits.

about bear you can alwies bind key to drink but for me thet perk isent the best and i like The Ant too expecialy beacuse i hate when i cant loot cuz 1 corps landed on other
« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 04:11:42 PM by PusiteGA »


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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2014, 08:47:31 AM »

Quote from: SnowCrash
About gifted, one option will be to keep the 3 tags, but they will raise at normal skill rate (so they will only give the initial skill bonus, and wont interfere with the skill progression after lvl 24). But as you say this drawback can be extreme. Other option I have in mind is:
-You have more innate abilities than most, you gain 4 extra SPECIAL points. But you have not spent as much time honing your defensive skills, you get -20% to all critical resistances

Your first suggestion sounds interesting though this would have to be tested and balanced for sure. The second one too, but I like it less, it sounds too much like your character won't be able to fight and so Gifted would be only used for some sorts of alts.

About PusiteGA's suggestions:

I agree with John about Bodybuilder, sounds like a potential replacement for bruiser. I'd say that both bonuses and maluses could be more pronounced and that those derived stats modifications would really help to differentiate characters and give them both some sort of 'secret strength' and weakness, which is interesting.

Rad Blood as well is interesting, for sure there should be a trait involving radiation. The Ant is particular, but could be interesting to have depending on the rest.

- I wouldn't keep Sprinter Gene and The Cameleon as they seem to be too convenient for alts, especially if you take both.

- I wouldn't keep Katyusha Loader, Claustrophobia, Alcoholic and Skilled as I think they are too extreme.

- 'Newspapire' and Black Widow sound more like perks, some that you could take after level 24 perhaps.

I think we should start with allocating some slots for dedicated trait types that we want. That should help picking the final list. So, let's see we want:

- 1 Radation trait
- 1 Food trait
- 1 Bleed trait
- 1 SPECIAL trait
- 5 Derived stat modifiers traits

What else do we want?



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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2014, 09:31:01 AM »

About SPECIAL it would be only viable if it gives bonus SPECIAL but dosent remove other special isted hes some other bad thing,
About food perk you want somthing like alcoholic just  no drink meybe: You eat all day your are fat as hell your belly covers your groin so you cant be shoot in it also kinetic weapons bounc of your belly so you get 20DR to them side affect is you cant run alot your moving eats more AP

or eaven better you add food counter  and as much you eat your DR increses  but you get slower max DR shoud be 50% and dont know how much slow in numbers but half, like when you cant run, and about eating you need like 50 foods to get maxed up and you lose 1 evry 15 sec or similar

Criticilator - Your aim critical chance is lowerd by 50 but you get 20 on basic crit

The Balerine - You are so fllufy you use to jump all around it has its good and bads you get 30% to critical agility but lose 30% to critical streingh (number depatable)

Power Holder - Your body has a power place hiden whithin but thet means thet spot isent filled whit meat you get -1 to endurance but you get +20 max AP

« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 10:46:03 AM by PusiteGA »


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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2014, 05:42:40 PM »

Now that the new season its coming, there will be some traits changes? Can we get a preview?


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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2014, 11:12:09 PM »

*No more mister nice guy:  When you get knocked down you get 10% bonus to damage for 6 seconds  ( maybe substitute critted for kod?)
( Derived stat modifiers traits)

*Adrenaline:  10% damage resist when you get hit for 70 hit points of damage or more. for 5 seconds. (alternative name: Duck and cover)

*Run for it:  50% to runspeed for 7 seconds when your hp drop to 1/3, cooldown 30 seconds.
( Derived stat modifiers traits)

*Lucky SOB: 18% chance that an attack that would normally have killed you will leave you with 1hp.

*I'm old school: +100% damage when 1 hexing

*Old hasbeen: your shots take 25% more actionpoints, but you gain 15% damage, and 15% crit chance. ( kind of lame maybe? =/)
( Derived stat modifiers traits)

*Finish The Job: +5% damage, and accuracy when targeting enemies who are down to less than 50% of their max hitpoints.
( Derived stat modifiers traits)

personally i like finish the job, it is not over powered, it doesn't require poor devs to mess with timers, and is pretty straight forward.

« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 11:30:00 PM by faopcurious »


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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2014, 02:54:08 PM »

Keep in mind traits should have both a positive and a negative effect, not just positive like the perks.

I don't know if we have anything new planned at the moment, but I think the gifted trait will probably be implemented. +1 to all stats, no tag skills. It might actually be balanced, though probably not the best trait for beginners.


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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #17 on: August 26, 2014, 03:55:30 PM »

i was making perks and traits.

old has been has both negative and positive effects.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2014, 03:58:36 PM by faopcurious »


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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #18 on: August 26, 2014, 04:42:13 PM »

*Thin blood:
You are twice as likely to start bleeding, but you take 50% less bleeding damage.



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Re: Traits Suggestions
« Reply #19 on: August 26, 2014, 09:29:44 PM »

You gain X2 regen health when eating healthy fruits, and 30% more regen from stims, and your health regen is +3.
you do not receive as much healing from cookies, and you take 10% more damage from poisons, toxins, and you take 5% more damage from energy weapons.
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